Chapter Twelve
(y/n)'s POV
I was so comfy and cozy, but sadly it was last period and my backpack was in my locker so I needed to get up and then return. Woe is me, I was gonna die on the journey. Chandler looked down at me when I struggled to sit up instead of resting on her.
"I should go get my backpack, I'll be back in 10 at most." I told her while awkwardly scooting out of the booth. She nodded and gave a sweet smile. Sweet smile? On Heather Chandler? It's more likely than you think, I guess. I was tired so walking felt stupid but I persisted out of the caf and into the great beyond known as the hallways.
I tiredly walked up to my locker and entered the combination, but my locker was a dumbass who was temperamental at best, so it took some kicking but I wrestled it open. I gathered my belongings and zipped my (f/c) backpack up before slamming my locker closed and tiredly stumbling in the direction back to the caf. That was, until someone came up behind me and grabbed my wrist, spinning me around to look at them.
My stomach dropped as I saw Ram Sweeney standing there, grinning.
He didn't take the rejection too well this morning, so it seemed a bit awkward. I felt his hand squeezing the life out of my wrist and I wanted so desperately to get away, but he was towering over me and I was weak from sleep deprivation. Curse my decision to read until 3am instead of sleeping.
"Heyyyyyy (y/n). I haven't seen ya much today. How've you been?" Why did he sound and look so sincere and kind while his hand crushed my wrist? How'd this even happen.
"I-I've been... uh... I've ok... been... erm... I'm alright." Fuck. My. LIFE.
"You seem tired, huh? I know something that could wake you up a bit." He gave a grin, and his stupid-ass eyes looked dark and lustful. I felt my panic rising and tried to tug my hand away.
"I'm okay, I'd rather get back to Chandler now." I squeaked, but his face was an inch from mine. No, no, no, no. This couldn't be happening. I would have sold my firstborn to be free right now. I was shaking and felt my gaze drop to the ground. I wanted to disappear. It felt like bugs were crawling up my arm, I felt gross, I wanted out.
"Hey, asshat. Get away from her." I heard a familiar voice bark from behind me. He seemed panicked and dropped my hand, and I gingerly held my wrist with my free hand. I felt numb and shaky. He seemed to recede, which made me relax a bit. I turned to face her. She looked pissed, but softened when we made eye contact. My eyes were glassy and I was hunched over, so she could clearly tell something was very, very wrong. She pulled me into a soft, gentle hug, and I melted into her. She made me feel safe and warm. She pulled away and stared into my eyes for a long moment.
"Let's get back to the caf." She whispered softly, taking me by the hand and leading me. I was still stunned from the incident with Ram, and felt like I was floating outside my body, and not in a cute way. So I just followed her until she stopped at our table, and I clambered into the seat. She followed and wrapped an arm around me. I felt someone watching and tensed, before Chandler pressed a kiss to my temple. I flinched and looked up at her. She looked embarrassed and sad.
"I'm sorry." She whispered, but I just set a hand on her thigh. She seemed to get it and we melted into each other and just stared off into space. She was warm and soft. I still felt her lips on my temple and Ram's hand on my wrist. I held it up, and noticed that there were some bruises forming. Figures.
"Oh my god!" She gasped as she looked down at my wrist. She took it gently in her hands and examined it. Sometimes she'd brush a wrong spot and I'd flinch, but she'd make it up by kissing the spot softly. I smiled slightly. She was so kind and lovely. Why did I feel so happy around her? I had no clue, but it was hard to believe I feared her so much a month ago. And now her lipstick stained my face and hand, and I didn't hate it one bit. She moved her hand to my chin and turned my head to face her. She must have seen my stupid smile because she adopted her own. Then she did the most unexpected thing ever.
She pressed her lips against mine.
It wasn't hungry or lustful or rough.
It was sweet and filled with so much passion and love. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. And that was the moment I knew why Chandler was so kind to me.
Holy fuck. Heather Chandler liked me.
I kissed back and grinned into the kiss. She wrapped her hands around my waist and pulled me closer, and my hands found their spot in her shockingly soft, silky hair. I felt her lipstick transfer to one more spot of the many. My lips.
And boy howdy, I wasn't complaining. That was, until she decided we needed air. My eyes fluttered open and I admired her pretty face. She was even more gorgeous up close. Her gaze flitted around my face and a blush dusted her pale cheeks. She looked so perfect.
Why the fuck did fucking Heather Chandler kiss (y/n)?
I felt anger bubble in my chest and explode, spreading through every vein in my body. My face flushed and my left eyebrow twitched. They kissed. I thought I was going to dismiss this stupidity, but I couldn't ignore the pain in my chest that threatened to eat me alive.
A week ago I didn't even feel many emotions and now something, I think an emotion, was killing me. She was my light, so lovely in that 7-Eleven on Saturday. I was being irrational. This was because of teenage hormones or some shit, right? I couldn't believe that Chandler was kissing (y/n). I should have been there, with my arms around her waist, looking into her eyes like a love-struck puppy. But there she was, the girl in red stealing her from me.
I wanted her back.
I needed her.
(1105 words)
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