Name: Uma (unknown last name)
Age: 16 - 25 years old (depends on the rp)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 6'2
Species: Human to Mutant (depends on rp)
Origin/Nationality: Hispanic/American
Personality: When angered she speaks Spanish, Hot head, Serious, Calm, Annoyed easily, Flirty, a tease especially towards boys, protective of her friends, barely show much emotions but if there's a sensitive topic you will get some reaction
Likes: Motor Cycles, Someone who challenges her, Candy, Bunnies (in secret), kids who are innocent (she tends to be protective of them)
Dislikes: Rude and disrespecting people, bullies especially the ones who target anyone with physical and mental disabilities (she beats the crap out of them), idiots, Everyone afraid of her
Weakness: Taking Too many Risks in life, Not the best in Humor, Hard time to Let go (could be her past memories or situations or death of a very close friend/family member), impatience with everyone except kids, stubborn in asking for help
Strengths: Loyalty, Dedicated into something she likes to do, Shockingly Patience with Children, Determined, Focus
Hobbies: Street Racing with her Motorbike, Boxing, Stealing high tech or ancient Items from museums
Home: New York City (depends on the fandom/Rp)
Powers: Electricity
Weapons: Mystic bow with Lightning Bolt arrows, Guns (any kind, even laser ones)
Bio: Uma was born from a prostitute who was convinced by her Father Who was a married man, they didn't want her for fear of being found out, so Uma was abandoned to die in a alleyway only to be found by a High Mafia Member or in this case the big boss, sure he was a cruel man, the first to be feared in New York and those who knows him worldwide before the shredder or anyone really but under the cruel facade was a lonely man and still had some heart so the moment he found Uma, it was love at first sight as he adopts the baby as his own, the only thing the big boss has ever done was protect her. As time passed, Uma was only 13 when her father figure was mysteriously almost got killed and something within Uma snapped, turning her into a coldhearted not caring person, Uma always caused trouble from street racing to stealing high class to harming others but thankfully not killing them, like her father figure, she still had a heart and was proven more so when she meets the turtles and their allies. (Or Ocs or other fandoms)
Crush: Leonardo Hamato (your oc or other fandom)
Other details: (( none so far, may add in the future))
Tmnt 2012/2018 Human Form
( or any other fandom)
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