Beyblade Burst/ My Main OC
Name: Violet Shards
Alias: V, Vi, Sparky (from family members, mainly Jacob)
Age: Sixteen
DOB: July 4th
Sexuality: Straight
Beyblade: Howling Riven (Attack Type)
Normal Secret- Loves writing but is incredibly insecure about her skills as a writer (even though she is pretty good). She has tons of unfinished stories, and note books filled with things she has written.
Dark Secret- Has a super natural ability. She can emit a vibrant purple lightning from her finger tips and body, and occasionally she can use purple flames, but it takes a lot of effort and concentration on her part, it wears her out very quickly, the lightning is much easier. While using her powers, her eyes turn a vivid shade of violet. When she is angry, her powers become erratic and difficult to control, it takes a lot of will and self control to calm herself down.
Quirks: Terrified of spiders and falling, she hates bad writing and bad spelling, even though she isn't the best at writing herself, her body is hyper mobile, and she is awful at thinking before she speaks.
Mannerisms: She is prone to biting her nails when nervous, absentmindedly cracking her knuckles, neck, back ect and develops an eyebrow twitch when angered or annoyed.
Positive: She has strong senses of honesty, integrity, loyalty, and shows a polite sense of respect towards her elders as well as her peers. Despite many people's first impressions of her, stating that she is a 'cold hearted bitch,' a lot of people are surprised to realise how compassionate and down to earth she really is.
Neautral: Has a tendancy to be disorganized, she is boyish and competitive, and can be downright ruthless when it comes to getting what she wants or achieving what she feels is right. Normally she prefers to stick to the rules, but is more than willing to break them with a heart beat if need be or if she thinks it is worth it. She is a firm believer in that well behaved women never make history.
Negative: Extremely messy and a hopeless case when it comes to keeping her bedroom clean, she also has the tendencies to be a bit of a horder. She can be a bit of a cynic, can get distracted easily, and is something of a procrastinator. Violet, while a verifiable badass and the literal definition of a queen, is incredibly insecure and thinks she's a freak. She never shys away from a verbal or physical confrontation, but internally she is incredibly insecure, self questioning and she battles with anxiety.
Ethnicity: Australian background
Hair: Comes down to just below shoulder blades, dark brown with a singular white streak on the left.
Eyes: Dark blue, violet (occasionally)
Skin: Ivory toned with light freckles
Height: 5"6'
Body Type: Big boned with broad shoulders.
Fashion: Generally opts for darker shades and colours. She prefers to wear skinny jeans, or sometimes she opts for tights beneath denim shorts. She always wears tank tops, sometimes with a baggy T-shirt over the top. Generally she opts for combat boots or leather converses.
Jewelry: A silver ring worn on her right ring finger with a small square emerald in the centre. She wears numerous rubber bands on both wrists that advertise tons of bands and singers that most people don't recognize or have never heard of (she uses them to help keep her powers under control), on her right wrist she wears a hematite bracelet to help with her anxiety as well as a silver charm bracelet with 13 charms.
Piercings/Tattoos: She has two lobe piercings, and usually wears a pair of smaller sized twisted silver hoops. She has a tiny tattoo on the inside of her left ankle, that is the black outline of a lightning bolt.
Birthmarks/Scars: Violet has two scars. One on her chin from where she split it open as a child, and one on the inside of her right ankle, which she got from her rusty bike stand in her pre teens. On her left thigh, she has a birthmark that is a small cluster of extremely light freckles only a few shades darker than her skin. Her second birthmark is her white hair streak, which many assume is dyed, however it in fact a birthmark she inherited from her father.
Extra/s: Her nails are cut short from her biting them, she has a scar on her chin from where she split it open as a kid.
Known Languages: English, German (some)
Temperament: Choleric
Temptations: Someone who can match her (see other for more), a situation that let's her let loose, adrenaline rushes, thrills.
Perception: Many view her as a pessimist, but in truth she's a realist who will always face up to the reality of a situation and will be blunt, up front, and honest about it, no matter how bleak things can be.
Intelligence: She's extremely smart, but hates going over things she already knows needlessly. All things considered, Violet is a pretty good learner, but prefers knowledge that has practical or theoretical use that she will actually use in life. It's for this reason that she hates mathematics despite being good at it.
Likes and Dislikes:
Likes: Being on her own or with friends, she's an introvert, but she doesn't mind being around people who realise, understand and/or accept that. She loves being able to let loose, and using her powers. She's something of an adrenaline junky, and will do anything to get that sort of rush she can't let herself experience from anything other than her powers.
Dislikes: Being interrupted, repeating herself, lack of common sense, people who are spineless without reason, SPIDERS, haters.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, training, drawing, sleeping, stone skipping, camping, listening to music
Immediate Family:
Unknown parents that are both dead, it is a sensitive topic for Violet that she frequently skirts around. She is close with distant relatives and lives on her own despite
her age.
Jacob Shards- Older brother (twenty two years old) who she is extremely close to, her apartment is under his name and he is listed as her legal guardian despite his absence in her life.
Distant Relatives:
Vera Shards- Favourite (only) aunt and her father's older sister whom raised the Shards siblings, Violet goes and stays with once a month. She is the one who helped teach Violet to control her powers.
Unknown Uncle- Myosotis's biological father, who had never been present in her life apart from her conception.
Myosotis Shards- Favorite (only) cousin who is the same age as Violet and shares the same powers.
Friends: Myosotis Shards
Significant Other: None
Crush: Xander Shakadera
She's a 'cold hearted bitch,' but the most loyal friend you can ask for. She has a short temper, but keeps it under careful control because otherwise she could risk hurting someone or destroying something, both are things she doesn't want. Deep down she is a confrontational person just itching for a fight, but she fights these instinctive urges to avoid situations where she could lose control. What she wants is someone who can take her, match her power, beat her. Someone worthy who makes her feel, someone who she can be herself around.
Family Stuff:
Everyone in Violet's family shares the 'gift.' Jacob's lightning (and eyes) turn electric blue, Vera's is green and Myosotis's is yellow.
Her parents 'died' when she was a baby, Jacob was five at the time and tells her what stories he can about them.
When her brother and his wife were proclaimed dead, Vera as their only living next of kin, took them in and raised them alongside a baby Myosotis, who was only a few days older than Violet at the time.
Vera is single. When she fell pregnant with Myosotis, she decided to tell her husband about the powers she had, and their baby would mostly likely be born with. He was disgusted, he didn't want anything to do with 'freaks' even if his own child was one of them and he left. Myosotis did find him once and left him with a shattered nose, but that's another story...
Violet's parents are dead, but no bodies were ever found. Her mum, like her dad, also had powers similar to their's, the only difference is, in her family, only females inherit the gift, this is why Violet is so powerful, because she is the coming together of two very powerful bloodlines.
Trivia: Violet's dad's lighting was white, her mother's was red.
Originally from Australia, Vera moved them to Japan when Violet was ten, she also taught the three how to use their powers.
Jacob and Violet moved away shortly after Jacob turned twenty, guardianship of had passed over to him at eighteen, so she went with him, but they both are still in regular contact with their aunt and cousin.
Jacob travels a lot, leaving Violet at home, which she is perfectly fine with. He isn't neglectful, but because no bodies were ever found, he is searching for his and Violet's parents. He realises that this could potentially mean bringing home their bodies, ending up dead himself or heart broken, or even maybe rescuing his parents when/if he finds them.
*Violet's bracelet has 13 charms on it
-a lightning bolt (her powers)
-the letters M, J and V (her family)
-a pentagram (she is unique)
-a heart (that used to belong to her mum)
- a lion's head (symbolises her father)
-a wolf's head (her Bey)
-crescent moon (because in the darkness she can be free)
- a circle (close bonds and strength)
-little ball of cartoon fire (her strength and passion)
-a crown (she is a Queen)
-music note (her love of music)
*avid reader and lover of dystopian teen fiction, The Darkest Minds series in particular
*Her taste in music is all over the place, if she likes it, she'll listen to it
*Favorite food is a decent cheeseburger, especially with a slice of pineapple if she's eating out
*Her favorite drink above all else is Passiona, with chocolate milkshakes coming in at a close second
*Type of girl that will fight you over the last chip
*Doesn't advertise it, but she is a kickass when it comes to self defense and took up sword play just for the sake of it
*Her mum was also a BAMF guess, just so you know
*She knows tons of random facts about the weirdest things
*Low key conspiracy theorist
*She's one of the most understanding and accepting people you will ever meet, because she knows what it's like to feel different
*She goes to Pride, does Relay For Life, protests ect.
*You definitely wouldn't think it if you knew her^^^^
*Hates wearing dresses with a fiery passion, she doesn't mind getting dolled up and looking pretty, but dresses are too impractical for her
*She will wear them if she has to though
*Even as a kid she wouldn't be caught dead in a dress (jeans, kiddie converse, flats or boots, and a ruffled block tank top ah thank you very much)
*Hogwarts house is Slytherin
*Godly parent is Hades
*Resting bitch face is a thing
*Easily the snarkiest kid in class, but doesn't voice it
*Like imagine if you turned up late and the only free seat was next to her at the back of the room
*And all lesson she'd be making these rude/snarky/sarcastic/savage comments and by the end you'd be biting your lip to stop yourself from laughing so hard
Let me know if you want your OC listed as a friend of Violet's.
JUST BE AWARE: If I say the answer is no, that's it. It's nothing against you, but most likely because I don't think they'd click with Violet who, aside from the powers and all that, is basically me.
She is my main OC, and most likely the one I will be using for role playing and stuff.
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