Christmas Special
It was Christmas and you were super excited about it. Medic had promised that Santa visited the base every year and left presents for the mercenaries every Christmas morning.
You stayed with Medic the whole day as you wanted to spend as much time with him as you could. He had to do a minor surgery on Scout because he had been impaled during battle and there were shards of metal stuck in him. He had gotten shards of metal stuck in him from an explosion which freed him from his impalement but he was close to the explosive so pieces of shrapnel entered his body.
You watched carefully as Medic carefully removed the shrapnel from Scout before stitching up the wounds. "Zere you go herr Scout. Merry Christmas." "Heh thanks Doc. Merry Christmas to you and (Y/N) too." He said as he left the operating room.
Medic had splatters of blood on his shirt but you climbed on him and rested your head on his chest nonetheless. The sight of blood didn't bother you since your adoptive father was a doctor you were bound to see blood, organs and all that stuff at some point. So better early than later.
After cleaning up you walked with Medic to watch him cook dinner. He was going to be cooking a ham so you watched as he carefully sliced the ham, wrapped it in aluminium foil, and finally put it in the oven. He then went to sit next to you as he watched the ham.
"How long do we have to wait for the ham to be done Dad?" You asked. "A half hour liebling." He said. The two of you passed the time by talking and telling jokes that you knew. The half hour went by faster than either of you expected so when the timer went off it was a surprise.
"Zat vould be ze ham." Medic said as he carefully pulled out the ham and let it sit on the counter where he kept a careful watch on it. A few times Scout came by and eyed the ham so Medic glared at him which made Scout leave.
Time skip to dinner
You helped call everyone for dinner so you were one of the last ones to get to the table. Medic had saved you a seat next to him and Heavy as he helped carry out the food. Medic got your food for you and made sure you got enough to eat.
He then seated himself as light conversation between the mercenaries was heard. Medic had to tell Scout to shut up a few times when the conversation turned. "You know you're way too protective over her Doc." Scout said. Medic glared at him "Vat is wrong vith being protective of mein daughter?" He asked. Scout gulped fearfully "N- nothing." Medic smirked a little "Gut." He said.
Time skip to later
From past experience Medic had moved your bed to his room. He tucked you in and kissed your forehead "Gut nacht princess." He said with a smile. You smiled back "Good night Daddy. I love you." Hearing those words made Medic happy. "I love you too sveetheart. Now you get some sleep, Santa vill be coming tonight." He said. You nodded and grinned then laid down to sleep.
During the night
Medic had made sure you left milk and cookies out as the tradition is. He checked to make sure you were fast asleep before going out to go fill up your stocking with some candy as well as a (f/c) stuffed (favorite animal). He also carefully wrote you a note "Dear (Y/N), thank you for being such a good girl this year. I hope you like your new life with Medic. He'll make sure you stay safe, thank you for the milk and cookies by the way. Signed Santa Claus."
He smiled at the note as he finished eating the cookies and drinking the milk. He then returned to his room and climbed into bed as quietly as he could. He looked down to see that you were still fast asleep. He smiled, pleased at how he had managed to sneak out and back without waking you.
Time skip to the next morning
You awoke at 8 the next morning to see what Santa had brought you. You saw everything and ran to get Medic. "Dad! Santa's been here! Santa's been here!" You said while trying to get him out of bed. He groaned loudly but got out of bed and watched as you went through your stocking.
You grinned happily as you held your new stuffed animal in your arms. "Vat are you going to name it?" Medic asked "(name)." You said happily. Medic smiled "Zat is a gut name for him/her." He was so happy he had managed to make you this happy.
He read the note out loud to you. You grinned happily and hugged Medic, he hugged you back gently. He helped you carry your stuff to his room that he now shared with you. He watched as you played with your toys. He told you to watch how much candy you ate because he didn't want you to get a stomach ache.
It was a holiday ceasefire so Medic stayed with you the whole day. You even got him to wear reindeer antlers which made Scout snicker. Medic glared at him which made him shut up. The two of you had a day of fun. You had tickle fights, he acted like a reindeer and let you ride on his back, etc. All because he wanted you to be happy and have a good Christmas.
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