Orihime (One piece) 2
Name: Orihime
Age: 17 (pre-time skip)
19 (after time skip)
Marine or pirate?: Pirate (when Luffy begs her to join his crew)
Bounty: 10,000,000 (before)
300,000,000 (after)
Devil fruit?: Queen-Queen fruit
Abilities: this devil makes all those in her presence worship her like she was an actual queen, she can manafest swords, helberds, spears and a scythe out of gold.
Fruit looks like:
Weapons?: Swords, helberd, spears and scythe (depending on what she makes)
Crush: Monkey. D. Luffy
Personality: elegant, calm, nice, polite
Likes: everyone laughing, friends
Dislikes: violence (only gets involved when needed)
Personal treasure:
Where the tattoo is: On her back
Person that saved her: Haden
Mother: Camila
Father: Jack
Older brother: Corey
When she was a little girl (6 years old) the people that took her hostage, tortured her mentally and physically, she was ment to be a slave until she was made to eat the Queen-Queen fruit. After she ate it everyone there began to give her fancy clothes and a crown. She was treated like a queen. When she left and found another island everyone there treated the same way. She kept telling them she isn't a queen but they didn't care. She is considered one of the most beautiful girls in the world.
About Hayden;
Name: Haiden Ammeno
Age: 15 (when in slavery)
26 (before timeskip)
28 (after timeskip)
Bounty: 200,000,000,000 (when he got captured)
420,864,208,024 (before time skip)
642,086,420, 246(After time skip)
Devil fruit: has none
Abilities: N/A
Weapon: https://pin.it/6fgpyja
Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, fighting, cooking, medicine.
Tattoo (of the slaves): on his upper arm
New tattoo when he escaped:
(the tattoo he turned it into)
Likes: Sakura blossoms, Orihime, the friends he made in slavery, Alcohol
Dislikes: Celestial dragons
What he gave Orihime to keep safe:
Marine: No.
Rank: N/A
All gone (dead)
Haiden wasn't a marine or a pirate, Haiden is someone that always fought for people he knows did nothing wrong, he even fought the marines that's why he has such a high bounty on his head. When he got cought he couldn't fight back as they bound him up and he couldn't get lose, he took care of Orihime while they was there and when he managed to get out he took her to somewhere that could help her live in peace. Then disappeared from her life and continued to do what he was doing all along.
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