Going Home (Medic's POV)
I was driving home from the store and as I was driving I thought I saw something move. I stopped Sniper's van and went to investigate, I brought my bone saw with me in case I needed it. "Of course zere is tall grass." I said quietly and I walked around in the tall grass (me: Don't go into the lion grass! Jurassic Park reference for those who don't know) "Hmm. Nozing here so far." Then I heard someone yelp in pain and surprise. I ran to the source of the yelp and saw a child no more than (age) and she was running from what I thought was a wolf. I ran at the wolf and killed it and the poor child sat there and stared at me. Mostly my now bloodied lab coat and I walked over to her to see if she was hurt but she backed away from me. "P-please don't hurt m-me mister." "It's alright, I vill not hurt you. Come here it's alright." I said reassuringly "Promise?" "I promise." I walked over to her again and this time she didn't back away from me. "Are you hurt?" I asked and she held her arm out to show a deep gash that was bleeding. "I vill take care of zat for you, if you vant." And she looked at me oddly "I'm a doktor." I said and she let me examine her wound. "Follow me bitte." She looked at me confused and I said "Follow me please." And I offered her my hand and she took my hand and we walked back to the van and I got my medical equipment. "Zis vill only hurt for a moment." I said as I cleaned off the blood and stitched the wound. "You talk funny." She said "Vat do you mean?" I asked "You say w's like they're v's and th's like they're z's or s's." She said "It is mein accent. I am from Germany." I explained "I like your accent mister. Also thank you." "You're velcome." I answered "I'm (Y/N), what's your name?" "Medic. Nice to meet you (Y/N)." Then it hit me, why is she travelling alone? Where are her parents or legal guardians? "Vhere are your parents?" I asked and she looked down "That mean wolf ate them, then he came after me but you saved me." I thought for a moment, I couldn't just leave her here. But how would she react if she lived with me at the base? "(Y/N) vould you like to come und live vith me und mein friends?" She hugged me which I hadn't expected and I gently hugged her back and she said "Okay. Mister Medic." "Mister Medic?" I asked "Am I allowed to call you Medic?" She asked "If you vant to." I said and she climbed into the passenger seat of Sniper's van and buckled herself in and I climbed in and we drove back to the base.
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