Max in MCU
Name: Maximillian
Nickname: Maxy, Max
Age: 16 years old
Gender: Male
Birthday: aka Mutation Day - April 1st
Species: Mutant turtle - type turtle: Sea Turtle
Accent/Voiced by Jessie McCartney
Height: 5'6
Weight: 135 lbs
Appearance: ((Second one in the picture))
Skin Color: yellow-ish mix green or light green grass
Hair: none
Eye color: Ocean Blue almost sapphire
Unique Features: Has dark green shade freckles all over the body do to being a sea turtle mutant
Clothing: only have a yellow scarf, pads that fits his elbows and knees since he likes skateboarding a two wheeler
Smart: Neutral (Not too dumb but not too smart like Peter and his friends)
Social: Do to his appearance he is shy but once you accept him he wont shut up
Bravery: More like over confident without thinking the consequences
Rebellious: You tell him not to touch anything and he will do the opposite
Tidy: likes to clean but not to an extreme OCD, just hates seeing a mess
Daredevil: it's basically his middle name, practically can scare even the Avengers from jumping off from the Avenger Tower or dangerous places
Bookworm: if it had anything to do with The maze runner or mystery edge seater books, better leave him be unless you want a bite out of him, literally
Favorite Food: Boneless Chicken Nuggets, Jelly Fish or Squid
Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper
Favorite Movie: Finding Nemo
Favorite Music: Face my Fears (English version), Shine your Way (Owl City), Better when I'm Dancing (Meghan Trainor)
Favorite Book: The Maze Runner, Any mystery edge seater books
Favorite Holiday: Halloween (the only time of the year he can walk around without being judged)
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Place: Peter's Dorn Room, Avenger's Tower, Skate park at night
Favorite Color: Yellow
Least Favorite Food: Pizza, frozen food
Least Favorite drink: anything with Alcohol
Least favorite movies: anything with sexual in them (he screams and covers his eyes before running away, he's very childish)
Least favorite Tv show: rare that he watches tv since he's always wonder around so far N/A
Least favorite Books: History books, science books, school books lol
Least Favorite Holiday: St. Patrick's day (cuz of his skin color, does not find amusing seeing green everywhere)
Least favorite season: Winter
Least favorite place: Hydra locations/labs, S.H.E.I.L.D.S headquarters and/or Helicarrier
Least favorite color: blue and red checker patterns (it messes with his eye sight)
Overeating: Eats a lot but does not get fat
Smoking: no
Gossiping: unless it's to tease his friends then no
Lying: only to get away from his crazy next level pranks
Drinking: none at the moment
Cheating: in video games, relationship wise, he hates doing that, he rather be truthful
Occupation/Job: Patrols at night
Education: Homeschool by S.H.I.E.L.D
Family: Has Two Brothers, and Sister, unknown about their locations
Best Friend: Peter, Ned, MJ, Your Oc
Crush: MJ
History: Max is a HYDRA experiment with mix DNA samples along with his missing siblings, The moment the Avengers came to one of their locations and planned on exploding their hide out, Max's instincts made him to escape, In the beginning he was more animal like almost caveman, biting and scratching anyone who came near him till S.H.I.E.L.D got a hold of him, it took almost a year to calm him, get his trust along the way his personality bloom and not what Fury expected, he was known as a annoying teenager who will often or rather always push everyone's buttons, that was when Fury got a plan in having him patrol with a certain Spider-Man teenager he had been watching over for a while and made Tony keep the young Mutant in his tower which at first didn't want to agree upon babysitting a hyper turtle but while Max lives with him, he gave the babysitting job to Peter Parker and a friendship was born.
Fears: Losing his old and new family/friends, being rejected because of his appearance, being used as a weapon or as some say a 'soldier', never finding his siblings
Abilities/Skills: Flexibility, Hides in the Shadow very well, Fast Reflexes
Strengths: His abilities, his senses
Weaknesses: When sedated, he gets weaker in seconds before passing out, Threatening anyone he cares about, misinformation about his siblings and use it against him
Equipment: He took a liking on the Manriki weapon before being trained by some Martial artist Tony hired from S.H.I.E.L.D
Alies: Loki (he is a prankster god after all) other than him, it depends
Name: Yellow Ninja
Partner: For now he staying with Peter aka Spider-Man
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