Name: "I-I'm Sunny"
Age: "17 years old"
Gender:" well since your asking it's um a girl I'm a girl,"
Species: "oh right I'm a cat"
Sexuality: "I'm straight"
Likes: "nature, water and the color blue"
Dislikes: "bullies I hate bullies"
Looks: "I look like this"
Personality: "well in not that adventurous I'd say I'm shy and stubborn"
Weapons/abilities: "I can brethe under water and have great hand to hand combat skills"
Powers: " I can control water"
Backstory: " I was born into a abusive family who hated me so much they threw me in a river and I drowned and died, a few years later a goddess brought me back to life with the power to brethe under water and control it"
Crush: "well Sonic was my crush for a while but now he's my boy friend"
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