Lunar Kingdom Lore
Lunar Kingdom
- The terrain is somewhat rocky in the kingdom, but nothing unmanageable. There are plenty of forests somewhat near the towns.
- there's also steady flows of starlight that flow through, and people could swim in it, but it's also harvested as a popular drink.
- In terms of positioning, they're technically in the sky?
- The Kingdom is in a state of constant nighttime. It's a little cooler outside, but it's nothing extremely terrible.
- Most of the plants and flowers are only plants that grow in darkness, or can grow with minimal light since the moon provides light (when it's full).
- While there's a lot of docile creatures, the forests definitely are not safe unless you have powers to fend them off. There's nothing super crazy, but it's not recommended to try to befriend the wildlife.
Queen Selene - Winona Ryder
Prince Rhysand - Evans Nikopoulos
Princess Vera - Axnein Nove
- The Queen rules alone. The King passed away in the battle against the Sun Kingdom. It was sad... but she didn't love him because she loved someone else and it was forbidden by her parents before her.
Kingdom Spirit:
Cressida - Yael Shelbia
Cress is very, very, formal and also very glamorous. She doesn't often relax though, or let anyone else in.
- There's the royals, then the advisors, the stars, the nobility, the night furies, and then the common people. While the common people are well off, they're just considered low on the totem pole of actual power. Same with the nobility. Ultimately, the royals have total say in everything.
- The Lunar Kingdom went to war with the Sun Kingdom and has been isolated ever since. They primarily keep to themselves and are not seen by anyone else, because it's forbidden to go down to the other kingdoms. Their history books all contain propaganda against the sun Kingdom. No one from either kingdoms knows why the war started (except maybe the rulers).
- they do a lot of selling the natural gems that grow there to the Tech Kingdom. They also have some trading with the Dark Kingdom. They are one of the wealthier kingdoms because of their self sufficiency.
- Anything relating to the Sun Kingdom is forbidden with the exception of the propaganda against them.
- The queen is in control of almost everything. She even has to give approval for a couple to marry.
- The skin of lunar citizens naturally sparkles.
- In general, the Lunar Kingdom is not that harsh, but they are strict enough for people to just stay in line.
- Balls are most often restricted to the Royalty/Advisors/Nobility, but rarely the Commoners will be allowed to join. One of the most important balls is the Starlight Ball, where the stars are removed from their cages and put on display for everyone to get to see in person.
- The recorded videos sent out of the stars are a form of entertainment, and they're like the celebrities of the Lunar Kingdom.
- there's a large focus on music and different types of talents. Most of them are stars, but there's still good ones that can be found in the towns.
- Lastly, tournaments are held where the Night Furies will compete against each other (or sometimes volunteers from commoners) and fight.
- At the age of 18, occasionally younger, people will be presented to the royalty and show off their display of talents. If they're either talented, or considered very attractive, they'll be made into a star. The exact process of becoming a star is unknown to everyone but the royals and the advisors. Liquid is injected into them and that's what makes their hair glow when they're happy or not. They're locked into glass cages and kept on display for the royals pleasure, and are the stars seen in the sky. Their glass cages consistent of different things depending on what they were taken for.
- it's difficult to escape but if you do, you're considered a "fallen star". Typically you're hunted down and brought back.
- There are 8 advisors in total, but there used to be 9. Each advisor is named after a planet, so there's: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
- They advise the royals, have taught the prince and princess proper etiquette, or are in charge of the star procedure.
- there's a lot of clashing between them and the nobility because the advisors rank higher.
- Advisors are forbidden from ever dating.
- (Only have face claims for ones I def want, anything is open to be changed) Venus - pasabist, Mars - art fc for now, Neptune - random fc for now)
Night Furies:
- Night furies are the armed guards for the kingdom. While the Sun Kingdom has angel wings, the Lunar Kingdom has bat wings. Not a lot of people are born with them, but almost everyone who is, is a Night Furie. They go through rigorous amounts of training and are considered to be the best of the best. Most Night Furies have shadow magic.
- Most of their magic is cosmic based. People can manipulate shadows to their bidding. There are definitely traces of dark magic though used in the kingdom, such as with the night furies. Relying on magic isn't really that popular here, unless it's for aesthetic purposes.
- Casual does not exist with these people. The royalty dress the most fancy out of all of them, and put a lot of focus on glamorous styles.
- Advisors wear probably the most color out of everyone so that they stand out in their role.
- Stars have to have some sort of star insignia on them at all times, but are always dressed to the absolute best. Their clothes are functional for their talents though.
- Nobility dress nicely but not as nicely as the royals. Night furies are always in training gear or armor. Commoners dress nicely in an attempt to be noticed, but it's not as nice as the others.
- The Kingdom colors are blues, purples, silvers, and blacks.
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