"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." - Hebrews 11:1 NLT
Faith is the key to the new life we want to have. Our ticket to heaven. To be save, we need faith.
Faith is about believing and trusting in Jesus Christ and in who He is and in what He has done for us.
And when you believe, you'll be saved.
"...believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved..." -Acts 16:31 KJV
But the faith that can save us is a Living Faith.
" by itself, if it is not accompanied by action is dead." - James 2:17
If we say living being, or man in particular, the sense of being alive means that there's the feeling of being loved, accepted, trusted, and all positive traits... We don't go into the negative. It kills us.
A Living Faith is not just about believing, knowing or being aware of God, it's so much more... I believe it's about TRUST & LOVE.
Trust is a deep word. It's not just a word... it's about the things you do... it requires an action that will solidify the word itself.
And love, is love. It's deep and wide as an ocean. You'll never fully understand the reason of its existence. To elaborate it. If i should then I'll quote a verse in the Bible.
"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends..." - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 ESV
Trust & Love needs an action for without such it will not be complete... a living faith is about trust and love. For me, It's a relationship!
I tell you, you can build a relationship with God... You can!
Just receive Him... Let Him enter your life.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." -Revelation 3:20 NKJV
A relationship is built on trust and love... for without such, it'll never last.
But i think if you have love, trust is there as well... Love is the most important. I mean you can trust someone without even loving them if you just base it on a person's credentials. But you can't truly love someone if you don't even trust them.
Am i making sense? :)
Anyway! A living faith is about trust and love, which is foundational in every relationship.'s a relationship thing.
Build a relationship with God. Go get to know Him. Read His Word, the Bible. Talk to Him in prayer. He already knows everything about you, your struggles, insecurities, imperfections, and also your likes or dislikes, what makes you happy or what makes you cry...what tickles you... He knows everything. He knows you inside and out, the best and worst in you but He loves you anyway!
The worst in you, our sins, He died for it... to save us because He loves us.
All I'm saying is that, love Him too~ God deserves your Love & Trust. Have faith in Him.
Knowing what He has done for you, the most proper respond is for us to love Him. When you give love to someone, you don't do it to get hate but rather love. So to love is the least we could do for God for all the things He has done in our lives. "We love Him because He first loved us." - 1 John 4:19
He loves us, and we ought to love Him back... We do things that make us unworthy of His love but He loves us nonetheless. And He is worthy of our love.
And in loving God Jesus said,
"If you love me, you will keep my commandments." John 14:15
And so as we believe in Him, if we have truly have faith in Him them we are to obey Him at all cost. Having your partners in life, you cannot but keep what the others want to make them happy and feel loved by doing the things that please them, in every family that is also acceptable.
Like what I said earlier, trust and love can only be complete if it is accompanied by action... it is written faith without works is dead. James 2:26
As I have pointed it out living faith is need for our salvation, living demands movement, actions- works to it to really know if it's alive if it doesn't show one can then say, it's must've been dead.
Faith rooted in a trust and a love for the Savior. I believe that True Faith is rooted in love and trust.
A living faith for our living God.
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