Chapter Seven
(y/n)'s POV
I was examining the outfit I'd picked one last time before heading out. I wore a plain black t-shirt under my purple blazer paired with a silver metallic skirt, the same socks as the Heathers picked out. I looked stylish, which was very important. The Heathers didn't hang with a nobody, so you had to become a somebody.
I felt like I looked okay, but I wanted to look perfect.
Too bad there was a car honk that interrupted my thoughts. In the car, a cherry red Porche to be specific, I saw McNamara in shotgun. Chandler was likely driving, since she was the only one with a license instead of just a permit. We didn't need to get in trouble with the law on our carefree Saturday. Just three girls loadin' up on snacks at a gas station and probably going somewhere to eat them.
I hurried down the stairs and flew out the door, nearly tripping, but thank any fucking deity I didn't. Face-planting so isn't cool.
"Get in here and let's motor." Chandler called from the driver seat. I rushed to obey and climb in the backseat. She took off driving and nobody spoke for a while, but the silence felt pretty uncomfortable.
"Sooo... the party last night was killer." I awkwardly commented. McNamara turned back to me.
"Yeah, did you drink? You'd passed out when Chandler came to find you." She asked, eyeing me in concern.
"I didn't drink, I'm just sleep deprived. Essays and insomnia and shit." I answered, looking down at my lap. "Your outfit was adorable though. Did you hang out with Kurt?"
"Yeah, he's pretty sweet when he's your sorta-boyfriend. How was Ram?" I saw her face morph into a mischievous grin, and when glancing over, I saw Chandler glare at the road ahead and tighten her grip on the steering wheel.
"Oh, he was alright, different. Nice, actually." I blushed slightly. I didn't know if I was more embarrassed about the fact that I hung out with Ram, or that the most popular girls in school were questioning me on it. Holy fuck, imagine if I didn't report to French a couple days ago? I'd never have befriended the four girls in the skimpy skirts.
"Someone's blushing! Do ya like him?" She giggled, pointing at my face as it heated up more.
"As if! He's gross and smelly and treats most girls like shit." I resisted the urge to look down, holding strong eye contact instead. It's better than seeming as if I liked that asshat.
"Fine then." McNamara turned around, seeming to have all the information she needed but keeping the glimmer in her eye. Fuck my life.
"We're here." Chandler snapped as she jumped out the car. I followed after, awkwardly tumbling out. Why did I have no fucking control of my limbs compared to them? They're graceful and shit and I'm... me.
"I'll get you two slushees, what do ya want?" McNamara offered sweetly.
"Classic cherry for me, please." I requested.
"What she's having." Chandler decided, already wandering down the aisles to grab some chips. I was about to go down the candy aisle, but I saw someone else there and I don't like people. It was a tall guy about my age, with messy, dark brown hair and seemingly a dark gray trench-coat. What an emo. I decided he wasn't too awful to be near and took off to grab my chocolate. I needed KitKats in my blood right that minute.
"Greetings and salutations." The Jesse James wannabe interrupted my snack-searching with a greeting. I nodded and grunted at him, not looking up from the rows and rows of snacks. I grabbed a couple Zotz and Sour Patch Kids and went to move on to the chocolate.
"Not chatty, understandable. You're probably at the school I'll be at next week." He continued. Damn talkative emo.
"Is that so? Westerburg High? So you're new?" I humored him with some questions and looked up.
"I am. I've gone to tons of schools, and Sherwood, Ohio was where I ended up for now." He gave a small smile and stepped towards me.
"Well, Mr. Traveler, I should be grabbing my candy and meeting back up with my friends. Have fun." I turned back to grab my KitKats and mnm's. I moved on to the chips aisle, leaving the trench-coat kid by himself once again. I needed my Doritos, my Lays, and I grabbed a ton of other crap I didn't need but I kinda wanted, and saw bbq corn nuts. I didn't like them but I knew Chandler loved them. So I grabbed them and went to check out, McNamara and Chandler seemingly waiting outside.
"That'll be $9.58." The cashier with a nasally-ass voice said, tapping her long pink nails on the counter. I paid with a ten and let her keep the change, and grabbed my bagged snacks. My theory was correct, they were indeed hanging out on the curb.
"You're finally out. Let's go back to my house and binge cheesy movies." Chandler noticed me first and got up. McNamara handed me my slushee. I walked up to Chandler, and tapped her shoulder. She turned, an angry expression melting into a sweeter one once she saw me.
"I uh.. got you.." I awkwardly dug in my bag and finally fished out the corn nuts. She took them gently, shock showing up on her pretty face.
"Thanks." She whispered softly, face turning a bit pink.
"No problem." I whisper back, examining her all over. Her outfit was lovely today, as usual.
"Uh.. hate to interrupt but can we motor?" I both wanted and didn't want to say 'hell no.'
So I just kinda nodded, Chandler doing the same.
And she TOOK ME by the HAND to drag me to the car.
McFuck me.
(977 words)
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