My OC Book.
"They used to call the devil the father of lies. But for someone whose sin is meant to be pride, you'd think that lying would leave something of a sour taste. So my theory is that when the devil wants to get something out of you, he doesn't lie at all. He tells you the exact, literal truth. And he lets you find your own way to hell." ― Mike Carey
Why do they blame me for all their little failings? They use my name as if I spent my entire days sitting on their shoulders, forcing them to commits acts they would otherwise find repulsive. 'The devil made me do it.' I have never made one of them do anything. Never. They live their own tiny lives. I do not live their lives for them - The Sandman, volume 4, Season of Mists.
"Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins - or which is which), the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom - Lucifer."
― Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals
The above are quotes about Luci's namesake, and yes, I do have a weird thing for satan. Sue me.
I feel there is more to him than just a rebel who now is what society dictates as a psychopath. So this character is named after him, but he is the opposite of him. What brought Lucifer's demise was Pride and thinking only for himself and God, what may bring Luci Fer's end is his kindness and his guardian nature.
A lot of this will only make sense if you have read at least up till the end of chapter 0.5 of the book this was made for, war of the kingdoms by TheGeniusBunny.
Be warned, as Luci and his story will probably make no sense the first time you read it over. I never claimed to be a good author, I just started adding things in as I thought them over.
Name: Luci ( pronounced Lucy to his friends or Lucky to others )
Kingdom: Guessing that Derp Kingdom is Teh Derp Crew.... Hmmmmm... Let's say guardian angel for both yogtowers and Teh derps. IDK why, just can't decide who I would love to see him fight with most.
Personality: Intelligent enough to out trivia Rythian or Duncan, diabolical enough to out mastermind Chilled (CTC) or Nanners (NTN), Caring enough to charm Kim or Zoey, Funny enough to rival Smarty for jokes and stupidity. But, when he thinks no one is looking he can be seen collapsing, breaking down in a pathetic ball, making gods forget that he has existed for 100's of years, thinking about who this man was and what they had done with the dimension walker. Those who are nearby at the time, whether eavesdropping or just being at the right place at the wrong time, they could hear 4 voices in the tent that he slept in. One belonging to him, one sounding like a much younger voice, full of concern and love, presumably for Luci. The third, filled with just as much caring, but stern and strict. The final voice made people such as Lalnable and Minx run and hide after they heard it speak a single sentence, filling all nearby him with dread, taunting and insulting the other 3 voices, talking of murder and death and daring them to attack him, giving him the drivers seat of a Mage. This happens more after having to fight someone. Brave enough to charge straight into fire, bullets, swords and arrows all aimed at him and strong enough to survive. Or maybe that's just his curse not letting him go until he finally fits in and has a family. (Yes it can't stop him from dying outright, but his skill and prowess mean he is a pain in the arse to kill, not to mention his natural immunity to all manner of poisons and toxins as well as lightning and fire. And that endurance isn't counting the enchanted armour that is as good as steel but light as a feather and already unnatural endurance. He might not be able to level a army again (yet, but with Fluxxy's help or his friends he may be able too) but he still has the wings of an archangel with the ability to reveal a demon inside, and by those wings and the magic that lets him fight without ever physically touching an enemy and the swords and pistols that allow him to fight without the use of magic and beat warlocks and sorcerers he will fight to the death or destroy a planet just to find a friend, or a dimension for a lover at, when at full power. To bad he has lost that power, leaving him strong enough to guard princesses and princes, but not enough to be put in the front lines. But assassination is different. Teleport, *shink* Teleport. Done. He hates that wars and tries to help them end but knows he will fail, but he needs to think he is leaving his mark for when he leaves for hell or another dimension. At the very least, he tries to make treaty's between the Yogtowers and Derp kingdoms, as those are his friends, and the allies of his home Kingdom that he ripped from the universe and all dimensions on that day.... He brings the friends he made there together, settles the arguments they all have rather inevitably in those meetings and kicks himself if they hate each other more but jump with joy if it works. And they sware they hear him say "It worked Fluxxy." To no-one in particular, but they already doubted his sanity. Just one of the reasons they are friends with him. He has no sense or reason to what he does, but he makes them laugh and, for even one second, escape the fact that they might be at war with each other at any moment. Makes them forget the harsh, cruel world and think only of the place that they are in, around a campfire trading stories, mock fighting, exchanging gifts, or even flirting. If a war was to start he would take those who where willing, and bring them to a place were no war could touch, lest the wrath of nature fall down atop of them. This place is were he gathers them during peace times, the members of Derp and Yog. However he knows that few would take his offer and he would need to once again draw blood for the sake of a side, tearing himself apart as he had no idea who to help. Help the mad scientist and his magically scarred apprentice, the endermage and his technomagical apprentice, the man Xephos and the noble owl lover, Lomadia? Or the Funloving but slightly dull Smarty, the Wild card, GaLm, the Red clad Viking Ze and the Diabolical Chilled, who is wearing a hero's hat while scheming up some way to prank and/or screw over his friends ( not like rob the I mean like pranks ). He never knows and he just hopes that, whoever he helps, Red and green-eye keep Sparrow at bay. And that Fluxxy would stay Far Far away from any fight, knowing that she will risk herself for him as he would her. His hopes. And he dreams he can find a place in one of the kingdoms, possibly both, and end the wars. If not all of them then just make a long, lasting peace in Yogtowers and Derp. His dreams. His personality is molded by what has happened to him and as he realises that this is the dimension that was promised, the one where he could finally live with a family and friends he grows more optimistic, but he keeps feeling that fate is just as willing to backstab him as Sparrow is. But he hopes. No, KNOWS that they won't let him down. Who? His friends. They make Luci Fer who he is, just as Rose Fer and Kaitlyn D'Ark did for him years ago.
Also, I forgot about this, but, he's a pyromaniac.
Looks: Crimson hair with purple and neon blue streaks in it. ( yes that is natural for him. It's a fantasy book lol ) A Greek drama mask that goes transparent on his face when he wears it, changing his face to anything he wants. It Hides many scars and wounds, as well as changing his identity. When he has a reason to believe that it's the right dimension (which the Clash of Kingdoms book would be) if it actually is the right dimension, the scars will fade and his face before the machine failing would return, wiping away the scars. White skinned but slightly darker skin in places. Eyes change from his original deep sapphire to red/orange to a very disturbing purple. This heterochromia is triggered by a change in the controller of his body. Wears a red cloak that appears to be perpetually burning, and has inside pockets. Wears a bright blue jumper sometimes as a joke, and a black shirt with a picture of a dragon and a Phoenix on it, bowing to eachother with the words actions us, Factis non verbis ( Latin for actions not words ) under them. He wears simple black tracksuit pants and sometimes you can see a rose shaped necklace made of silver that he wears, although he will get embarrassed and hide it if someone sees it. Inside is a picture of his sister and his ex girl friend on one side, with the other side being a mirror his to remind him who he is and what he has done for the sake of his goals and having a family. His sister and his ex, I will go on about later. He has wings that can look like a archangel's wings, or like a demon's wings. He hides them and makes them completely unnoticeable unless he needs to fly, as he thinks people will think of him as a monster, the same reason he wears the mask. His shoes change but are generally just Nike or Solomon ( or if we are being specific to the medieval era, since there is all the talk of kingdoms and such, Black or white shoes resembling what we wear today that he made himself. ) he has broad shoulders and a strong build, but is surprisingly fast. He has slight lines on his face that suggest both sorrow and joy. He is slightly taller than average. As he get older, his body remains as if he was still twenty one, however in some dimensions, he is changed back to a child, learning about his talents as he grew, learning about his destiny once more at 25 years of age. As his time in this plane increases, Fluxxy takes over more of his body, him willing to let her do so, causing him to appear purple, looking like a pyromanic version of nanosounds, but male. Some say that they saw him with longer, lighter hair and a higher voice, but those claims have never been proven. (Hint hint. He has two female voices inside of him that can rarely control him. Take a guess why he would look like that.)
Family: Although the Voice that told him of magic was like a mother to him, giving him the chance to protect his sister and learn magic, and though it's Red eyes reminded him of red-eyes (the female voice of strength, honor and justice) he is not ( he thinks ) related by blood to the voice. His adopted child, named Fluxxy or Felicia is alive, but she randomly disappears, causing Luci's friends to worry, and get curious when he says he know where she is but doesn't reveal where she is. All of his other family are dead, and he blames it on himself.
Friends: Almost all of the members of the kingdoms he had met and befriended, or angered. Sometimes both. This is, of course, in other dimensions, but they act pretty similarity to how they would in other dimensions. He has met the important ones anyway. He ponders whether or not to call them friends as he has broke other versions of their hearts many times. Example: in one universe, Chilled ( who he had befriended ) was crying as his one of his best friends left him forever, stepping through a portal with the words "I am sorry but I do not belong here friend" before Luci stepped through a portal to another dimension. In another dimension, another time, a weeping Girl from the Yogtowers kingdom wept for the leaving of him, who had comforted her after her masters death, and restored her hope. Until one day, he left saying that he loved her and said that he didn't belong. And he left. As he did wished he could die. But he couldn't. He didn't want to die in a battle and nothing else could kill him. Not even himself. (The OC characters are new to him.) His most common friends are Chilled of the Derp Kingdom, Minx of wherever she is (I think derps would be it, right?) and Zoey and Rythian of Yogtowers, as he strived to help all of the above every time he came into a dimension. He also helped Kim of Yogtowers from a mix of understanding (he is also infected with flux, he just burns it off with his magic, and Fluxxy doesn't mind. Until he lets her take over, not caring what other people have to say about her.) and of a strange kind of love/friendship for she reminds him of his girlfriend but mostly because she can make him laugh and was just... A nice person to him.
Why does he help Kim, and why does she act nice to him: When he travelled through a certain amount of dimensions, he learnt that he had a loophole through his "no tell" promise with the voice. He could give them their emotions about him from a different dimension, even some memories, as he is not talking to them or telling them about it, they can just see it when he touches them with fire, ice and light in that order. Kim is one person he uses it on the most, as she is the hardest to make her trust him again. Especially after he starts letting Fluxxy grow, so Fluxxy can be stronger and happier and "More like her daddy". This just reminded Kim of being fluxified, and scared her. He does this so, maybe, his one of his best friends in all the dimensions can be a friend when he finds the right dimension. However, this feeling imprint doesn't replace their own feelings, so if the person already hated him, he couldn't make them like him just like that. But he could make love into hate for him.
Likes: Fire, lightning, reading, Videogames, manically laughing at people ( especially those who think they are better than him ) blood and Fluxxy / Felicia
Dislikes: People he cares for or think of as friends being hurt (Bone breaking time! Or incineration, either or.;) Being tickled, the blood of the innocent or his friends and breaking promises. Alcohol and smoking/drugs. Oh yeah and sexists and racists.
Hobbies: Fencing, Archery, Gun play , Videogames, making everyone laugh, singing (he's a mix of terrible and great) and Lighting things on fire.
Backstory: Strap yourself in, this will take a while, for I love this character and by God, my shitty writing skills will help me express him as best I can!
Luci is normal, you might think if you pass him on the street. Sure he has two ornate swords ( the hilt is a dragons head and out of the mouth comes the blade ) but tough times call for tough people. The more perceptive of you might see that he has two pistols inside his close, fully loaded and cocked, but hey, a guys gotta be ready. But if you were brave or stupid enough to take of his mask (very few know of it's existence) and roll down the long sleeves of the flowing cloak he insists on wearing you would see many things, things that would make creepers vomit and Rythian Enderborn Writhe in disgust. Underneath the mask and the long sleeved clothing, he has scars, of the regular kind, but those are few and far between. He has a red line pumping up each of his arms to his wrist to his hand through the vain (look at your hand, see the blue stuff? Yeah his are glowing Crimson.) and a thousand scars where cuts and bruises had stayed to inflict pain on his appearance long after they stopped hurting him. They glowed yellow and violet and black and blue and green. All of the colours in the rainbow, in one sickening picture of pain and violence. Luckily for him, he found the magic mask and his neck was almost completely unscathed. Now most people would break from the depression of what had happened to him, of the loneliness and the constant rejection from all. But he just laughs it off as he finishes his cheesy joke. Or grim execution. He carrys on, in hopes of spreading the joy that was given to him by the people who had lit up his life. These two were his sister and his girlfriend. They now lay dead in a destroyed dimension. Ever since Luci was a child, mocked for having the mark of multiple gods and religions, with little friends or goals, just drifting through life. Until he turned 6, when his life changed. His father had been sent to prison for trying to " save my son from himself ". What they found in his home was a crying girl, 1 year younger than Luci. When he saw her he burst into tears. His mother had always cried about a lost child and now Luci knew that he was finally meeting his sister who was kidnapped at birth to be killed to tear Luci's soul In half and complete his fathers twisted plan. As he grew up, life seemed to get better. He had his sister, who had no gods to be spoken of, at first having the belief that a god wouldn't let her be tortured by her father for 5 long years, then thinking of Luci as her saviour, not needing a god, as just as she was brightening his life, he was revolutionising hers. When she came home one day from school when Luci was sick, she came home with a bruise on her cheek, saying that she had been beaten up by the bullies. He embraced her, saying that nothing bad would ever happen to her again, and he swore that on his life. After that, he discovered he was a human lightning rod, after 5 consecutive lightning bolts struck him after a long run, reenergising him and not even leaving a mark, and that he was fireproof and suddenly didn't feel the cold or heat anymore unless he wanted to. Then one day, the curse that had ruined his childhood took pity on him and bestowed upon him a. Secret. This was that, bearing the mark of many gods ( so in the story like people get halos and stuff and I'm like, "wait, I believe in multiple, Norse Greek, Christian etc, so what if my guy did? ) he could wield magic. And this god or messenger was right. He went anywhere he could, trying to learn about magic, taking his sister along with him. He eventually could form a jet pack of pure fire, while blinding everyone in a 10 mile radius with light and control the lightning and call it down from above at any time. He could do almost anything..... And he could finally protect himself and his sister! Then, one day, as he was walking through the woods, he heard a scream. It was a woman, who was tied to a pole in the ground and being tormented by a man wearing green. This man said "you don't want to do that boy" as a now 19 year old Luci comes out with a sword, a gift from his mother 3 years ago. The man chuckles as 5 more men come out from the bushes, and the first man says "Kill Im." As they charge at him, he races out to meet one and cleaves his skull clean in two halfs. The other men are shocked and Luci sends a wave of fire out and they men catch on flames. Before they can even scream or pray to the gods the boy, now caclkling calls down lightning bolt upon lightning bolt on them, never killing them, just injuring them and paralysing them. Then when one is about to faint, he lets the fire kill all five of the remaining men, including the leader who had seemed so confident before. Luci started rambling about butchering and meat until the woman breathed in after holding her breath for so long. As he heard this, Luci turned to her, with a mad man's grin and evil purple eyes. As she thought a prayer to the gods as he advanced towards her he suddenly stopped. He looked mildly pissed then started screaming. As he stopped screaming he resumed walking towards her, with that fear making stare. As he reached her and he held the sword up to kill her, a roar filled the forest. "DON'T F*CKING TOUCH HER YOU B*STERD!" And Luci stabbed himself in the Arm. As blood poured out, more than humanly possible for a boy to have in him let alone be still standing his eyes changed from purple to sapphire and suddenly a neon blue burst appeared around him as the sword removed itself from the wound and he fell to the floor, gasping for air. He looked up to her and he saw the plain terror in her eyes. He couldn't blame her, he'd just murdered 6 people in an agonisingly cruel way and attempted to kill her. As he once again moved towards her, she tried to move away, but the chains and the pole didn't budge. As she saw him move the sword up she saw a light appearing for her. But it suddenly went away when Luci Cut the ropes binding her and saying two simple words. "I'm sorry" he said. The girl then ran away, her bonds now gone. As she left Luci whispered words which he meant to be inaudible. "Please don't go". These words were heard by the girl and she didn't stop hearing them until she slowly turned backwards. Luci had said these words, as this fight, sensing the pain and misery had drawn up the most despicable thing Luci had ever met, and worst of all, It was him. Back when he was a child, when he went to bed, he didn't get the warm embrace of sleep. No he was taunted and tortured by Sparrow as Luci called him. He had no idea why he called him that or why Sparrow did it. He just knew it was there and doing it. That fight had brought it back out, with a new psychopathic tendency. ( Think of Lalnable hector combinend with Jack the Ripper Times by 10 and you get how Sparrow acts later on ). As the girl slowly back tracked she found him sitting next to the pole. He was just sitting there. As he always had, Sparrow had found another way to hurt Luci. Because, something that Luci never thought would happen to him, happened. He had fell in love with her. She was a beautiful woman, with Black a Eyes and hair, and a purple dress and pants. She wore a earring on her left ear that was a purple ring with the inscribing on it Factis, Non Verbis ( Also meaning Actions not words ) And even as he tortured those people, and tried to kill her, she had never screamed, or condemned him, damned him to hell or anything. He rammed his head against the pole, causing it to splinter into dozens of pieces, some sticking in his skull. As he sat there with those pieces of pole stuck in his head he did something he hadn't done since he met his sister. He cried. He openly wept and he heard a noise. If it was a bandit, he would use his magic to get away, teleport or something. If it was someone else, well, he didn't care. But when he opened his eyes to see the ground singed where he had cried, he saw the thing that was causing this sound. He saw the woman sitting next to him. Her hair looked so smooth. As he reached his hand up to touch it, she flinched away. Right. He had just tried to kill her. He let his hand drop and just daydreamed in the middle of the clearing, still with the body of the first to die, as the others had been incinerated. As he did this he came to with a stinging pain in his head as the last piece of pole was removed from his head by the girl. "Ow..." He commented. For the first time, he heard her speak. " Tough love bud ". After that they just talked. He learnt that she was an orphan and said that he guessed he was too, as his father was in prison for life and his mother had been murdered in a hostage situation in a cafe. She winced and looked at me with pity, but I just nudged her and said, " Well, at least I still have my sister. And speaking of... He says and looks straight into the sun, she'll be worried." He said as he got up. She just looked at him shadowing the setting sun with a stunned look. "What? Is there still some blood or something?" He asked. " No, just.... Looking. ". He asked her if he had a place to stay, as she was an orphan, and she said she didn't. So Luci cheerfully proclaimed she could come with him and stay with him and his sister. When he walked in, he was tackled to the ground and hugged to an inch of his life. As Luci got up, his sister eyed the stranger. " Brother, who is this?" As Luci introduced her she curtsied and said " Kait D'Ark. " ( Her name is of the arch of heaven, as she is a woman whose spirit is reborn in different dimensions even time she died forgetting all of her old memory's. Her existence powers the arch of heaven, or stairway to heaven or whatever ya wanna call it, and keeps it up in the air. And also its's a reference to Dark, as she has some sort of potential with Dark Magics.) At the end of the introduction Luci's sister curtsied in kind and said " Rosie Fer, At your service ". ( Yes his Name is Technically Lucifer. He is part avatar of hell. Technically that is what Sparrow is. Luci is there to balance out karma. Sparrow is evil karma and Red eye..... Red eye is later. ) SOOPER TIMESKIP THINGY OUTOF NOWHERE!!!!!! Apparently I'm a Wattpad author now LOL.
3 years later: Luci and Kait have been dating for sometime now, and the two of them and Rose decide to help the lands by trying to build a machine to expand the worlds land and water mass without messing with anything but the planets size, not even the alignments of the planets and that stuff. As They finish, Luci adds a couple extra gadgets to the machine and tweaks some stuff cus a third voice says it will help. Drunk, he does so and the next day they flip the machine on.BOOM! He hears the sound and a scream as he hits the floor, out in less than 3 seconds.
Luci opens his eyes to find Rose and Kait worrying about what's happening as the TV swaps to a thing saying wormholes are destroying the planet. At once Luci knew what was happening. He yelled to them to get to him and they did. They were only on other sides of a room, but the wormholes distorted reality and made the room bigger. As a hole appeared where they had to go, they realised they had to Jump. Luci Caught Kait and yelled for Rose to follow. She took a run up and she slipped and fell into the wormhole. As a single tear fell from his eye Luci caught a gold medallion. He had seen her running around with this in the lead up to his birthday. He guessed he was getting his present early. He turned it around, and etched into the back of the medallion were the words "I love you Big Brother". Luci screamed down the endless hole that Rose had fell down. As he almost tried to reach down there, fly down and throw her up, Kait grabbed his shoulder as they heard a crack at the end of the endless hole. With that they knew there was nothing to do but escape. Kait followed Luci to where he Unflipped a flipphone and started dialling 665 into it and a portal appeared before them. Interdimentional travel. Luci had made this the day before, for funsies, but now it saved them. They jumped through the portal and they appeared in the world 3 days ago. Knowing that no other usses existed here, as the phone would warn them, they went home and formed a plan. They couldn't help Rose, but they could try to find somewhere were only she existed and they could resume what they were. A happy family. This plan was cut short when the Forrest they were strolling in shook and suddenly a horde of bandits appeared. Luci ducked from the first attacks, trained instincts coming in, but, he watched, horrified, as his girlfriend was impaled, never having to fight before, other than the bandits that one time, as Rose and Luci, who were more than proficient protected her. She had died. Right where he was going to propose to her. As she died he put up a force field around them with magic. As he did so, she said " You find your sister. An......d give th....ose...... Bandits h....ell" and she died. As her last wish, all of her years of untapped magic flow into him, 2 decades of unused power flow into him in the form of thier last kiss as she died. He cried. He cried as the bandits attacked the force field. Then he felt the power in him and decided to honour her by killing every last bandit here. He felt sparrow try to take control but Redeyes cut him. Inside of Luci's brain spilt in two as two of his personalitys were fighting while he killed the bandits. Then a demigod appeared. Dressed in green clothing just to piss him off. Huh. Must be the oh-so-powerful Ridgedog eh? Luci had heard of him, but his land was too far from Yogtowers to meet him. He heard he was one of the most powerful beings on the planet. Let's see about that. As he fought he realised he must be in the kingdom of yogtowers, as this land mirrored his own but with differences. As he thinks this he disarms Ridgedog and absorbs him and all of his power. And for one of the first times ever, Ridgedog Felt fear. Luci has him by the neck and had a sword to his throat. Then Luci smiled and muttered a word. "Red-eyed-Sparrow" then two brilliant red wings appeared from his back, half demon half angel. His two almost bipolar personalities where working together. And then. Luci stabbed Ridgedog with the sharp demon edges of the wings. They then turn fully angel as he prepares to destroy the universe for taking his soon-to-be-Fìance. He doesn't know how he knows to do this, he just does. And as a burst of power erupts from him the entire dimension is ripped in two. And his home Kingdom is ripped from every time stream.
Luci wakes up, and he hears the voice that told him about magic. "I am Very Disapppointed In You Luci. You Used Your Gift To Kill Millions!" He cried out for whoever it was to reavel themselves so he could just die. He was fed up with not being with Rose and he had already shown his grief for Kait. The voice then said " You Shall Not Die Here Luci! You Shall Travel The Dimensions! Until You Find One Where You Belong!" I Am Taking The Power That Was Given To You By Your Loved Ones Death! But You May Keep The Wings And the Magic" It remarked. It's reasoning was that he had learned that magic by his hand and they couldn't take it away and the voice didn't have the power to take away his wings. "And One Final Thing! You Are Doomed To Do This! Forever! Until you Find a Place Where you belong. ( Luci being the master of knowing impossible BS, He Figured out that meant he didn't age and can't commit suicide. Others can still hurt him, but he feels less pain, takes more to knock out/paralyse him and can bleed more, and it takes more to kill him.)
The voice finished " We Are Sorry Lucy." Voice said. He couldn't tell if it was a mockery of his name or if that shred of hope and almost compassion for him was genuine. With that what he did was set out! Trying to find the earth he belonged in. After going on one earth he sadly discovered that he wasn't meant to be with his sister or Kait. He sadly departed the planet. He never was as strong as he was on that planet where he killed the Demigod. He probably never would be. But he still had enough power to protect his friends and intellect to help in any needed way. He breathed in the air and thought this place is nice. I hope this is finally home. As he thought this a tear ran down his cheek and he felt the words TheGenuisBunny in his head. He felt names like that when he entered a dimension, and he thought that it was the universes..... "Author" he guessed, and they had made that world. He remembered the oath he had swore, after the first dimension. He would act like he was from the dimension. And if it was the right dimension, he might feel like he's finally at home. Maybe fall in love. Maybe have kids. Maybe have friends he can be proud to know and know that he is helping good people. As he looks down the hill he sees...... Is that a boy with brown hair and a blond streak? Or a girl with red hair and a mushroom? Or a man in a Mario hat? Or maybe a Brown hair girl with a purple streak? Possibly a Baka ( he had heard of them in story books )For the first five minutes after using a wormhole he had always found it hard to see things as they were, but only living things. For all he knew, it was just a generic guard. He had hope that this would be home, and maybe, just maybe, he would be remembered, maybe in a book, and he would be a part of adventures and someone would smile and say " yeah. That Luci was a good man " as the person approached him he tensed to hear what they would say, his vision coming back to see........
Well that's where it cuts off and if the author decide what happens, if he is put in. I hope he is this took me.... WOW 2 hours! I pulled a big fracking no-life!
What is Fluxxy: Fluxxy appeared in dimension 51, as he started to leave, he heard a sound behind him. A 6 year old girl who looked like him on the (Hypothetical) floor whimpering "Daddy?". This one thing broke his heart more than the many heart breaks and rejections he had felt before, as this was the exact same sound he made as he saw his father wanting to kill him and his sister when Luci was only 6. As he reached out to help the child up, it suddenly turns a deep purple and he realised he had just grabbed flux. As he braced for the immense pain he knew being fluxed would bring, he felt nothing. He looked down, and saw nothing on his arms nor legs nor face. All he heard was the voice saying "Thank you Daddy" and he saw a picture of the flux.... Hugging him? As he tried to feel disgust, he found he could only feel love for the child. Not knowing what to call it, he just called it Fluxxy, and left for the next dimension deciding that he would sware on his life, his soul, and everything else, he would keep this child safe until his last breath and muttered under his breath "Kait, this is our child, if you can hear me in heaven.....". And he did. Anyone trying to hurt Fluxxy when she was outside of his head was killed, tortured or worse. She knew what was happening, and she knew she was an abomination, but if her daddy ever found her crying he would sit with her and make her happy again, giving off the impression, identical to the false impression that Luci had. That they were always smiling. As Fluxxy grew Luci let her take more and more of his body over, becoming more and more purple with every few years. Even as he was rejected from every angle, by many people for the purple, he felt nothing but love and compassion for the child that was in his head, but could walk the earth. He prayed when he entered a dimension, that the people who he wanted to meet would not look at him and try to kill him, or worse Fluxxy. When Fluxxy turned 10, symbolising that she had been with Luci for 12 years, one petal on the flower necklace that his sister gave him turned purple and the words, " Love her for me-for us bro. " - R appeared on the necklace. As he looked to the left, the swingset that was in the picture on the side behind the girls now had Fluxxy on it squealing with joy. He let a single tear escape his eye and said, "they approve". That night, when he was asleep, he woke up to find the voice, now with one red eye and one emerald eye, just like his mother's and though he couldn't see one, he could feel her smile. She said she was proud of him. Considering she was the person who managed to make him immortal (technically, since he can still be killed by normal means, it's just really fracking hard.) he liked having her respect. He woke up Fluxxy by grabbing her by the waist, twirling her around him and kissing her on the forehead. From that moment forward, he was just that little bit more hopeful for the prospect of a family.
He is protective of Fluxxy/Felicia (They are the same person BTW, that's just her Birth name and her Nickname.) and only reveals who she really is and what their proper relationship is to people he trusts. If she decided to, she could leave his body, healing all of the flux marks and leaving him with the ability to call on her to help him, but not the full power of the flux. If they spend more than a month in the right dimension, she is forced out of his body permanently, but can still teleport to his side at anytime.
Wow. Luci Fer 1.2. Never thought I'd say that. I hope He Is put in a book, especially Clash of Kingdoms.
If there is anything that you don't understand, please ask in the comments and I'll try to explain it.
Anyways, Good Day!
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