What first...
Hello my gorgeous, precious, beautiful, wonderful, enchanting, sweet creatures <3
This is going to my diary in which I will tell you a couple stories from my life, like the one when I went on vacation with a friend and passed out or the one when I was in France in a host family and passed out or the one when I saw (and kinda also met) so many stars (like Finn Wolfhard, Taylor Lautner or Kathrin McNamara) and almost passed out. I could also translate a couple pages of my old diary I had in 2018.
Sooo, what do you want to hear first (if you want to hear anything)?
Yeah, well I'm not sure what to write now so I'm just gonna tell you about my day (it's gonna be boring because nothing special happened today)
Okay, today I woke up at 6:45 am (as always) and "Clean" by Taylor was stuck in my head. What do you call a song that's stuck in your head in English? In German it's an "Ohrwurm" (English: "ear worm") That's a pretty weird word, now that I think of it. Sorry for my bad English btw usually I use also a translator to support me but rn I'm too lazy and tired for that.
Anyways, after I changed and ate my breakfast, I drove to school. On my fooking bike. At 3 degrees (/37.4 degrees, google said). And I couldn't find my gloves ToT I think my hands were kinda dead when I arrived at school.
So, French class started at 8:15 am. It was the first lesson after our exam so we just practiced some previous grammar stuff (l'interrogation par inversion) and I was cool enough to do a task on a worksheet that we weren't supposed to do before (I was too stupid to write down the right task we were supposed to do for homework)
After that we had ✨religious education ✨ We have been given the task to research antisemitic memorials and create a lil presentation about it. My friend and I chose the "Judensau" and the pictures we saw looked cruel. It was horrible. I have absolutely no idea why and how people could create such things.
At 10:35 am we had a break till 11 am. It was a "Regenpause" (English: rain break) which means we didn't have to go outside as usual because the rain was pouring down.
I just realised Taylor's influencing my vocabulary pretty much. But that's okay, I like that.
Ermmmm, after that I went to my maths class. That was not fun. We only solved some math problems and I was tired because the caffeine from my coffee this morning has worn off.
Then we had an English substitute lesson (I was on Pinterest the whole time and I couldn't stop laughing because I saw memes that were really funny)
Then we had a break again and then political education (I have absolutely no idea if that's what it's called in English) It was a girls birthday and we ate some muffins, that kinda made my day.
Alrighty, that's it for today <3 I hope I didn't bore you too much, good night / day <333
Buh Bye
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