Chapter Thirteen
I knew I had to come up with a plan to get (y/n) to fall helplessly in love with me. I needed her in my life, I wanted her to admire me and kiss me and I wanted to do the same to her. Oh god, what I wanted to do to her. I wanted her in my life so badly.
But Chandler had her, not me. I knew I needed to enlist the help of a local Veronica Sawyer. She was in love with me already, I could tell. So all I had to do was flirt with her and start hanging with her group. Then I'd be brought to (y/n)'s attention and she had more chance of liking me and not thinking me of creepy 7-Eleven guy who talked to her out of nowhere. Despite her giving me a nickname.
One point JD, I guess?
But that didn't matter, Chandler was leagues ahead of me in points. She had physical contact. She presumably saved her or something, seeing how she dragged (y/n) into the cafeteria while she was in some kind of daze. She kissed her hand.
She kissed her.
My mind always circled to that, despite how much I hated it. I just wanted love, did the universe decide nothing gets to go my way? I just wanted (y/n) to fall in love with me, did nobody give a single shit?
My thoughts were interrupted by the bell blaring through the caf. I grabbed my black backpack next to me and slung it across my shoulder to leave. At least I could chill in the Sev Elev the rest of the day instead of watching dumb shit go down. Chandler walked past me, hand entwined with (y/n)'s. I made sure to bump shoulders with her as a bit of revenge. She looked back with an icy glare but turned back to (y/n) in a second. Pay attention to your girlfriend, Chandler.
I decided to follow behind them, just to hear what they were talking about. It wasn't creepy, it was research.
"Ram absolutely sucks. I'm sorry that happened." Chandler said gently.
"Yeah. The bruise on my wrist is too. It stings like a motherfucker." (y/n) laughed. So this Ram hurt her? I felt anger flush through my body, even more than when the two in front of me kissed. My fists tightened and I glared at the ground.
"You know, you're allowed to be upset honey. You don't have to laugh some shitty stuff off as nothing."
"Yeah, but I don't like feeling weak and stuff. I'm weird, so that probably doesn't make sense."
"Emotions don't make you weak. Look at me, I yell at everyone all the time and I'm the most popular girl in school!"
"You're a dumbass."
"Oh, I know."
The girls laughed and smiled at each other like dorks and I hardly noticed them climbing into a car. That was my cue to continue to my motorcycle and head to 7-Eleven then. I reflected back on the conversation and my heart ached for (y/n). What exactly did Ram do? I decided if I ran into her somewhere I'd ask.
I started the engine on my motorbike and zoomed away. The thrill of riding this thing was long gone, but it helped clear my head when I needed it. The gas station wasn't far off from school, so I pulled in and parked the bike to go in. I needed a fucking slushee after today. They were my drug, and I wouldn't have minded getting high off my ass right now. Heather Chandler kissed (y/n) (l/n).
The door opened while I was surveying my options for slushee flavors. I always went with the classic cherry, but today I felt more lime. I sucked it up and got the lime slushee, and ended up bumping into someone much shorter than me. Much to my shock, it was (y/n). She looked up and made eye contact, causing me to smile. Her face was so much lovelier up close.
"Oh sorry! JD, right?" She asked and I nodded, eyes wide. Real charming, JD.
"What're you going here, miss (y/n)?" I asked, covering my shocked (and slightly starstruck) expression with a playful smirk.
"I had a hard day and needed some snacks to binge." She explained, holding steady eye contact. This was my moment to ask what Ram did.
"Did it have something to do with when you walked into the caf with Chandler? You looked like you were in some sort of daze." I let my concern shine through my features and she nodded, breaking eye contact to look down.
"Yeah, but it's a long story and we don't need to get into-"
"I've got time." I said casually. Good job, JD.
"Well... so I was grabbing my backpack to be able to leave quicker, and while I was at my locker Ram Sweeney came up behind me and grabbed my wrist. He spun me around and towered over me. He asked me to kiss him this morning but I'm not interested, so I said no, and he didn't take it well. I told him I was tired and he said he could 'wake me up' and he was holding my wrist super tight. It felt like the fucking bone was being crushed! He was getting really close and I was scared he was gonna drag me off somewhere or kiss me, but Chandler got him away from me." She ranted. I felt anger and sadness rise in my throat. She didn't deserve that. I looked down to her wrist and there were red, purple, and blue marks where his hand had been. I gently picked it up and tried to soothingly trace shapes all over.
When I looked up she was staring at me with a blush on her face, and I had to say, I loved that look on her face. Her hands were very soft, too. She was so lovely, and I wanted to protect her.
"I'm sorry you had to deal with that. How 'bout this, I get you a slushee? On me, obviously. You deserve it after that shit." I offered, giving a stupid grin. She looked even more shocked, but nodded. But before I could turn to get it, something unexpected happened.
She pulled me into a tight hug. I gasped a little bit and stood there like a fucking idiot before hugging back. She hid her face in my chest and I chuckled at her. She was so damn cute. She seemed to mistake my reaction for a bad one and pulled away, looking down awkwardly.
"Oh, sorry! I just... I needed that today, dude. Thanks a ton." She swung her arm awkwardly. I just laughed in response.
"You could have just hugged me anytime." I joked, and she looked up at me. "Now, what flavor?"
"(f/o/c) please. Thanks again, JD." I nodded and turned to get it for her.
Damn, I definitely wouldn't have minded her saying my name again.
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