Past Names Opalkit Opalpaw
Current Name Opalbreeze
Age 39 moons
Past Rank
Current Rank Deputy
Clan Hailclan
●Can be Harsh
●Lacks Self confidence
●Always willing to give it a try
●Loves her daughter
Mother: Poppyfall(Deceased)
Father Thomas(loner)
Brother Rory(Loner)
Half-Sister Featherhawk
Daughter: Deerpaw Freezepaw and Frostkit
Former Mate: Finchnettle(Deceased)
Mental Health Conditions Anxiety
Neglect Absence
Backstory She was part of a half clan litter her brother Rory was taken to live with her father Thomas. Thomas told Poppyfall it would be best if they never see eachother. Due to Opalkits resemblance of Thomas Poppyfall was Abesent and Neglectful during her life. Opalkit became Opalpaws mother had a kit with another tom. She treated her differently to Opalpaw treated her with love. Opalpaw was jealous and didn't get along witb the kit. She said Featherkit wasn't worth her time she would constantly last out at Featherkit taking he ranger out on her when it was acctaully at her mother. Opalpaw met Finchpaw they were exact opisites he wanted Chaos battles war. He wanted to fight. Opalpaw wanted the clans to live together in peace to use words and not claws. The two became enemies. They said they'd never get along. It was until the two were 19 moons old and she was by a lake Finchnettle approaching her with an apology for how he treated her and they became friends talking beside the lake. 3 moons later they became mates. When Opalbreeze was 29 moons old she found out she was expecting her kits Freezekit and Deerkit when the kits were 7 moons old Finchnettle was attacked by a fox and he didn't survive. The day after Opalbreeze found out the was expecting her second litter but hid it from the clan. Opalbreeze became Deputy. 2 moon later, Opalbreeze gave birth to one she kit named Frostkit. Opalbreeze and Featherhawk put their differences aside and started getting on
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