Chapter Seventeen
I stared at my ceiling that fateful Tuesday night, waiting for sleep that refused to sweep me away into a dark, dark abyss. But my mind instead, played my conversation with (y/n) over and over. I thought that maybe I could win her over with banter like that, we were natural and happy and so safe. I wasn't used to this. I hated this. I hated being so anxious about a fucking girl, I hated the jealousy and the magnetic pull she had, I hated that I was a lovesick puppy who would probably commit murder if it meant she'd kiss me or hold my hand.
I guess sometime along the line I did fall asleep, and my dreams were lovely and so real.
"JD, did anyone ever tell you that they love your name?"
"No," Dream-me replied. Like a moron.
"Well, then allow me to now. It's really cool." Her hand settled on my chest, and I could feel a burning sensation where she touched me, like fire incinerating my skin. But I loved it.
"Well, (y/n) I'd have to say the same to you." I winked at her and she grinned, blushing. We stared at one another for a while, seemingly years. She had the most intricate (e/c) eyes that I could get lost in. We leaned in slowly, and our lips met. I felt fireworks erupt throughout my body and my lips tingled at her touch. She moved her free hand to my hair and I pulled her closer by the waist. We parted for oxygen and my eyes flitted across her face. There was a tiny little scar on her top lip, and she had deep dimples. There were flecks in her eyes that resembled constellations. She looked breathless, gazing up at me with so much wonder and joy. I returned the look down to her, and suddenly she attacked my lips again.
Somehow, suddenly we were in my room, sitting on my bed, still kissing. I scrambled on top of her, still not breaking the kiss. My hair must have been a mess but I didn't give a singular shit. My kiss lowered, going from square on the lips to right below them, then the chin, then trailing down her neck. She groaned and I smirked against her cold skin.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
My eyes flew open and I looked around my room, disoriented. Where was (y/n)? Then I realized, it was just a dream. I was alone in my room, newly awake on Wednesday morning. How the hell would I look at her again when last night I dreamed we were about to-
I guess I had to learn to act, since she was never knowing I'd even thought about that for a moment, let alone as often as I did. I turned to get clothes for the day, picking a dark green sweater for under my trench coat for today. I guess I felt happier today, so why not reflect that by not wearing all black? Just mainly black would suffice for today.
I went downstairs, grabbed my backpack and a granola bar, and went to drive to school. It would be a mediocre day, hopefully. Though, days recently have been okay. The last half of a week has been alright, I definitely didn't mind this school. I wished more than anything my dad wouldn't be as much of an asshole as normal and let us stay. Maybe I wanted more out of life than de-construction.
I drove down to the little school, already swarming with students despite me being early. I decided I might as well skip class and hang out in the cafeteria, so to the cafeteria I went. The five Heathers were already at their table, so I tossed my bag down and proceeded to sit down and get out a book to read nearby. The Heathers probably wouldn't be too interesting today.
(y/n)'s POV
"Is Kurt ever gonna grow a pair and kiss you?" Chandler groaned to McNamara. "I'm getting tired of this kinda sorta-dating thing."
"Why do you even care? Have your affections moved on to another victim so soon?" Duke teased. Everyone else gasped and stared at her as if she had three heads. I felt horrified that she'd even decide to ask that. Nobody was a victim here, and why suggest that as a reason to want her friends relationship to progress.
"What the fuck, Heather? That was out of line, even for you." I said with a glare. She returned it, brown eyes staring right into my (e/c) ones.
"Well I'm sorry Chandler's a fucking d*ke." She spat back.
"That's it, you're not sitting with us!" Chandler commanded. Duke looked shocked.
"Yes I am, it's not like I don't have free will or something." She seemed less confident now, which was good because fuck her.
"That was really sucky of you Heather..." McNamara mumbled.
"Seriously, what's your damage?" Veronica chimed in. I get the feeling they cared less about Chandler and more about me, as well as throwing another one off the crowded lifeboat of popularity.
"Please leave." I demanded, giving an obviously fake smile.
"Or what?" She crossed her arms. In response I just cracked my knuckles loudly, and all of the girls stared at me in some mixture of disgust and awe. I titled my head both ways, created more cracking sounds that practically sounded like I broke my neck. It felt hella good.
"Okay okay I'll leave!" She scrambled up, glaring as she pranced away to an empty table and claimed it. People were staring, but I gave no fucks.
"You okay?" I turned to Chandler, adopting a sympathetic expression.
"Yeah?" She sounded very confused, but it seemed like there was no emotional trauma. A just leaned into her and rested my head on her shoulder, facing the two others. I felt a weight fall on my head, realizing it was indeed Heather's head.
"Anyway, did you make the card Ronnie?" I asked, and she grew a huge grin and nodded, turning to pull something from her bag.
"Well then give it to him!" I urged, giving an encouraging smile. She nodded nervously and got up, shakily approaching his table where he looked engrossed in a book. She tapped his shoulder and he jumped, looking up at her. She handed him the card and he raised an eyebrow, opening it. His eyes widened and he looked back up at her. She seemed very jittery, playing with her skirt.
"Uh, yeah sure. 7-Eleven maybe?" He answered, and Veronica and I visibly exhaled. She nodded eagerly.
"What about tonight, 5pm? The 7-Eleven by the school?" She asked and he nodded. She turned heel and pranced away, attempting to look hot but she looked more like she wanted to bounce back to the table.
"No death!" I met Veronica's grin and hers somehow expanded. "Now, before I die, let's change the subject." She laughed, looking like a lovesick buffoon.
"Oh, well I just started listening to this musical called Into the Woods! It's super good, the vocals are beautiful." The girls looked at me and nodded.
"What's it about?" McNamara asked quietly.
"Musical plotlines are weird, so don't question me too much, but..." I rambled on and on about the plot, and sang some lyrics, and we all got a good laugh. My friends really were something, huh?
(1236 words)
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