Sif Jones One Piece OC
Name: Sif Jones
Nickname: Jonesy(By Buggy)
Age: Varies throughout the story
Status(Dead/Alive): Dead, died age 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Goofy, playful, despite this she has a rather dark sense of humor.
Likes: Learning, Traveling, Playing Pranks on Shanks and Buggy, magic
Dislikes: Being treated like a kid, uptight people, when spells don't go right, marines
Strengths: Magic(Healing spells, elemental spells), sword fighting, fighting in general
Weaknesses: She has a very dark sense of humor which tends to freak people out, she's also a bit airheaded at times. People have a hard time taking her seriously.
Powers(If Any): Sif is proficient in most spells but excels in healing spells. The Jones family has the rare ability to bring others back from the dead at the expense of themselves(often draining their energy to the point of near death). The technique is known as The Valkyrie's Song and works as follows. The Valkyrie's Song is a spell that any female in the Jones family is able to do, however, it can only be done three times before it kills the caster. It starts by the caster offering something of great importance to Odin as an offering for the spell, this is often a organ or one of their senses or even years off their own life. After this is done next comes the mark of the Valkyrie, where a pair of wings is literally torn out of the casters back. If the caster survives this, she will be able to heal any injuries within a seven meter radius from where the spell was cast. Anyone within a three meter radius has their injuries healed as well as any prior medical problems, and anyone with a one meter radius can even be brought back from the dead. In addition to the healing factor, the caster's strength and speed is increased almost tenfold.
Weapons(If Any): Sif fights with two swords.
Looks: Long curly black hair, tan skin, dark blue eyes. She has a pear body type, and is 177cm tall. She has a tattoo sleeve on her right arm as well as tattoos going down her right leg.
Backstory: Sif was born on a small island in the later half of the Grand Line to a small town doctor and an unknown father. Because of her mother's occupation she was raised mostly by her grandmother, who was a well known sorceress. Much to her mother's disapproval, Sif's grandmother began to teach her magic at a young age. The rest of Sif's childhood was rather uneventful and by the time Sif was a teenager she longed for adventure. When Gol D. Roger's crew stopped at her island, she just about jumped at the chance to sail with him. During this time she became close friends with Shanks and Buggy, being that the three were the youngest members of the crew(Sif was fifteen at the time.) It was during this time that Sif first preformed her Valkyrie's Song saving the life of a few crew members. She preformed it a second time shortly after for the same reason however this has a very negative effect on her health and Roger made her retire from being a pirate because of it. She settled down on a small island in the east blue at the age of 21. Three years after this she met back up with Shanks, the two sharing a brief romance before Shanks went off with his crew. It was shortly after this that Sif learned that she was pregnant. Knowing that there was a slim chance of her surviving through the labor process, she confided in the only person she trusted Silvers Rayleigh. Rayleigh explained that Roger had confided in him before he turned himself into the marines that he had a son of his own and that he had left him in the care of the marine vice-admiral Garp, and suggested that she do the same. Sif set off to find Garp. After she found him she explained her dilemma he agreed to take Sif in and take care of her unborn child in the case she didn't survive. Sif lived with DanDan and the mountain bandits and Ace until March 4th, the day her daughter Freya was born. Like she had predicted, she barely made it through the delivery and lived long enough to name her daughter before dying. She's buried a little ways away from the mountain bandit hideout.
Family: Mother(Dead), Father(Unknown, Presumed Dead), Grandmother(Dead), Freya(Daughter, Alive)
Friends: Buggy, Shanks
Crush: Shanks
Fandom Specific Details:
Devil Fruit: No, but as stated before she is a sorceress.
Haki: Sif is proficient in Observation Haki
Pirate or Marine: Sif is a pirate and was a member of Gol D. Rogers crew.
Theme Song(s): None yet.
Fun Facts:
* Any marks that are not naturally made, i.e. cuts, brands, scars, tattoos, and piercings, will glow a certain color depending on what type of spell is used, depending on the casters proficiency, their eyes will also glow when they master a certain spell type.
* Each caster has a special face marking that only appears as they cast a spell and each marking is different.
Sif's Markings:
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