Mary -Kate.
Potrayer: Jade Thirwall.
Real Name: Mary-Kate Leanne Kaestner-Lopez.
Hometown/Current town:Boston, Massachusetts.
Ring Name: Mary-Kate. Kaylee Rollins. Kay Banks.
Ring Gear:
Finishers: Slaying Red. ( backflip three-quarter facelock falling inverted DDT)
Bodacious Boot. ( Running big boot, sometimes to an oncoming opponent)
Signatures: Bronco Buster. Red-Handed.(Sitout hammerlock spinebuster, sometimes followed by pin)
Submission: Seeing Red. (Bank Statement)
Personality: She is very determined and outgoing, a bit self centered, she is good and she knows it. (Cause let's face it this is in her blood) badass, sarcastic, daredevil, fearless, edgy, also very loving and caring.
Friends/ Enemies:
Bf: Cedric Alexander. (2 months)
Family: Sasha Banks. (Mother) Seth Rollins. (Father)
Likes: Haning out with her mother and father, wrestling and training, she likes to go shopping for new attires. Eating pizza with Cedric.
Dislikes: She dis likes drinking and smoking, seafood, and losing in a fight and being used like a jobber.
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