Chapter 3: School
I finally see the door and run faster until I felt a sharp pain in my side and fell making Heather scream. I looked up and saw a man walking out of the doorway beside us holding a gun loosely in his hand. I managed to get up and I had an idea. I shot forward, nocked the gun out of his hand, and grabbed his throat hard enough to scare him but not enough to draw blood.
Everyone stopped and looked very worried " Keep firing you fools!" The man in my jaws yelled. "A shot hit my front leg and I tightened my grip, not only because I wanted to but because I bit down harder out of pain. Everyone put their gun down when he started to frantically get my mouth off his neck. I backed up with Heather, once we reached the door I let him go and we ran out the door until we reached the woods.
When we got their we were both panting and Heather caught her breath before I did. "Are you ok?" Heather asked and I nodded my head yes. "Can you shift back so I can get a better look at your wounds?" Heather asked "Maybe we should go farther into the woods to make sure no one can see me shift." I said she nodded and I got up and we walked into the woods until we found a small clearing. "Ok now shift." Heather demanded.
I hesitated for a second but decided that she was not going to let this go by so I shifted. I soon as I shifted I grasped my side. "That looks pretty bad." Heather said
"Ya, and it hurts a lot too." I growled.
"What should we do?" Heather asked
"I could shift back into my cat form and you could ride on my back and I could track the path that they took to find our way home." I said.
"Would you be able to carry me?" Heather asked
"I don't know but I could try." I said and with that I shifted and laid down so Heather could get on and stood up. It was harder with three legs and my wounds but I was still able to get up.
"Are you okay?" Heather asked
"Yeah, I am fine now let's go." I said and started moving back the way we came.
"Finally we're back." I said, I walked up to my front door and Heather jumped off me and opened the door. I went straight to my room and I flopped onto my floor.
"Okay, you need to shift back," Heather said so I shifted. "I am going to have to lift your shirt up so I can get to your wound." Heather said
"Okay." I answered, she pealed my shirt off my wound
"Wow it has stopped bleeding!" Heather said surprised and I looked back and saw that it was already healed and the bullet was tangled in my shirt. She went over to my arm and it was healing and it was forcing the bullet out of my arm. "Wow you heal fast too!" Heather said and soon the bullet was out so Heather and I cleaned my wounds off and I put on a new shirt.
"Well that was amazing!" I said
"Yeah I agree with you, that was amazing!" Heather agreed. Then I thought of something,
"What am I going to do about school?" I asked Heather
"Well you can hide your ears with a hat and your tail can go under your shirt, but I don't know about your teeth." Heather said and I nodded in approval.
"I don't know about my teeth ether." I said "I could say that I lost a bet and I had to go and get canines permanently glued on my teeth." I offered
"Yeah, that could work." Heather answered
"But what should the bet be?" I asked
"That you would get an A in English." Heather suggest. "Ok." I agreed knowing that I had only gotten a C in english.
"So what do you want to do?" I asked, Heather shrugged. We just kinda sat there in silence thinking of things. Suddenly my stomach rumbled making us laugh.
"Maybe we should get some food." She said getting up to go into the kitchen.
Time skip (The next morning)
I wake up the next day to my alarm going off. "Ugg," I growled as i sat up rubbing my eyes.
"Is time to get up already?" Heather asked, with all that had happened yesterday Heather had decided to stay the night for a sleep over.
"Yeah," I said getting up to start getting ready. She got up shortly after to change her clothes. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth.
"Don't forget your fangs!" Heather called from the room in a joking manner.
"Yeah, yeah." I called halfheartedly bringing my attention back to the mirror in front of me. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and started to brush my teeth.
Another time skip (School)
I had wrapped my tail around my stomach with a baggy hoodie with a loose hat to cover my ears. To be honest having me ears stuck under my hat like this drives me crazy, but i will just have to deal with it. Heather was wearing a short sleeve shirt with a slightly baggy hoodie as well.
Heather and I were walking to school because we only live about half a mile away from the school. "How does it feel?" Heather asked. I looked at her. "I mean with the ears and tail," she clarified.
"Oh, well my tail feels fine. It's just my ears feel really cramped and everything sounds a bit muffed," I answered looking over at her.
"Can you still hear properly?" She asked. I nodded, I was so focused on our conversation that I didn't even realize that we had made it to the school already. We walked into the school to put our stuff into our lockers before we headed to class. Heather came up behind me as I finished putting my stuff away and grabbing the stuff I needed. Heather and I had first period together, which was biology. "Did you do the homework?" Heather asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. *RING* I nearly dropped my books in surprise from the sudden loud noise.
"Hey Natalie, are you okay?" Heather asked me,
"Yeah," I said shaking my head "It just surprised me that's all." I said smiling. She just nodded in response and we walked into the classroom. The teacher took attendance and started with the lesson that she had left off with on Friday. I was only half listening, as much as I love biology I just couldn't focus. I could hear the other kids in the class whispering to each other, what was going in the other classes around us, and the kids whispering in those classes. It was very overwhelming and it was starting to give me a headache.
"Hey, are you okay? You're looking a little sick." Heather whispered beside me snapping me out of ma daze.
"I think so, it's just that all the sounds that I can hear is a bit overwhelming." I whispered back.
"Well if you need to you could always go outside for a few minutes," Heather suggested. All i did was nod. I sat there trying to listen to the lesson for about ten more minutes before I finally raised my hand to go to the bathroom. The teacher agreed and continued on with the lesson as I left. Though I didn't actually go to the bathroom, I went to the closest door that led to outside and went out. I jammed the pass between the door so I wouldn't be locked out. I sat down leaning against the wall and focused on the sounds outside.
"Hey, are you skipping class too?" said a sudden voice. I jumped up in surprise and looked over to see boy around my age looking up at me. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." he said.
"It's fine," I said sitting back down "and no I'm not skipping class, I just came out here to clear my head a little." I said looking at the trees in front of us.
"Oh, okay." He said. It was silent for a few seconds before he spoke again. "My name is Fane, what's yours?" he asked.
"Natalie," I answered simply and he hummed in response. I looked at my phone to see that it had been about five minutes since I had come out here. I stood up, "I have to go before my friend starts to worry." I said walked over to the door.
"Okay, see you again Natalie." He said waving a little.
"Okay, see you again Fane." I said as I walked back inside into the overwhelming sounds again.
Back in the classroom
"Welcome back, you feeling any better?" Heather asked once I sat down.
"Yeah, that helped a lot." I said "Now what did I miss?" I asked.
I am so sorry for not updating this or any other books that I haven't updated. I feel so bad for not updating anything, but I am trying to start that up again. Hope you enjoy this update and I will try to update more often (Word Count 1,566)
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