Rain Jones (Injustice OC)
OC's First Name: Rain
OC's Middle Name: Elizabeth
OC's Last Name: Jones
OC's Birthday: March 31st
OC's Zodiac Sign: Aries
OC's Love Interest: Damian Wayne(if that's okay)
Is Your OC: [ ] Human [X] Metahuman [ ] Alien [X] Other(Explain) She prefers to classify herself as a witch.
OC's Profession/Job: Law Student
OC's Workwear(For Job):
OC's Regular Clothing:
OC's Alignment: [ ] Good [X] Neutral [ ] Evil
OC's Superhero / Vigilante/ Villain Name: Njóla
OC's Superhero / Vigilante/ Villain Costume:
OC's Weapons / Gadgets/ Skills / Powers: Rain is an empath who can also see the memories of other people. She can control emotions and calm people down. She can also heal other people by taking their injuries onto her own body. Recently began practicing magic like her mother did before her. Fights with a long sword.
OC's Backstory: Rain was a child who grew up in Gotham, joining Batman and his family after Joker caused her mother's death when she was ten. She often partnered up with Damian Wayne becoming extremely close to him, often siding with him during family arguments. She was the only one in the family who took Damian's side after the accident that killed Dick Grayson, joining the Regime when he did.
Other Information: Has a strange obsession with demons and monsters
Face Claim: Katie McGrath
Miscellaneous Stuff:
Jason_Peter_Todd Here's my OC!
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