((I had accidentally published the first draft version of this, so I had to rewrite the ending again. Sorry.))
Andrew walked up to the big house. The house alone was intimidating by just how big and clearly expensive it was. But Andrew tried to push the nervousness back as he stepped up to the doorway.
Him and his now fiance had decided now would be the right time to tell her parents that he had popped the question. Though Andrew knew this wasn't going to be easy considering how many times her parents told her how they didn't approve of him and their relationship. Most likely because he wasn't very financially independent.
Andrew blinked, pushing his glasses up his nose as he pulled his hand back, getting ready to knock, only to stop when he heard voices bickering inside to house.
"How many times have me and your mum told you that we don't want to see you following that stupid American boy around??" A voice asked from behind the door, the only thing Andrew could tell about the voice without seeing who exactly was speaking was that it was a male and it held a thick British accent.
"Dad, I don't care how many times you've told me not to! I love him!"
"What did I tell you, Darren? I knew we shouldn't have moved to America. Now the girl thinks she's in love with some boy!"
Andrew opened the door slightly, peeking into the house, taking notice of the three people shouting at each other up the stairs.
"I don't think I am, Mum! I know I am! Why do you both hate the idea of it so much??"
"Because; that boy will not be able to provide for you! He blows all of his money away on this stupid idea of a company! If he even has any funds at all! This thing he has planned will never take off! You will stop seeing that boy, You understand?"
"I am an adult, Mum. I can make my own decisions. And I will not leave him. After all. We are engaged."
"Have you lost the plot?? You? Marrying that boy? Unacceptable!"
"Well you are going to have to accept it." Laura stated, seeming to be able to keep her cool as she glanced away from her parents, looking down the stairs, taking notice of Andrews presence. She looked back up at her parents, Before walking down the stairs to him, stating. "I hope one day you will be able to."
• • • • •
Andrew led Laura to a chair in the guest room they were staying in, during their stay.
The two decided to visit Laura's parents in England after they had relentlessly asked to see her, though the two were quite surprised when Laura and Andrew gave in and showed up at their doorstep. Even more surprised when they noticed how Laura was pregnant. Though how could it not be noticeable with how big her stomach was getting.
They had stayed there in England with her parents for awhile now, it being at least one or two months. And her due date was nearing rapidly.
"Are you alright, Love?" Andrew asked, sitting down next to her. Running a hand through his hair as he looked at her tiredly, he had still managed to keep working even while they were visiting Laura's family.
"I'm fine, Darling."
"Need anything? A drink? Something to eat?"
"I am quite thirsty.." Laura mumbled, starting to get up out of her chair.
"No, I can get it, Just sit back down."
"Andrew I am still capable of getting myself a cup of tea-" She started, freezing in her spot as she blinked.
"Love?" Andrew asked, looking at her with concern as she glanced down at the floor.
"...Well. If I am not mistaken, I believe my water just broke." She stated, as calmly as ever, her husband not copying her attitude.
"Your- WhA- now? Oh- oh God- what do I do- your parents- the doctor- the baby- just- just stay here- I'll go get the- what do I do-?!?" He rambled, shooting out of his seat as fast as he could, it was a surprise to Laura how he didn't break his back at how fast he was. It wasn't really the plan to have the baby in England, but you can't really control things like this, can you?
"Darling, Calm down. Just tell my parents and they will know what to do." Laura stated, patting his shoulder gently as if to comfort him as he nodded quickly and zoomed out of the room. Only to pop his head in the doorway again to tell her to sit down.
She smiled as she looked down at her belly, she placed a hand on it, starting to feel nervous yet giddy. It "I'll see you soon, my little Archer.."
• • • • • •
Andrew sighed, walking into his bedroom, trying to look for his other pair of glasses after he had accidentally broke his.
Though he stopped abruptly once he saw his eight year old son sitting in the middle of the room. Makeup scattered around him, and lathered on his face.
Archer looked up at him with a innocent smile as he stopped spreading lipstick all over his cheek.
Andrew blinked, remembering how his parents repeatedly scolded him on how he mustn't associate himself with anything girly when his was young. How he shouldn't play with makeup or dresses, because if he did they would disown him. How if he did anything of the sort he would never become anything, Because if he did Everyone would judge him for the rest of his life.
He got scared, scared that his son would be judged his whole life. Afraid that if he continued to do things like that, he would never succeed in anything. Just like his parents had taught him.
Though Andrew wanted to tell Archer that, because he loved him and wanted to shelter him from the cruel parts of the world. He didn't really know how, so he had took the wrong approach. And made his son begin to despise him..
• • • • • •
Andrew straightened up his collar, as he looked in the mirror, making sure he looked presentable as Laura walked in the room.
"I have told the children that we will be gone for a while. Are you sure that I have to come along with you for this meeting?" Laura asked, looking up at Andrew.
"Of course you do. Its a diner party not a meeting." Andrew stated, smiling back at her. "And before you ask, no. I'm afraid the children cannot attend."
Laura sighed. "I'm just worried something bad will happen. I have this awful gut feeling that-"
"Love. Nothing will happen, everything will be just fine. Trust me." Andrew said, glancing at the candle he had lit a while ago for the relaxing incense. He had been working and was getting stressed, so he thought lighting a relaxing candle would help him.
"I do trust you." She stated, leaning against the door frame as she ran her hand down her dress, making sure it looked fine. Andrew threw the dress coat towards the bed, not noticing that it was over the flaming candle.
"Good, than we have nothing to worry about." He said, smiling at her as he picked up another jacket and put it on.
"There, we are ready to go. Come along dear, we mustn't keep my colleagues waiting." He stated leading Laura out of the room, not paying attention to the smoking jacket.
• • • • • •
Andrew walked through the darkened house, a new terrain for him after the other one had burned to the ground. Though it didn't look like it from the outside, he was suffering over the loss of his child.
He didn't really sleep that much anymore. Supposedly as a way to cope with the loss.
He wandered the hallway, trying to get a grasp of the new house, though he had stopped what he was doing when he heard soft whimpers from another room.
Andrew turned his head, walking towards the room slowly, taking notice at how the noises were coming from Archer's bedroom. He opened the door slowly, peeking in through the cracks.
Archer was twisting and turning, weeping softly for Cam in his sleep. Andrew knew by the look of it, Archer was having a nightmare.
Andrew walked into the room, softly shutting the door before making his way to archers bed. He sat down gently. "Archer.." He spoke, softly, his brows knitting as Archer didn't seem to hear him in his slumber.
Andrew placed his hand on Archer's shoulder, shaking him lightly. "Archer." He repeated, this time his voice taking on a more louder tone.
Archer sat up on his elbows, sniffling as he woke up from his bad dream. He looked at his father, quickly trying to wipe his tears away as if he would scold him for crying.
"It's alright.." Andrew mumbled, wiping the tears away for him. "It's.. it's alright to cry.." he gently told him.
Archer redirected his gaze back towards his father, his lip trembling as he couldn't help but burst into tears again. He hugged onto Andrew, sobbing into his shoulder.
Andrew wrapped his arms around Archer in a protective hold, rubbing his back comfortingly as he rocked back and forth gently. "Shh.. it's's alright.. I'm here.."
• • • • • •
Andrew watched as they called Archer's name, welcoming him into the stage. He was proud of his son for finishing highschool, though he still wasn't happy for the next course of action Archer wanted to take.
He was still scared that the world would reject him because of what major he wanted to attend in college. So he continued to ridicule him on what profession he wanted to associate himself with. Though he didn't understand that that wasn't the approach he should've taken. He didn't really have good parents to give him that example in the first place..
Andrew's train of thought seemed to fade away as he watched his son walk onto the stage, take his diploma and proceed to kiss his teacher right on the lips.
Andrew's eyes widened and his smile faltered at the scene before him, he remembered how his son stated that he 'Wanted to go out with a bang' before. Also how he was non-stop listening to a particular song that kept saying 'When I kissed the teacher', though Andrew couldn't remember who it was by.
He glanced at his wife, Laura. As if to ask if she had seen the same thing, only to find her laughing hysterically at what had just happened.
"Did he- are you- " Andrew stammered, looking back between her and Archer who was getting off the stage, leaving his flustered teacher behind.
"Yes. Your son just kissed his teacher." Laura answered before he could even ask. Needless to say, Archer had gotten a very long talking to when they had got home.
• • • • • •
Andrew stood at the door, watching as the car pulled out of the driveway, holding his son and a duffle bag full of his things within it. He blinked, watching Laura walk into the house, giving him a glare as she walked towards the kitchen. "We need to talk." She said as she passed him.
Andrew froze, following behind her with a chill running down his spine. He knew that tone of voice, they were about to get into an argument, and he knew why.
"Sit." She told him, not giving him an option as she patted a chair, standing infront of it. Andrew obeyed, sitting in the chair. He opened his mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted.
"Don't." Laura said, holding up a hand to stop him from talking. She closed her eyes, talking a deep breath in as if to calm herself. "I'm going to ask you a question and you had better answer it as truthfully as you can."
Andrew, glanced up at her, nodding as he looked back down at his hands, starting to get nervous. He never liked when they had arguments, because in the end, she was always right.
"Why?" She asked, simply.
He looked up at her, confusedly. "W-what-?"
"Why? Why did you think scolding our child, and making him feel as if he there was something wrong with him was a good idea? Just because he wanted to make cosmetology his profession. Because he wanted to follow his passion?" She asked, earning nothing but silence from her husband. "Hm?"
"I-I- I was just... I was scared.." Andrew stated, fiddling his thumbs as he concentrated his gaze in them.
"I.. I was scared that the people wouldn't understand.. that.. that he would end up lonely and judged.." Andrew told her. "I was afraid that he would become like my cousin, ridiculed and shunned by the world.. disowned.."
"But that doesn't mean he needed to be ridiculed and shunned by his own father." Laura stated, sighing as she pulled up a chair, taking a seat infront of him.
"Don't you understand that times are changing now. How it was when you were younger are different. People are more open. Yes, there may be those few individuals that don't accept him, but there will also be people who do." She stated, taking his hands into her own, forcing him to put his attention on her.
"I understand you are scared for him. But just because you're scared, doesn't mean you need to treat him like he's not capable of understanding what he's doing. Like he's doing something wrong. Because he isn't. He's living his life the way he wants to. And you should be happy for him. Because he's happy with himself." Laura told, smiling sadly up at him. "And that's all that matters.."
Andrew bit his lip awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with her as he gazed at the ground. Occasionally catching her eye. "I'm.. I'm afraid it's too late to make things right again.."
"No.. it isn't. But now he just needs some time.. just give him a little time to forgive you.." Laura said, standing up and patting his shoulder as she left him alone with his thoughts.
• • • • • •
Throughout the funeral Andrew couldn't help but sneak glances up at Archer. Yes, he was heartbroken that his wife had passed, but he was also happy to see his son after years without contact.
He had changed. His hair was more well kept and he dressed more cleanly than how he did when he was younger and he just seemed so much mature.
When the funeral was over, Andrew hurried to catch up with Archer before he sped away in his car.
"What??" Archer snapped, turning to face his father with a saddened glare. He couldn't choose between speaking to him with anger, or remorse.
Andrew froze, pausing to try and think of the words to say, though in this moment it just came up blank. Throughout the years he had practiced what to say to Archer, but now, those rehearsals were gone.
Archer waited before scoffing. "I knew it.." he mumbled, turned to leave.
"Listen-" Andrew started. "You don't have to forgive me. I don't expect you to. I wouldn't either.. but.. but I want you to know that I am sorry.. I realize now that what I did was terrible. And I want to apologize. Sincerely. I love you Archer I really do. I was just stupid and scared back then and I will admit it."
Archer halted, his back turned to Andrew as he spoke. He honestly wasn't really expecting anything, he was hoping for an apology, but wasn't expecting it. His father wasn't really the kind of man to apologize for something, even if he was wrong.
"And.. And I accept. And support you..." Andrew said, looking at Archer as he turned to face him.
"..As..As rare as it is for you to apologize. I'm not ready to forgive you. Not yet." Archer stated, after a bit of hesitation.
"..I understand.. I just.. wanted you to know." Andrew nodded, pausing when Archer continued to speak.
"...But.. But I'm sure I will be able to some day.. just.. not right now." Archer said, finally looking his father in the eyes. "I need some time to think.."
Andrew nodded, awkwardly holding out his hand for Archer to shake, seeming as he wasn't sure if he was allowed to hug him just yet. "I'll see you soon Archer.."
Archer glanced at Andrew's outstretched hand, hesitating before shaking it. "See you soon Papa.." he mumbled, before turning back to his car, leaving his father behind.
Though he left without forgiving him, he did give him hope that he would in the future.
((2,797 words))
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