Nas is Boreddd
(Well... Yeah.. i just have the urge to kill people today... So.. the following gore is my imaginary on killing someone ^^ lol )
"Dude, what the heck?!" Rai asked as Sky dragged him to a dark alley. Sky grabbed Rai's hand and threw him to the ground. He was terrified on how Sky was acting. He never act that way. Usually if he wants to asked someone to meet him he would never drag someone by force. The Sky he knew usually asked sweetly with a smile on his face.
Sky faced Rai and brought out a knife. Rai is well what should someone feel when facing someone like that, of course he was terrified AF.
"Sky, what are you doing with that knife??" He started to panic when Sky started to rush toward him with a knife. Sky stabbed him with the knife.
"This is for Icy."
Rai felt a sharp pain as blood pour staining his shirt. Well, it's his fault that he cheated on her with Ney. He fell to the floor, bleeding.
"You shouldn't be a playboy as you are hun... But.. well although you made it easier for me to win her heart.. but you hurted her.. you really shouldn't do that. Well.. haha.. but if you still with her you will still have the same fate like right now soo i just delayed your death.. you should thank me."
Sky let out a chuckle as he took Rai's hand and leave many cuts. Rai screamed because of the pain that caused by that sharp metal. He want Rai to have a painful death as he leave more cuts to his arms and face and stabbing his eyes. Tears left Rai's body as the pain is unbearable.
"Now, time to die!" Sky chirped. He was on top of his body and stabbed him on the chest many times. Rai felt the pain travelled his body and lost conscious. Although Rai is dead Sky kept stabbing him and laughing until he heard a gasp from behind. He turned around to see Icy. She was terrified.
"Icy? What are you doing here?"
No answer. She probably too afraid to answer. She tried to run but Sky grabbed her hand.
"I'm sorry." He said as he stabbed her. Before she dropped to the ground he planted a kiss on her soft lips.
"I'm sorry.." he said as he dropped to the ground hugging her lifeless body, crying. He cried and came to sense on what he was doing. He finally decided to die too as he hold the blade and slit his throat.
The end yay!
Icy: Nas... I wanna ask you..
Nas: I'm okay just i just had an urge to kill someone this morning and yesterday. Lol
Rai: why must I die?!
Icy: we all died
Icy: are you okay?
Sky: well i can't deny but i really wanna kill someone if i can.
Icy and Rai: °~°
Sky: hehhehe
Icy: he's losing it! Run!
Lol this was fun to write .. now i get it why you guys love to write something like this. Lol
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