Bess Wickham
Tw: mentions of grooming / abuse
Face claim – Margaret Goose
DoB: August 17th, 1782
DoD: March 24th, 1860
Cause of Death: Old Age/ deysntry
Place of Birth: Christensen's Palace, Duchy of The Northlands
Place of Death: Bess' Palace, Duchy of The Northlands
Title: Grand Duchess of the Northlands
Preceded By: Charles Wickham "The Terrible "
Succeeded By: Phillip Williamovich " The Great "
Years served: 1810– 1860
Elizabeth Jane Wickham Jr. (17 Aug,1782 – 24th Mar, 1860) Also called Elizabeth The Great was Grand Duchess of the Northlands from her accession in 1810 until her Death in 1860. She's the first Duchess to rule alone and have absolute power as opposed to her mother who ruled jointly with her father. She's known to have usherd The Golden Age of The Northlands which lasted from 1830 to 1914.
She passed The Marriage act of 1831 which was used to avoid any potential marriages, the act stated that any marriage negotiations could only be carried out with her consent.
She was a patron of musical arts and poetry.
Early life
Born Elizabeth Jane Wickham Jr on August 17th, 1782 she was named after her mother and maternal grandmother respectively. Her father was William Duke of the Northlands the son of Christensen Grand Duke of the Northlands.
Her mother was Elizabeth Wickham daughter of Lady Jane Wickham.
Elizabeth's father died on January 4th, 1795 his death seemed to have had a huge impact on her since they were said to be very close
From a very early Elizabeth like her older brother was put under alot of pressure from her mother who overworked them until exhaustion and would severely punish them if they didn't comply to her request often refusing them basic needs like food and drink
Her relationship with her brother Charles was strained as well in her words " he would invite me to play strange games with him suffice to say I was uncomfortable and tried to avoid him as much as I could "
Elizabeth was described a beautiful woman and several times her mother tried match - making her with several different people but Elizabeth showed no interest in her suitors.
Charles as Duke of the Northlands
Charles succeeded his mother in 1800 up untill now his mother had no real power and domestic and foreign affairs were controlled by parliament
In 1801 Isle Drake became Elizabeth's sister in – law
The early parts of Charles raign were marked with poor harvest and economic downfall which continued untill the batter part of his raign
As he grew older Charles became extremely paranoid, as a result of his Paranoia he began to hullcanate, he put her and his wife under house arrest believing they were plotting against him they lived in horrible conditions with barely any food or clean water.
Accession to the Duchy
Despite being married to Isle Charles was Sterile and was unable to have children of his own and the succession was in despute for a long time in his will Charles bypassed his younger brother William 's line which would be reversed in 1832
Charles named Bess his heiress and on January 14th 1810 Elizabeth succeeded to The Duchy.
Golden Age of The Northlands
People were skeptical on her succession believing her to be week however she assembled a bored of 5 advisers one of which was her brother 's widow Isle. During the early part of her raign Elizabeth made some questionable decisions that were later corrected by her secessor Phillip, she closed trade with Wessex and Southington for seemingly no reason refusing to open.
Later on with the help of her advisers Elizabeth would understand politics and economics batter reversing nearly all of her brother's reforms and restoring peace and prosperity to the Northlands thus ushering the golden age and through The act of succession, 1832 restored her younger brother's line to the succession naming her nephew Phillip her heir.
Military assistance in Easter
As part of her younger brother William's marriage treaty to Sophia The Unready of Easter permitted the two Duchies form a Military Pact.
When war broke out with Wessex in 1829 Military assistance was needed in Easter and it was delivered and played a huge role in Easter's victory thanks Johnn Wilson one of Elizabeth's advisers and a skilled commander. Elizabeth rode to the battle field to give a speech and led the Norian army into battle twice.
Death and succession.
Elizabeth passed The Marriage act of 1831, and The act of succession, 1832.
The first act was used to avoid marriage, the second act was past to prevent war over succession she named her nephew Phillip her heir.
In December of 1859 Elizabeth's health began declining rapidly her cycles became more and more severe and her liver began failing by February of 1860 she was bed ridden and on March 24th 1860 she died
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