Chapter 2: Getting kidnapped
Natalie's cat form only about the size of a small horse
I hurried and found a hiding place right before my bedroom door opened. I heard them rummaging through my room and one of them spoke. "Hey, I found someone!" A man yelled, followed by running footsteps. "Hey, let me go!" Heather yelled. I growled. "Ouch! Let me go! That hurts!" Heather yelled. I growled even louder and something changed. My bones grew popped and shifted gray, white, and pale orange fur grew out of my arms. Before I knew it it was all over. I looked at my sides they were the same colors as my tail and ears. "Ow! Your going to break my arm!" I heard Heather yell. I looked out of my hiding place and saw the man holding Heathers' arm tightly while she tried to pull her arm out of his grasp. I jumped out of my hiding place growling, fiercely and tail lashing. The men starred at me with wide eyes. I took a slow step toward them and all of them backed away except the one holding Heather. "Get the gun!" He yelled. One of the men ran out but I didn't care. I just wanted my friend back. I heard footsteps and looked to see the man had returned with a gun in his hands aming right at me. I turned to face him, I ran at him and jumped I heard a gun shot but it was already to late, I grabbed the gun and broke it with my jaws then leaped on top of the man pining him to the ground. Then everything went black.
I woke up and to a light shining in my eye. I growled and swatted the light away, Wait did I just growl!! I thought I shot up and looked around and saw Heather sitting on the other side of a very empty room. I ran over to her only to be choked by something around my neck. "Let them be." Someone said behind me. I wiped around hissing and swiped at one of the men's feet making him fall on his back. I growled at him with my tail thrashing and he quickly got up and ran out of the room followed by his friends.
Once they were gone I tuned around to face Heather, "Who are you?" She asked "I am Natalie, your friend." I said "Show me." She stated, I thought of being in my human form and I felt my bones pop and shift. I looked at Heather and her mouth dropped. I smiled "Told you." That got Heather to smile. I looked at the chain holding me and it was pretty thick but when I pulled on the chain it creaked. I shifted back into my cat form when I heard footsteps. "Someone is coming." I told Heather, she nodded and I laid down facing the doorway. "What type of beast is that?" A man asked Heather pointing at me. While he was looking at Heather I raised my paw and tapped his arm making him jump and fall over. Heather burst out laughing and I purred loudly. He got up fast and brushed his clothes off "Answer my question!" He said his voice rising, Heather smiled "A cat." She said laughing making the guy mad which made us laugh harder, well made me purr louder. He stopped up to her and looked down "You are going to regret saying that!" He said raising his hand. At that point the animal had taken over, I ran forward then faced the wall and pulled on my chain. It snapped like a twig and I turned around and just before he hit her I grabbed his arm and bit down hard. The man yelled in pain and tried to get me off but I just gripped harder. I used my weight to make him fall and I pined him down with one paw and letting go his arm. He instantly tried to get out from underneath my paw until I growled loudly and curled my lips back in a snarl. He froze and I raised my paw and hit him in head nocking him unconscious. I turned back to Heather and shifted "We need to get out of here." I said she nodded and I walked over "I-is he d-de-dead?" Heather asked "No." I said thankfully, I grabbed the cuff that was around her wrist "I hope this works." I thought. I pulled on the cuff and it snapped as easily as pulling weeds. I shifted back into my cat form "Get on." I said, she walked up to me "You're to tall!" Heather said laughing a little. I looked back at her and saw that my back was up to her solders. Purring I laid down and let her get on "Are you ready?" I asked "As ready as I can for riding a giant cat." Heather said "Ok, hold on!" I yelled, at first I took it slow and gradually speed up. As I ran I heard people yelling in surprise and anger. Soon I heard footsteps running after us, then we were being shot at. "Duck!" I yelled I felt Heather shift on top of me until she was lying down on my back. I heard more gunshots "I think that the bullets are real." I said still running. I finally see the door and run faster until I felt a sharp pain in my side and fell making Heather scream. I looked up and saw a man walking out of the doorway beside us holding a gun loosely in his hand. I managed to get up and I had an idea. I shot forward, nocked the gun out of his hand, and grabbed his throat hard enough to scare him but not enough to draw blood. Everyone stopped and looked very worried " Keep firing you fools!" The man in my jaws yelled. "A shot hit my front leg and I tightened my grip, not only because I wanted to but because I bit down harder out of pain. Everyone put their gun down when he started to frantically get my mouth off his neck. I backed up with Heather, once we reached the door I let him go and we ran out the door until we reached the woods. When we got their we both down panting and Heather caught her breath before I did. "Are you ok?" Heather asked and I nodded my head yes. "Can you shift back so I can get a better look at your wounds?" Heather asked "Maybe we should go farther into the woods to make sure no one can see me shift." I said she nodded and I got up and we walked into the woods until we found a small clearing. "Ok now shift." Heather demanded.
I am very surprised because I got this chapter done in one day.
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