III. Desires
"G-god." Inana squinted her eyes, her mouth so wide open at revelation that a full grown stark could fly in it right now. But even before she ran her eyes through the woman, she could tangibly feel the overwhelming aura emanating from the latter,
Such brightness was indeed impalpable for an ordinary human and moreover, the warmth and gentleness she had felt before, could only be of a being as extraordinary as God. Maybe she was being too trusting but that seemed the only answer for why her soul ached so badly to embrace the woman in front of her fully, with every passing second.
Huh, so there really was an afterlife. Was there hell and heaven like system here as well?
"Yes." Her thoughts were transparent as water to God, who only gave an assuring smile in return. Her voice as soothing as lullaby."But don't worry, my child. You won't be a party to such cycle."
Won't be party to such cycle!
The words echoed vehemently within walls of Inana's heart, crashing against her shores, until she could feel a crack in her chest.
Why? Why won't she be part of such cycle? Had she lived her life so sinfully that neither hell nor heaven could accept her now? Was this sweet affection, the last of grace she could hope to receive from Creator, before being sent back into that isolated void?
She didn't want to. That void...it was far scary than any hell she could imagine to be.
"Ha!" A haughty voice drew her attention, as she noticed the man, standing few distance behind the God. "What a pathetic face to cover yourself with, mortal!" He had a lusturous black hair just like God, flowing down to his shoulders but his eyes were completely vacant white, except for a miniscule golden scale in midst. Unlike God, he was dressed in traditional Roman Priest's clothing with ornamental vest and a headband covering his temple.
"Syleaz." God looked at him with a mild warning in her eyes.
"Is this really the mortal you wish to grant blessing, mother? " Syleza threw a disgusted look towards Inana as if she was a trash which had somehow fallen here and tainted the place's dignity. "One who can't even understand a simple direction and you wish to...offer her the ultimate wish-it-all choice."
Inana's eyes drooped to ground, her head crestfallen, as the words resonated with her own internalized belief.
Maybe she wasn't worth the clemency after all. Maybe...
Her thoughts ceased as she felt a sudden warmth spreading throughout her body, her eyes barely able to make anything but the silhouette of the face above.
W...what ...She...she was finally in God's embrace.
The man spoke something again, yet her ears and eyes were no longer intent to find that out, her heart being swooned by the unexpected realization of her deepest longing at the moment. None of the insults or self-loathing seemed to make its way into her heart, now that she was finally held by this woman.
"Syleaz." God's eyes rose slowly, the blue fading in to deeper tint, like waves of ocean merging into each other, ready to spill over the nearby banks. Her voice, was soft as feather floating in wind, but held an unmistakable firmness of iron. "I created you better than that."
A simple line
One that would hardly offend anyone in the heaven, but deadly and crueller than any betrayal, to Syleaz, coming from his mother.
It was far more deadly than the human equivalent of 'I raised you better than that.' for having defect despite perfect creation was like saying you are no longer the creation I recognize as my own.
Indeed, God hadn't meant such harsh interpretation of her words, but Syleaz wasn't the mood to listen any reasoning that might have come.
"You would really go that far...for a measly mortal." Syleaz's eyes burned with utter coldness, before he turned around, and slowly unlocking the door. Standing outside was his long accompanying friend and mentor Rayleinh, who offered a comforting smile.
"No abode for angels." Rayleinh chuckled.
"Maybe there never was, in her heart." Syleaz scoffed, as he crushed his fists. "Let's go. No need to give this pathetic scene an audience."
After the duo left, God pulled away from Inana much to her dismay. She darted her eyes around the room, eventually deciding to simply ask, "Ah...now, I realize why it felt so incomplete. You must be wanting to sit on a chair, right sweetie?"
"Umm...no, it is actually fine like this." Inana tried to enclose her sprawled legs, into a better comfortable seating position, than on her knees. "Also, it lets me stay closer..." She twiddled her fingers, hiding her flustered thoughts.
"If that is what suits you best." God patted her hand lightly on the floor, gesturing latter to take a seat by her side as she wished.
Inana's face flushed deep red, like her hair. She was so not used to having her thoughts being smelt away instantaneously. It almost like she was naked though wearing clothes, every feeling and desire laden bare before the deity whom she could do nothing but solely admire the more she gazed.
"Sorry. "God slightly closed her eyes, in an apologetic tone. "I can't help it even if I try." In that precise moment, Inana was reminded of a cat trying to put its paws on her hand, as if to apologize for knocking things away.
This was too much...! Ah...it felt like all the warmth that she had craved so badly from her mother, was fulfilled in an instant, increasingly more and more since she arrived. Maybe, she wouldn't have minded dying so much, had she known this was the case in afterlife.
Inana bowed her deeply, prostrating herself, "N-No, please don't apologize. You are our Creator after all."
An amused smile bedecked God's face, as she tilted her head to side. "And..." But this time, she didn't wait for answer, pulling Inana to her side, who was taken aback. "Don't let the misery borne by you due to other's entitlement carry forward to next life as well. Now, you must change the norm."
"Ah...she wasn't really that bad." Inana tried weakly, but trailed off seeing God's eyes. No. She couldn't lie here. "Right, I will."
"Good. " God patted her head, as Inana beamed in delight. "You have endured enough so now it is time to ask away. So feel no hesitation in expressing your thoughts. Tell me, Inana Kawashikaze, what do you desire?"
"Please tell me, God. How is my friend Caizara Watasinabe? Is she also here? Will she be able to get into your heaven?" Inana asked without even a second thought.
God smiled faintly.
So even now, she couldn't muster courage to ask about herself before knowing about others. Truly a saint. But she didn't like the life of her children who lived as saint, for what parent could be at ease seeing their offspring toil, suffer in pain, at cost of their own joy.
"She is fine, my child." God responded calmly. "Your Caizara is indeed worthy of heaven."
Your Caizara
Inana tilted her head, a bit quizzical over the phrasing but then proceeded further, with gleam in her eyes. "What about my parents? Are they fine? I hope they aren't too upset ..."
"Don't fret. They are all fine..." God replied, with a much effort to tone down her disappointment. She didn't have the heart to remind Inana that her parents had never really given a damn about her.
"I see." A little smile grew on Inana's face, as she felt extricated from the burden. But just then another worry laced her lips. "Umm...also, why was Mr. Syl so angry...umm...syz...that other person b..."
"Ah. Syleaz." God rolled her eyes. "He is bit of a light skin. Don't be bothered."
"But still, what did I do to upset him?" Inana reiterated, refusing to back down.
God sighed, shaking her head. Right, Inana Kawashikaze wasn't the type of person to bear the thought of upsetting someone without knowing why.
"Well, when you were killed and fell to the divine realm." God clapped her hands together, in an explanatory manner. "You were supposed to fall directly in front of entrance, and lie there until I could come to take you with me. But since you were marked already, maybe the realm thought it best fit to directly send you to me. Only problem was that, at that time, Syleaz was the one in room, making a new art and you crash landed on it, destroying it. "
"WHAAT..." Inana clutched her chest, horrified at the thought of having ruined an angel or god's art.
"Now an angel should have known better than to be doing something like this in my room. " God shook her head, like a parent exasperated over antics of their child. "So he started to mess your mind up in retaliation due to which you had to stay so long in void. In any case, I apologize once again on his behalf."
"Please stop apologizing already..." Inana wailed, barely trying to digest the fact. These gods were far too kind than she had heard of in her grandma's tale. In those tales, there were only wicked, wrathful god who knew nothing but vengeance and power display. "Gosh, I have to make amends with him, don't I?"
"Just let him be for some time." God reassured her, cupping Inana's cheeks softly. "He will be so sunny that you will forget his brooding self."
"R-really." Inana blinked her eyes incredulously.
"Yes." God nodded, lightly pulling Inana's cheeks. "Now tell me already, what do you desire? Permanent cessation or reincarnation to live a joyful life. And if latter, then what is your joy?"
"I..." Inana looked down, closing her eyes to trace her thoughts. The question was so incredibly simple. Maybe all their life, the humans who led a life of goodness, humility and piety, did so with same hope of being offered such a choice by the Divine. Yet she longed to be swept away by torrents of water, away from this question and back to original state, when she had first heard this sweet voice of God.
She didn't like making choices or more precisely, for herself. All her life, had been centred on the notion of being available and accessible to all. What she sought was neither something separate from this social self nor something as definite as she had cared to find out.
It wasn't as if she had no desire.
She most certainly did. Yet, despite their being no longer chains of life or society, she still felt imprisoned in a cellar from which she could not even long for the light. She knew if she writhed just a tiny bit, she could remove the lid, and bask under that light which told everyone their heart's deepest desire but to get that stage, she had to have desire.
If she could feel no desire to know her desire, then all her prancing around the world would only end up letting her back in a circle!
"Ha...my goodness." The familiar sweet voice beckoned to Inana's confounding thoughts. Her eyes opened once again, and a face far prettier than ever before, leaned so closer to her nose. "My child, what is one thing you could long for, if all in the world were as happy as you imagined and wish them to be? What is the thought that if spawns in your mind, you would think twice before vocalizing it out? "
"I..." Inana tried to avert her eyes but it was stopped as God put her fingers on Inana's chin, keeping her gaze intact.
"Don't run away any longer, Inana Kawashikaze." She warned, pointing towards her silver crown. "Those who don't grab fate's hand when handed on a platter, shall always find misery in theirs and other's life to avoid tasting the sweet fruit of joy."
"But..." Inana pleaded, placing her hand on her chest. "What if my desire...happen to be loathesome? What if it is sinful? Should I even then..."
"What is loathesome? What is sinful?" God's eyes widened in perplexity. "I created the world and cosmos for my children to enjoy, oceans for you to play, forests to shelter, sun to keep you warm, air to give you a scent of serenity, watched you humans form a connection (love) so beautiful in simple co-existence that I couldn't have imagined . All this to ward off any obstacle from you pursuing your desires along with others. And yet, you without even venturing to ever act upon own desire, have labelled it as loathesome. "
God 's eyes seem to be brimming with indescribable sadness, sadness that could overpower all the joys of life. "You are my creation. None of my children's desires can ever be sinful to me. If you wish to simply wear the mask your whole life and are content with it, then so be it bit don't put blemish on my name for having forsaken your ambition and desire. "
Inana's face curled up with guilt.
That is right! What was there to be so scared of? When the Creator was so gentle and merciful, then how could she fetter herself without even attempting to walk? If her path happened to be wrong, all she had to do was simply wait for judgement to be imparted but to accept it pre-ordained on saying of other's was just a fool's errand.
"Forgive me, mother." Inana wrapped her arms around God, resting her head in her lap. "Can I call you that?"
"If you desire."
"Mother." Inana repeated. "I am a very greedy girl."
"Is that so." God rested her chin on her palm, as she looked at the latter with a tinge of amusement.
"Yes, mother. " Inana admitted. "I want it all – wealth, power, fame and ..."
"Go on." God smiled encouragingly, fondling her hair.
"I also want a tall, blonde haired military guy's hand for marriage." She pursued her lips, barely able to hide the tint of red that had crept up her cheeks.
"There is more, isn't it?" As God leaned over smiling girl in her lap, the crown fell absurdly slow as if frozen in time itself, over Inana's head. "Inana Kawashikaze..."
"I want him to keep his eyes on me alone and hopefully also own a large piano." Inana grinned for first time. "He should be kind as well as capable of being ruthless. Bloodthirsty but calm like ocean. When the world is burning with hellfire, and damsels are abound, waiting to be saved, even then I want him to come and share his kiss with me regardless of all. In gazing into each other's eyes, all else, elixir of pleasures and luxuries should fade away into memories of past. And when we have finally met each other, awakened desire and hope within each other's flesh and heart , then I want you , mother, to come and forge our divine union. Oh mother, give me the world where I can have it all. Send me to a place where lays easiest path to embrace all my desires I know and I have yet to know"
"Then so shall it be." God 's hands stopped, motionless still hovering over Inana's body, her eyes calm dead, like a wheels of time which could no longer move, having reached the final end.
"What happened?" Inana's eyes piqued with curiosity, at the uncanny silence.
"Another one of my child seems to be aching for my presence. " She replied, standing up, her crown naturally resting back on her head on its own. "But worry not. I trust that you are convinced enough about her worth, Syleaz."
Inana blinked incomprehensibly for the moment, but all soon became clear as the door was pushed open and a figure clad in ornamental vests walked in. His eyes looked at Inana sharply, "You needn't have pampered her that much, mother."
Angel Syleaz!
Though Inana could no longer feel the ominous aura from him, the animosity had not completely disappeared from the angel's eyes.
"No need to feel jealous, my little Syleaz." God smiled warmly, her very aura enveloping the room with pleasantness. "I will make sure to give you an excellent reward once I return. Meanwhile..." With one last glance at Inana, she vanished into nothingness, along with her voice fleetingly. "Take care of my Inana."
Inana felt a churn in her stomach, as she was left alone with Angel Syleaz in the room, whose eyes contained not even an iota of warmth that she found so resplendent in his mother. "Well, then, prepare yourself, Inana Kawashikaze."
"R-right." She gulped standing up, the tension in air feeling oppressing heavy. The angel continued, unbothered, making gestures in the air with his hand at such a quick pace that her eyes couldn't even fathom to follow, let alone emulate.
Despite the rapid gestures, nothing seem to be changing in the golden room. Or so she thought. But why was the room getting hotter each second? Just what was the angel trying to do? She interlocked her fingers together, as she waited for process to be over.
"Why are you wasting time? Hurry up already" Syleaz grumbled, without even bothering to turn around.
"Hurry with what." Inana blinked confused.
"Taking off your clothes." He replied curtly. " Isn't it obvious?"
"WHAT...Why w-would I do that?" Inana lurched back, taken aback by the unexpected answer. Was this angel a pervert? Yes, that must be or why else he would ask her to do that"
"You know. " Syleaz 's face wore a thin smile. "All angels can hear your thoughts in the Divine Realm."
"W-well, I mean what I said." Inana struck back fiercely, covering herself. "Wh...."
"How else will you travel to new world? " Syleaz responded calmly. "Surely, you weren't hoping for a new birth, were you? Any clothes you have on, will catch fire once you fall through cosmic oesophagus."
"Oh, I s-see." Inana chuckled nervously, internally cursing herself for her first thought. Damn! She was too excited after God's advice. At this rate, her relationship would only continue to worsen with the angel Syleaz.
"Don't bother." Syleaz declared, before she could even speak. "I don't want your apology. Just do as you are told and get this over with." At that very moment, the floor beneath Inana's legs disappeared into thin air, covered with a blue foamy gas, showing multiple passages probably leading to different world.
"Agh...." Inana struggled to maintain her balance, having no footing when she felt arm grab her by back of the collar like she was some scrawny kid. "Good grief. Can't even manage one thing herself."
With that, he snapped his fingers, making her clothes vanish in an instant as her eyes widened and she let out a reflexive scream.
Darn it! She knew it had to be done but who knew it could be so embarrassing!
"Now then, which one was it?" Unfazed by the situation, Syleaz continued to look around. Inana peered at him, pressing her lips.
Well, this angel sure had a bad mouth but he was actually quite nice. After all, she had wrecked his painting and called him a pervert and yet uncaring for that, he was dispassionately fulfilling the God's command. On top of that, he didn't even need apology.
"Ah...this was the one." The angel smiled, for once, as a gleam entered his eyes as he walked to the portal. He rested her firmly on the edge, so that she won't fall down.
"I...." Inana wondered what to say, never having experienced such a situation. Should she say thank you or we will meet again? Wait! We will meet again, had already an ominous vibe to it.
Her thoughts halted midway, as an excruciating pain surged through her body, starting from abdomen. "Ahh....."
Losing her balance, she fell by her back into the passage.
Wait! Wait! Waittt.!
Her eyes positioned upwards, noticed the satisfied smile on angel's face and him pulling his leg away.
Did that guy just kick her into the new world? Was this the norm? No, with such a God, that could definitely not be the norm. Then why...
Inana bit her lips, as the realization hit her. So the angel wanted a last-off revenge before fulfilling God's command instead of apology.
Ah! He should have just said that. She would have even let him get a few hits. But what kind of angel kicks someone in stomach when they are about to start their new utopian fantasy life.
She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she felt the breeze hit her bare body from all sides as she continued falling. At least, she was getting her dream life now. Few bad things are destined to come before good things after all.
A pleasant smile crept up her face, as she stretched her hand to the skies like an angel falling from the heaven. But the smile faded very quickly as she heard a familiar monotonic voice.
"Enjoying the fall, I hope." Syleaz laughed, his voice annoying as those of crows to Inana's ears.
"Hope you enjoyed the revenge." She grumbled. "Some angel you are."
"Oh, I am an angel, all right." Syleaz's voice burst into laughter. "But revenge? What revenge!"
"What? Was kicking me..."
"You call that manifestation of my whim revenge." He laughed loudly. "Oh, such a poor little rot for brain child."
"W...what did you just call me?"
"You heard me. After all, I am speaking through your mind. "Syleaz spoke convinced. "Anyway, do entertain me while you languish in agony there. It will be fun to see how many days you last."
"Days of agony!" Inana repeated, bewildered by his speech.
"Agh...this is why I hate mortals so much. " He groaned. "They take eternity to understand even the basic of realities. Why do you think I got you unclothed? Divine burn, my foot. Wouldn't your body also suffer the same? The truth is as plain as day, Inana Kawashikaze."
"But still, let me spell it out for you, smooth brain: You aren't going to your dream world but rather into a doomed one, where even the angels refrain from visiting any longer. Your life will as pathetic if not more than your previous life. To make things worse, you will probably get killed as soon as you breath, being a magic less twat in that magical world. Even God won't be checking that world for long time to be...so suffer as much as possible for me, will you?"
There was a grave silence.
An utter silence, impalpable to Syleaz's expectations, who was prompted to inquire, "Hey, what happened? Too scared to even speak? It is only natural. For a sinless and spineless insect like you, this would be the worst nigtma..."
"You will die for this."
"Nightmare. After all, you are but..." Syleaz's voice stopped as he heard a faint voice. "What was that?"
"You heard me, didn't you?" Inana spoke calmly, without a trace of hesitation.
"I-It seems like you have already lost your marbles. I am an angel of God. You can never..." Syleaz exhaled slowly, trying to laugh it off.
"I won't just kill you. " Inana repeated, her voice mechanical cold. "I will drag you through the cosmos for everyone to see just what kind of pathetic and petty loser you are, despite being the creation of such beautiful entity. What is more, that I will bear my blades solely to make them drink your blood? I hope you continue to feed yourself well until that moment"
"H-hey." Syleaz's voice faded into distance, along with the last allusion of heaven in sky.
She won't go to her dream world?
Her life will be pathetic!
Then so be it.
Inana Kawashikaze will gladly pay that price to kill a god
That alone shall remain her primary desire
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