Chapter 16
Just then the doorbell rang. It must be Natsu, since I saw him walk outside before. I walked over and opened the door, but saw something very unexpected.
"Hello Lucy." A figure clothed in black spoke. Then everything went black.
(A/N): SURPRISE! Update from your author-chan! It's only short, but a short update is better than no update!
(Natsu's POV)
After catching fish with Happy, I took him back to the cottage we were staying in. I'm glad I'll have someone to hang out with now.
As we reached the part of the wood where the cottage was, Happy froze.
"Umm," Happy began.
"What?" I asked.
"Is your door meant to be open?" He pointed over to the door, and just like he said, it was open.
"No!" I yelled, running over.
"Luce!" I cried, bursting into the house. Suddenly, Gray and Juvia ran downstairs.
"What's up?" Gray asked.
"Where's Luce?" I yelled worriedly, running round the cottage looking for her.
"Lucy-san is not here?" Juvia questioned, and I shook my head.
"I think I know who has her." Erza walked through the door.
"Who?" Everyone asked.
"Follow me." And then we all ran off in search of Luce.
(Lucy's POV)
I woke up in a dark room, tied to a chair. Where am I?
"I see you've woken up." A mysterious voice spoke, making me jump.
"W-who are you?" I asked.
"That's an irrelevant question." He growled.
"W-where am I?" I tried asking something else.
"Hidden." He bluntly replied.
"I'm getting my reward." He huffed. Reward? Oh, he must mean the one that my dad is giving out. Damned arsehole.
"W-where are my friends?" I stuttered.
"Beats me." He huffed, pacing the room slowly. I managed to catch a glimpse of his face, and I saw a scar.
"D-do I know you?" I asked.
"No, but I know one of your friends." He replied.
"You do?"
"I do."
Suddenly, a door burst open, flooding the place with light. It was Erza! With everyone else.
"Jellal!" She yelled. "Stop this!"
"I prefer the name Mystogan." The weird guy replied, removing his black cloak. He had bright blue hair and a large red scar running down the right side of his face.
"You know this weirdo!?" Natsu yelled, and Erza nodded.
"What do you want Mystogan." Erza asked.
"I want to help." He replied.
"So you kidnapped her?" Erza yelled.
"It was the only way." He smirked.
"Hand her over." Natsu growled. Wait, who's the blue cat?
"Let me help you, then I'll give her back." Mystogan offered.
"And what if I say no?" Erza smirked.
"I'll turn her in." He plainly stated. "Your choice."
There was a pause, and it seemed that Erza was considering things.
"Fine," Erza huffed. "You can help."
"Thank you Erza. You can trust me." Mystogan smiled, untying me. Damn, thank god. Those ropes were beginning to hurt.
"Luce," Natsu sighed in relief. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," I replied, giving a warm hug.
"I was so worried." He whispered. "I thought you were gone."
"It's okay Natsu, I'm here." I whispered back.
"Do me a favour?" He asked.
"What is it?"
"Can you pat my head?" He asked, blushing slightly. "Y-you haven't done that in a while." I giggled slightly while nodding, reaching up to pat his head.
It was kinda weird since he was taller than me, and looked like a human right now, but he hugged my waist and leant his head on my shoulder, which relaxed the both of us.
"I love you, Luce~" Natsu purred.
"I love you too." I smiled, hugging his head.
Word Count: 615
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