I was indirectly nominated by my dear sister TheOriginalKitty. (o)-(o) I feel so lazy I want to pretend I never read her update, but blaaaah. I love you to pieces and I'm not going to lie that I didn't read it, Katie-pie.
So here goes.
Name: Celestine Marielle Mayhem [no full names, but my real name's first letters are the same as this one - CMM]
Relationship: If you're pertaining to my anime relationship, then I currently like Suzuya Juuzou. But if you're pertaining to my real life relationship....
*dramatic drum roll*
I'm kidding. I'm single. But my heart IS taken <3
Birthday: July 22
Female Besties:
Grenineon FluffyDerp NyxAbsol TheOriginalKitty RiverIvy FloralArtistry @GoddessofRandomness [I CAN'T FOLLOW YOU WHY IS THIS KSISJXJSISJJS] BriarRoseT lilsweettiffy
Male Besties:
PhilSimon -Chansey waddleslover Arc-Chan
Height: 5'1" [YOU CAN'T BE 5'1" TheOriginalKitty. I'm, like, taller than you (,_, )]
Last Song I Listened To: I Know Places, by Taylor Swift
Last Time I Cried: Truthfully, I would say I cried just an hour ago. I wanted to see if I could cry without any particular reason, and I found out I could B)
Last Time I Laughed: A minute ago. I was watching a video of the baby version of me xP
Last Time I Felt Pain: I thought I was going to lose someone very dear to me, someone who could easily break my heart in two and throw it into a neverending sea of despair [xP I can make a living out of poetry]
I'm not nominating anyone :3 If you want, you can do this and say that I INDIRECTLY nominated you, or if you don't want to do it, then it's fine with me. I feel you, lazy people of the world!
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