Chapter Twenty-Seven
(y/n)'s POV
I examined my costume options carefully. It was the Halloween Dance tomorrow night and I really wanted to look cute for Heather. Preferably drop-dead-gorgeous, but I knew that was never going to happen.
My mom would get antsy and want to leave the costume shop soon, so I'd have to make this quick. I grabbed a couple options and headed to the dressing rooms. Some of them were kinda nerdy, but they were the sexy adaptations so it was okay.
I knew I'd feel a bit uncomfortable, but months with the Heathers paid off. I was relatively comfortable wearing less clothing. I knew a looked okay and so did everybody else. If I didn't, Heather always made me change and gave me some of her clothes.
Well, first to try on... sexy rattlesnake? I had definitely grabbed this one on accident, but it made a burst of laughter escape my throat so I tried it on. It was a short dress that barely would reach down a quarter of my thigh, printed in a snakeskin pattern. There was also a headband in the same pattern with two bright yellow snake eyes in the middle. It would be reasonably cute, I guessed, after slipping it on. Then something else fell out of the bag. Fishnet stockings.
"Dear god," I muttered. I put the headband on and looked myself in the mirror. I didn't hate it, admittedly, but I didn't think it would be the best option. So I took it off and set it down.
Up next was sexy Aphrodite. It was a long, slinky white dress with a braided, shiny gold belt and gladiator matching sandals, the kind that reached all the way up to your knees. It also had a little matching flower crown that was probably supposed to emulate the laurel leaf crowns that important people and gods wore.
I really was a bit too smart for these dumb costumes. The rattlesnake didn't have a rattle, and this thing in my hands was a bunch flowers spray-painted gold and not laurel leaves.
I elected to ignore the lack of fact checking and tried the dress on. It was reasonably cute, and the belt made me look curvier than I was, which was welcome, and the neckline plunged downward in a relatively flattering way. Plus, the sandals were actually included, so this one was the only one with my clothing size and shoe size. Good thing I grabbed it when I did. Because it may have been a keeper, but I had two more costumes to try.
A sexy vampire was next, because I had to pick at lease one basic one. It was less intricate than it looked on the package, with a black dress that went down to the knee accented by red lace that looked like it was hot glued onto the waist and climbed up a bit to under the boob. It also had matching red fishnets included, and the package showed it was meant to be worn with 6-inch (roughly) black stilettos.
I didn't even have to put the thing on to see I didn't want it, the material was cheap and it looked unflattering.
You make a basic costume and can't even make it worth buying? How does that make someone any money?
The last costume to look at was Little Red Riding Hood from Into the Woods. It wasn't a sexy one, thank god, because I don't think I could have even looked at it then. It was just a cheaper version of the costume from the show, even including a wig. I sighed in relief and pulled it out to try on.
It was okay, it didn't do Little Red justice though. The dress was at an awkward length, just covering the knees, and it looked like that really cheap material that tons of bad costumes were made of. No wig-cap came with the wig, so I pushed my hair into it awkwardly. It was really itchy and didn't look anywhere near what the wig looked like, with ugly curls and a too-yellow shade of blonde.
I gratefully stripped it off, since the material was uncomfortable, and stuffed it back in the plastic baggy packaging. I decided I'd go with the Aphrodite one, since it was the less revealing of the two leftover options.
"You done?" My mother called impatiently, and I could hear her tap-tap-tapping her foot on the tile ground.
"Yeah, let me just get dressed into my normal clothes!" I responded, slipping my white and gray sweater over my head. I then pulled on my dark purple jeans that Heather insisted she buy me last month at the mall. I grabbed the Aphrodite costume in one hand and the others in another to dump them in the basket for rejects.
"Took you long enough, how many did you try on?" Mom asked.
"Only like four," I shrugged, holding the costume close to my body. If she saw the word "sexy" on this packaging, she'd probably lecture me for hours and not let me wear it.
"Four? Why so indecisive?"
"I just figured I'd settle when I saw how it was not on the model. Cheap looking material isn't cute, mom,"
"Well we have to get home for dinner so let's quickly pay and go," I nodded and response and sped up a bit, despite Mom not changing her speed. At least she couldn't complain about me being slow any more.
(915 words)
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