((This is my oc Archer's Backstory, it was kinda rushed since I wanted to get it down before the ideas left me. And it's kinda long So-))
The boy's messy brown hair and big glasses were the thing that stood out the most. Not the very expensive clothes, or the conceited grin on his face. But the two things that would make anyone insecure, seemed to be the things he was most confident about.
He was always confident, though. He never seemed to be insecure about anything. Although that may be the child obliviousness, considering the boy was only twelve and thought he could rule the world.
He never seemed to be brought down by the fact he had no friends. The other kids at school found his confidence annoying and self centered, so they never bothered to interact with him. Though, he didn't seem to mind. In his head, he was still the most good looking kid of the bunch. (Even though others would disagree.)
He always kept to himself, and found things to entertain himself, like looking in a mirror and fixing his hair. Even though, his hair was messy as ever, he would still try to fix it. Only messing it up even further. This always got him in trouble though, considering he was never paying attention in class. Like now, for example.
"Archer! Put the mirror away and listen up!" The teacher grumbled, pursing her lips in anger as Archer snapped his head up to look at her.
He chuckled nervously, putting the small glass mirror away in his backpack before paying attention to his teacher.
"Now. As I was saying, we have a new student here today. He moved here not too long ago and was only now able to join the school." She stated, looking to the side at the new student. He was a short little boy, with jet black hair that covered his face. His eyes were hidden behind the locks of hair, as they seemed to scan the room. "Come on, introduce yourself."
He looked up at her, hesitating slightly as he sighed, walking up to the front of the classroom. He stood there, looking down at his shoes and up at her, as if to ask if he had to do this.
"Go on.", She encouraged him, nudging his side a bit with her hand, gently. She gave him a smile as if to comfort him.
He sighed, looking up at the class, his eyes now visible to the children. Some gasped at the sight. His eyes were completely black, except for his irises, which were a bright, pale blue.
"..Uhm.. My name.. is Kerdík..But, I prefer to go by K. I'm twelve and a half.. I moved here a couple of weeks ago with my Nan.." He mumbled, smiling nervously at the class, though they could all tell it was forced.
"Alright, you may take a seat now. You'll be sitting next to Archer." She said, pointing to the empty seat next to the boy.
Archer's head perked up, his glasses tilted a bit at the sudden movement. He smiled warmly at K, though K didn't seem to find it welcoming.
He sat down next to Archer, not paying attention to the small boy as class started.
• • • •
School ended sooner than Archer expected as the many kids started to leave the school. He looked to the side to see that K was no longer sitting next to him, He looked around the classroom, taking notice of the black haired boy leaving the room.
Archer grabbed his backpack and quickly followed the boy. He ran up beside him, finally catching up to him as he left the school building.
"Hi!" Archer exclaimed, excitedly, causing K the flinch at the greeting. They looked at each other, both of them continuing to walk.
"..Uhm- Hi.." K responded, his brows furrowing in confusion. He wasn't used to people willingly talking to him. To be honest, he wasn't used to any kind of social interaction, considering he was homeschooled up until now.
"I'm Archer, we're in the same class." He started, trying to make conversation. He did this with every new kid, though none of them stuck around long enough to become friends with him.
"..I know-?" K replied, blinking confusedly as he stepped onto the sidewalk, not really knowing what to say or do when Archer continued to follow him.
"Oh good! So your name is Kerdík, but you like to be called K. Do you mind if I come up with some nicknames for you?" Archer asked, K looked over at him, seeing the sparkles in his eyes as he conversed with him.
"Uhm- Sure. Why not." K shrugged, sighing a bit as he held onto his backpack straps.
"Yes! Also, Your eyes are cool, were you born like that? Are they fake?" Archer asked, leaning in to look closely at K's eyes.
K backed away a bit, clearing his throat as he began to speak. "Yeah, I was born this way."
"Awesome! So, K, are you heading home or going somewhere else?" Archer asked curiously, obviously being nosy.
"Yeah. I'm going home."
"Oh cool! I go this way too! We could walk home together." Archer suggested, smiling widely at the thought.
"..Sure." K answered, not really used to having someone be so adamant on talking to him.
The two continued talking before heading down different streets, Archer exclaiming how he would see him tomorrow as he ran towards his house.
K sighed, waving a bit as he continued towards his home, not knowing about the long lasting friendship that he just signed up for.
• • • •
Four years have past since that day, the two becoming more close throughout the years. Seeming to be more like brothers now, as they reached highschool.
K became more comfortable around Archer, showing more of his humoristic side to him as they grew up together. Talked about crushes and hardships, and even overcame losses together.
Today was a normal day, they both walked to school like usual, Archer's arm wrapped around K's shoulder in a brotherly manner.
"Alright, Budd. What's wrong?" Archer asked, noticing K's usual happy go lucky self was now more serious and gloomy.
K groaned, his hands coming up to his face as he sighed. "You know that girl I was telling you about?"
"Yeah, I think her name was Angel, wasn't it?" Archer nodded, snapping his fingers as he remembered her name.
"Well now I know for sure, I have a huge crush on her."
Archer gasped dramatically, sarcastically holding onto his face. "REALLY??" I would've never have guessed!"
"WhA- Was it really that obvious??" K exclaimed, he stopped walking to look at Archer more clearly.
"Yeah, it was. Basically the whole school knows you have the hots for her. You always blush when you see her, you sweat, you tell horrible jokes. There was no fooling anyone, when you tried to deny your feelings for her." Archer stated, crossing his arms as he snorted a bit at the thought.
"....Oh shit-" K mumbled, just now realizing how much he liked her. "This is bad."
"What do you mean this is bad? It's pretty clear she likes you too, Just go for it!" Archer exclaimed, pushing his friend along the sidewalk, mumbling how they'll be late for school.
"Hell no! I am not doing that- i- I'll mess it up! I'll jumble all the words!" K argued, shaking his head violently.
"Oh come on! What's there to lose?"
"Uh- everything, my dignity, my pride, my heart-"
"Okay- okay- okay- I get it-" Archer sighed, putting a hand on his chin in thought. "Aha! I tell you what. I'll confess to Lila, if you confess to Angel."
"Lila? You mean that chick you've been sending secret love letters to?" K asked, raising a brow in question.
"ThEy ArE jUsT nOtes- but yes, her. We'll both confess on the same day, deal?" Archer asked, smiling widely as he held out his hand for K to shake.
" FINE- deal-" K said, shaking Archer's hand quickly, before running off the school.
"WhA- hey! Wait up!!"
• • • •
Lunchtime rolled around and K was as nervous as ever.
"Come on, Kerdy! It'll be easy!" Archer exclaimed, raking a hand through his brown hair as he tried to encourage his friend.
"SaYs yOu-"
"iM cOnfEssIng aS weLl, StOp ActInG aS iF yOure tHe oNlY oNe NervOus yOu biG yEtI-"
"JuSt gEt yOur taLl aSs oVer tHere aNd cOnfEss yOu BiG lUg-" Archer yelled, pushing K towards Angel who was sitting at a table in the cafeteria.
K looked over at Archer as he walked up to her, Archer giving him a big thumbs up before walking off to find Lila. He had written her another note, saying he wanted to meet her during lunch.
Once he found her, he couldn't help but feel nervous. He shook his arms as if to try and shake the anxiety off of him before walking up to her.
"Uhm- excuse me, Lila?" He greeted, smiling a bit as she looked over at him. Though his smile turned into a frown when she rolled her eyes and sighed.
"Sorry, I'm meeting someone." She stated, tapping her arm with her finger as she waited inpatiently.
"Yeah, I know. Uhm- I'm the one you're meeting." He said, rubbing the back of his neck as he grinned sheepishly.
"...You-? You're the one who's been putting notes in my locker?" She asked, as if she was disgusted by the thought.
"Ugh- You?? I can't believe I actually liked the notes you sent. I could never be with someone so full of himself! I don't even see how you're so conceited, you're not even that handsome." She exclaimed, scrunching her nose up as she stood up staright. Throwing the notes she had in her hand at him. "Stop sending those stupid notes!"
And with that she left the hallway, leaving Archer there alone, with his heart felt notes all around him. And a broken heart.
He couldn't stand being in that school for another second, he quickly went to get his backpack and started walking home. Completely forgetting about K and how they always walk home together.
He walked into his house, ignoring the house maid that usually greeted him as he walked upstairs to his room, throwing his backpack on his bed.
He sighed, looking at himself in the mirror, remembering what she said. She was right, wasn't she? He wasn't that handsome. And he was so conceited.
He couldn't help the small tears that welled up in his eyes as he plopped down on his bed, trying to suppress his emotions. Before he knew it. He had cried himself to sleep..
The door to Archer's room flew open as K ran in, Jumping on Archer's bed with a huge smile.
Archer sat up quickly, Looking at K with wide eyes. "What happened- What's going on?"
"She said yes!!" K exclaimed, grabbing onto Archer's shoulders shaking him violently.
Archer quickly smiled, though it was fake. He didn't want to ruin the mood and make his friend worry. Besides, K was happy and that was all that mattered to Archer.
"That's amazing! I told you, she'd say yes, now didn't I?!" Archer stated, hugging onto K, ignoring the small pang of sadness in his heart at how his friend succeeded and he didn't.
"You were right!! Why did I ever doubt you??" K asked, laughing a bit as he cling onto Archer, smiling happily. He was too happy to even think about the deal they had, and to ask why Archer left before they could walk home together. "You're the best friend I've ever had, Man!!"
Archer smiled, trying his best not to let his emotions get the better of him.
K looked down at his watch before cursing. "Shit! I forgot! I got to get home before Nan starts to worry! You're the best, Budd! Bye!"
"Yeah.. bye."
Archer was left with an overwhelming sadness that he hid. While his best friend thrived with a happiness he would never understand..
• • • •
"You stupid boy! Why would you throw away your life like this! Cosmetology?? Really? Please! You'll never make it!" Archer's Father argued with him, at the breakfast table.
"Father, there are many successful cosmetologists! I'm not throwing away my life! I'm creating a life I want to live!" Archer retorted, standing up from his seat.
"I hope you know I won't be supporting this! This is outrageous!" His father exclaimed, slamming his hands on the table.
"I'm not asking you to support it!" Archer yelled, his hands curled up into fists.
"You will find another major, or I will not pay for your college tuition." His father sneered, crossing his arms.
Archer opened his mouth, but had nothing to say. He didn't know what to say to be honest. He just stood there, thinking with his eyebrows furrowed.
"You don't have to. I will pay for his tuition."
Archer turned his head towards the door frame, where he saw his mother, she had her arms crossed and her head held up high.
"Laura! You can't be serious!! He wants to major in cosmetology!! Cosmetology of all things!!"
"I heard, Andrew. And I support it. Because he is my son, and I love him. If he wants to major in it then I will allow him to. Just like you should. After all, he is the only child you have left.." Laura replied, walking up beside Archer.
Archer smiled at his mother, who had put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Thank you, Mom.."
"You're welcome, Darling.." she stated, smiling back at him. Raising her brows in question when the doorbell rang. "That must be your friend, dear."
"...But it's Saturday- I didn't think we had anything planned." Archer mumbled, before going towards the front door to open it, leaving his parents to fight about the matter by themselves.
The moment Archer opened the door, K had grabbed onto him and dragged him out of the house, causing Archer to Yelp as he followed K, confusedly.
"What is going on?? Where are you taking me?" Archer asked, stopping, causing K to stop as well.
"I- I needed to get away from your parents- I didn't want anyone else to know- I just- I couldn't talk about this with anyone else- i- I-" K rambled, shaking a bit as he tried to get the words out.
"Whoa, whoa- Buddy what wrong, Why are you so upset?? What happened?" Archer asked, grabbing onto K's shoulder to stabilize him before he fell over.
"I- Angel- she's- She's pregnant!" K exclaimed, Looking at Archer with wide eyes.
"....Wasnotexpectingthat- okay then- uhm- calm down.. everything is going to be fine- okay?" Archer stated, not really knowing was else to say as he tried to shake off the initial shock of it all.
"I'm- I'm only sixteen- How- how am I going to be a father- i- I don't have a job- I don't have any money- what- what's going to happen? What about the baby- what if something happens to the kid- what I'd she doesn't want the raise the kid, I can't do this alone! What if-" K started rambling, Not paying attention to Archer. That was, Before Archer slapped him. He stopped, looking at Archer with shock. His friend had never hit him in a harmful way, let alone slap him.
"Calm the fuck down, and listen to me!" Archer yelled, finally catching K's attention. "Everything is going to be fine. Okay? I'm here to help you. If you don't have money then I'll give you some. If you don have a job then I'll help you find one. You're my best friend and you're like my brother. If you think you're going to have to do this alone then you're wrong. I'm always going to be here. Okay?"
K looked up at Archer with tear filled eyes, before hugging him, crying into his shoulder. Repeating his thanks nonstop.
"There there.. I've got you Budd.."
• • • •
When Archer had heard from K that Angel had left him with the baby and disappeared he was beyond livid. Vowing that the next time he saw her he would have a few, not-so-friendly words with her.
K was heartbroken, but thankfully his best friend was there to support him. Archer had bought a house for the three of them, considering he also wanted to move out of his old home and K needed a place to stay. So together, they tried to raise the boy. Who's name was Cameron.
K and Archer had worked out a way to take care of the baby and go to college at the same time. Which was tiring, but manageable. Though they had their fights, they were still inseparable. Because to them. They were the only family they had left.
• • • •
Archer sighed a bit as Cam played with his puppy, in the living room like any usual six year old. Archer looked out the window of the back yard, taking notice of how unkept the yard was.
K and him didn't really have that much time to do yard work, considering how they had to watch Cam and do college work. Thankfully when Archer's mother had passed a few years back, she left him her inheritance. So money was not a problem.
K walked into the room, holding onto his backpack. "I've got to go, I've got a class in twenty minutes. Can you watch Cam?" He asked, looking over at Archer. Ignoring the dog as it barked.
"Of course." Archer responded, watching as Cam got up and ran over to K jumping up to hug him.
"Thank you, Archie. I'll be back in a few hours. Okay?" K stated, hugging Cam goodbye as Archer nodded, picking Cam up and off of K so he could leave.
He looked back to the backyard, deciding now would be a good time to start on it, since he had some free time.
"Cam, I'm going to do some yard work, if you need anything come and get me, alright?" Archer stated, smiling as Cam nodded. He ruffled Cam's hair, with a warm smile. "Such a good kid.."
He went outside, starting to mow the lawn and trim some of the hedges. A few hours past.
He wiped some sweat off of his forehead as started to smell smoke, his brows furrowed as he looked towards the house. His heart dropping when he saw smoke rising through the windows and he heard the dog barking wildly.
He ran into the house, yelling for Cam as he glanced at the kitchen, seeing the flaming fire rise.
"CAMERON?!!" He yelled, worry coursing through his veins as he ran around the house trying to find Cam, finally finding the six year old in his room.
"Archie?" He responded, coughing from all the smoke, not really putting up a fight as Archer scooped him up and ran out of the house, calling the fire department as he set Cam down, away from the flaming house.
"Archie! Archie! Duke's in there!" Cam exclaimed, pulling on Archer's shirt, pointing at the house with his other hand. Before bolting towards the house, ignoring Archer who was yelling after him.
Archer dropped the phone, running after Cam. Taking notice of how the roof was already starting to fall in.
Cam grabbed onto the small dog, not paying attention to the drooping roof above him. That was until the fell in. He looked up gasping as he saw Archer holding onto the flaming wood.
"Cameron! Get out of the house, Now!!" Archer screamed, trying to hold the wood up, though the weight was starting to be too heavy for him. The scorching wood burned his hands, though he didn't particularly notice due to the adrenaline.
Cam ran out of the house, the dog in his arms, he looked back watching in horror as the wood fell ontop of Archer.
He ran out into the street, Starting to cry as he held on tightly to the small puppy in his arms, hearing the sirens come closer.
• • • •
Archer opened his eyes slowly, taking notice of the two big blue eyes staring back at him.
"Archie!!!" Cam exclaimed, excitedly, smiling widely as he jumped up and down in happiness. "You've been asleep for a while!"
"Hey, Buddy..." Archer replied, groaning a bit in pain as he took notice of the many bandaged on him. Such as his hands, back and shoulders.
"Daddy said not to bother you, because you're healing. But you won't tell him I'm in here will you?" Cam asked, looking at Archer with big hopeful eyes.
"If course not. This'll be our secret." Archer laughed a bit, wincing in pain at the movement.
"Cam, where are you??" K asked from another room.
"I gotta go! I'll talk to you later Uncle Archie!" Cam said, as he skipped out of the room, giggling a bit to himself.
"Such a good kid.."
• • • •
Archer stood infront of the house, his luggage in hand as he tried to put it all into the taxi. He looked down at his gloved hands, sighing a bit as he turned around to be met with his best friend and god son.
"You're really moving to Paris, Archie??" Cam asked, the boy now grown up to be ten years old. He looked at Archer with sad eyes as his brows were furrowed in pain.
"I'm sorry, Budd.." Archer apologized for nothing. He sighed a bit as he knelt down to be eye to eye with Cam.
"Is- Is it because of me-?" Cam asked, tears welling up in his eyes as he looked at Archer for an answer.
"Of course not! You're one of the best things that has ever come into my life, Cam! It pains me to leave, but I'm going to come back! You know that!" Archer exclaimed, grabbing onto Cam and hugging him. "You know I'll always answer the phone. So don't you ever hesitate to call me, Alright buddy?"
Cam only nodded as he hugged back, sniffling a bit at the thought of Archer leaving him. He backed away from the hug after a while. "...Goodbye, Archie.."
"..Goodbye Cam.." Archer responded, as he watched Cam run into the house, leaving Archer and K alone.
Archer stood up and looked at K, Taking notice of how he wasn't meeting Archer's eyes.
".. C'mon Dík, Look at me.." Archer mumbled, fiddling with his gloves as he looked at his best friend sympathetically.
"If I look at you, I'm afraid it will be the last time I see you." K mumbled, holding onto his own arms. As if he were hugging himself.
"You know that's not true. I'm going to come back." Archer stated, sighing a bit.
"When?? When will you come back?? Do you know how much it pains me to see you leave?? Just like everyone else??" K exclaimed, sneering at Archer as he snapped.
"Don't you dare act as if you're the only one who has had people leave you, Kerdík!! If you don't remember I've lost many people as well!!" Archer retorted, his heart twisting with every word that left his mouth. "I have always been there for You- supporting you, Helping you, Happy for you! So why, Why can't this once. When I finally make a decision for myself- you can't be happy for me?? Why?? You have no idea how much I envy you, Kay. You have No Idea!!"
K blinked, finally looking up at his friend, with wide eyes, seeming to be shocked at the revelation.
"All I've ever wanted.. is what you have.. what you have experienced throughout your whole life!! Love. Happiness. Support. A family. A kid... That's all I've ever wanted.. so why, why out of everyone. Y o u have to be the one who doesn't seem to be happy for me!.. When I finally try to find my own life.." Archer stated, sighing as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
K fell silent, he let his arms rest at his sides as he stood there, looking at his best friend. His brother. Who he had let down.
"...Arch.. I'm.. I'm so sorry.. I-" K started, not seeming to realize the tears that were streaming down his face. "I'm just so scared- so scared that you're going to find something in Paris that will make you want to stay there for the rest of your life.. I'm so scared of losing you.. I'm so sorry.. Throughout my life, You've always been there for me.. But now.. when you need me the most.. I let you down.. Archer-"
"No.. No, K. I-I know you don't mean it.. I know you're scared but.. but so am I.. But that's how everything starts isn't it? With a bit of fear?" Archer asked, looking up at K. He put a gloved hand on his shoulder, causing K to look up at him as well. "And.. a bit of hope.. So.. Let's make a deal, Yeah?"
K laughed a bit, wiping the tears off of his face as he sniffled, nodding. "Alright. What's the deal?"
"You raise that kid. And I go off to Paris. And when I come back, if I find out you look like a yeti, I get to give you a full makeover." Archer smiled mischievously, at the small deal, though it wasn't a serious one. It was just something he had made up quickly to lighten the mood and make the other feel better.
"And if I don't look like a yeti when you come back?" K asked, smiling with the same mischievous smile as his friend.
"Well then you get to ruin my fabulous appearance by giving m e a makeover. Deal?" Archer asked, sticking out his hand.
K shook it without hesitation. "Deal." He said, before his smile faltered. He looked into Archer's eyes sadness overwhelming him again. "...Goodbye Archer.."
"...Goodbye, Kerdík. Until we meet again.." Archer stated, smiling sadly at him, before enveloping K in a hug. Only breaking away as the taxi driver honked the horn. "I've got to go. Don't become a yeti while I'm gone!"
"Oh I won't. Don't become a drunk while you're gone!"
"Haha! As if!"
• • • •
Archer sighed as he looked out his window, looking at the Eiffel tower as the sun started to set, his bird flying over and onto his shoulder as he sat at the table.
He looked down at the letter in his hands, smiling a bit as he read the invitation again. The wedding invitation his godchild sent him telling him that they wanted him to be there.
He laughed a bit, sighing as he looked at his already packed luggage. He gave a bittersweet smile as he thought out loud. "I'll be home, soon kid. I promise.."
((4,463 words... WoW-))
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