Bellezza Blackwood
Bellezza Rain Blackwood[Stark]
Bellezza Red rose of the North, Queen of the North, the red raven, Ruler of the cold, Mother to all beasts and beings, guided of the ruined, helper of the pain, Mother of all new, and The woman of the sky.
Belle, Bella
16-17_Season 1
17-18_Season 2
18-19_Season 3
19-21_Season 4
21-22_Season 5
22-24_Season 6
24-25_Season 7
25+_Season 8 and so on
Meaning behind name
Beauty, graceful, rose
Tywin,Kevan,Tygett,Gerion-Older brothers
Genna- Older sister
Quiet at first, Respectful, Bold, Strong, Caring, Honest, Loyal to her family and house. After Kat dies she becomes brave, more private, intelligent, smart, quick thinking.
Spouse/Artanged to
Robb Stark Or Viserys [But in season 7 she kinda feels something towards Brienne]
Season 1-2
Season 3-4
Season 5-6
Season 7-8
Blackwood of Raventree Hall
Bellezza's mother wasnt from the riverlands. She was from Yunkai and on a trip there Tytos admired her beauty which stood out from the others. So he bought her and made her his second wife, as his first died after their last child Genna. Immediately Riana was to have a child and which she did bare a daughter Tytos was satisfied with their children and stopped after their first daughter together. Bellezza grew up the same as her siblings which was rather a rough teaching their father was sweet and caring but he wanted to make them the smartest and best out of all the other houses. So he continued to work them in their studies, reading, writing. Their boys how to fight, their daughters how to play music and sing. Then after their house started to lose their title Tytos arranged with Nedd Stark to marry his son to Bellezza. Belle was rather nervous since not many the north looked like her and the way she was raised made her quiet and obedient.
Viserys Route
Then after they started losing their title he decided to do something he never wanted. He hated the Targaryens with passion, but. He thought since it was his youngest daughter she may bring something back and secretly sold her off without the Lannisters knowing for them to rise and take over.
Children[in order oldest to youngest]
Bleydan and Boris/Twin boys\
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