"Good he's out". "Yea yea now stop talking you fool before he wakes". "I doubt if he will wake anytime soon. We hit him hard". "Whatever let's go before some one sees us"
I wake up just to see that I'm in a class room. I groan. Of all places I could have woken up had to be here? I'm tied to a chair. Think the person who tied me has no experience of tying knots. They were loose.
"Well, well, well, it seems like some ones awake. Had a good sleep?"
I look up. Ronald Weasley, Seamus Finnegan, Dean Thomas. All of them are.... Hmm, how should I put it? Yes cowards.
I look up, faking pain. "What do you guys want?"
They laugh. "Nothing, maybe. We want answers from you"
I roll my eyes mentally.
"So, since I saw you with Malfoy in Diagon Alley, I'm thinking you guys are friends meaning that you are a death eater in training like him." Ronald says proudly.
I almost kill myself by trying not to laugh. Im not one I'd Papa's idiotic minions. I'm more like their Prince and Commander.
"So care to tell us what He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named planning?"
I look up"no, I dont fucking know"
Someone punches my jaw.
Wow, is that the way you treat visitors Finnigan?
I stare at them and begin to laugh.
A crazed laugh. Scarier thank Aunt Bella's laugh.
The air turned cold but I dont feel it. They feel it.
I begin to rock my chair as I laugh. Increasing in volume.
They get scared.
And run out of the class room.
I stop.
Burn the ropes. And walk out.
I run to Sev's quarters.
Wit fake tears pouring down my face
I bang on his his door
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