Name// Haisley Akuyama
Nickname// Hazel and Sunflower(her father)
Age// 15
Gender// female
Sexuality// pansexual
Appearance// Haisley stands at 5'4 with an almond skin tone with long, wild dark chocolate curls with vibrant magenta streaks that reaches around her mid back. She has light brown, practically hazel eyes and an athletic build with curves. She had freckles across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose, along with a small scar on the right side of her hips from an accident with her quirk when she was younger.
Class: 1-A
Personality// If you are ever to come across Haisley, be prepared for the unexpected. While this female is quite independent and strong willed, her mood typically depends on a numerous amount of factors: who she's around, what she's doing and if she has eaten that day. But despite all of that, when Haisley is a good mood this female is quite pleasant to be around. She loves the thrill of adventure and is quite vocal when she wants to be. She can be quite snarky and sarcastic though when she's not in the best of spirits and is quite straightforward and blunt. She can get flustered easily in certain situations, but tries her best to hide it and remain cool. She has the loyalty of a lion and will do anything for those close to her. However, if you betray her trust and get on her bad side, it's a whole other story.
Flaws// she often over thinks and can get easily caught up in the what if's and hypothetical scenarios, she can sometimes be a bit too blunt and sometimes is just emotionally distant when she's not in the best of spirits. She also has a very short temper and is quite stubborn.
Relatives// Jennifer Nakumara (mother), Takuzou Akiyama(father), Aito Nakumara(step father), Inukai Nakumara(step brother)
Backstory// Haisley grew up in a very strict and small household where she was the only one born with a quirk. While most of her family went either into the family business or corporate jobs, Haisley grew up wanting to be a hero instead of being in the family business which her mother disagreed with since she believed herowork was a man's world and a young woman shouldn't be getting dirty . Her mother and father split when she was around five after her mother had an affair and she remarried a few months after to Haisley's now step father, who was the CEO of a wealthy company. Her mother and stepfather focused more on her step brother and so Haisley was pretty much on her own, making her dream a reality and applying to AU.
Hero or villain// Hero
Quirk// Glitch
Quirk explanation// Her quirk allows her physical form to transport from one place or spot to another in a matter of nanoseconds, along with being able to touch a device and a list of its contents is transferred into her mind. Her quirk also makes her excellent at hacking and creating technology.
Quirk flaws// electricity(being shocked with large amounts of electricity would short circuit the female, making her unable to use her quirk for a period of time that can last from a few hours to a few days); powerful emotions(when her emotions grow really strong and get really bad, her quirk becomes harder to control and she'll sometimes glitch to random places and have trouble glitching back); corrupted devices(if she touches and tries to get the contexts from a corrupted device, her mental state will be stuck inside of the device like a glitch in the video game while her physical build is temporarily immobile until she can correct the error in the device or clear the contents of the device completely)
Hero costume// Her hero costume is a midnight blue bodysuit with a triangular cut out along the back with magenta and dark purple streaks along the arm and leg sleeves. It also comes with a belt that she keeps her weapon and her hoverboard on along with shades that displays information on them for her to see.
Hero Name// Pixel
Love Interest// Kirishima(her backup is Shinsou)
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