Chapter Nineteen
(y/n)'s POV
I awkwardly climbed out of my seat and looked around to see if anyone saw. The two Heathers indeed saw, and were giggling at me. I shot them a playful glare and brushed off my shirt.
"You never will get used to getting out of my car, will you?" Chandler teased, gently hitting my arm. I pulled a huge, cheesy smile and shook my head.
"Of COURSE not, what's the fun in that?" I responded. Her cheeks grew slightly pinker and her face stretched into a half smile. One of those goofy ones that your face decides to make when you see something you're fond of. I was fully aware she liked me (despite not understanding why. I was just boring old me) and I was honestly confused about how I felt. Sure, she was really cute and sweet to me and fucking hot and a total badass, but...
Yeah no I couldn't find a negative side to her. Besides her not treating kids at school well, but yesterday she promised to try to change. Yesterday, Thursday, just another boring day with going to class. (I wasn't skipping class anymore, my grades needed me to since I was definitely going to college)
"Earth to (y/n)," McNamara waved a hand in front of my face. Did I really just space out staring at Heather Chandler? I did indeed, yep I hated myself!
"Oh, yeah sorry. Just tired. Let's motor, shall we?" I gave an apologetic smile and she nodded, but Chandler just started walking. She didn't even bother to knock, instead opting to just march in like she owned the place. I admired her confidence, she was so beautiful and stupid perfect.
"Oh, (y/n) over here!" Veronica called upon seeing my reluctant arrival. I flashed her a smile and squeezed through the crowd to reach her. I felt my breathing get faster and faster. I really hated crowds. They made me super anxious and spooked. Just an opportunity to do something stupid and have a hundred people see it.
"Hey, you okay?" She asked, gently resting her hand on my bicep. Worry was etched onto her face. I nodded, eyes starting to water from not blinking for forever.
"What's wrong?" She asked, growing more and more scared for me. I gulped and fixed my eyes on her.
"I. Hate. Crowds," She nodded and grabbed my wrist to bring me outside. I took big, gulping breaths once we got outside and focused on the chimney of a house across the street. Staring at it long enough eventually calmed me down.
"Hey, What about we hang out here instead of in there? It's lame anyway," She offered and I nodded.
"Yeah, that would be preferable, thanks," I sounded calmer now, which was good.
"Hey, I came here with JD and he probably feels awkward right now, can I go grab him?" She asked, blushing a bit. I nodded once again, smirking. Get that boyfriend, my pal. She flashed a huge smile before going back into the crowded house to fish out Jason McFucking Dean.
I waited for a couple minutes, staring out at the sunset. It was prettier than most evenings, with trees framing the sky with their dark silhouettes. I heard the door open slowly and expected it to be Veronica with the boyfriend in tow, so I just sat there, not bothering to look.
"(y/n)?" Said a soft voice. A voice that belonged to Heather Chandler. I jumped and turned to look at her.
"Oh, hey! What're you doing here?" I asked, tipping my head to the side. She let out a small laugh.
"I saw you out here all alone. You okay?" She seemed concerned, but I quickly nodded.
"I just don't like crowds. Veronica and JD will be here in a minute, wanna hang out with us?" I invited, holding out a hand. She gratefully took it and sat down next to me on a rocking bench.
"I would love to," She smiled over at me softly. The smile was tender and soft. There was an affection that rested behind her eyes, fondness shining through in her expression just enough. My heart fluttered at her gaze and we just stared at each other. Her eyes were bluish greenish, with small flecks of brown scattered around. She was absolutely stunning, more so up close up than normal. My breath hitched and my eyes flitted down to her red lips.
I saw her lean in a bit and I followed suit, cheeks hot. We were only separated by an inch when I tilted my head to the left a bit. She did the same to the right.
Then, the door swung open behind us. We jumped backward in shock (and fear of the rampant homophobia in this school) only to see that Ronnie had fetched her boyfriend. I blinked up at them, still embarrassed and shocked from what almost happened.
I almost kissed Heather Chandler again. And I was so happy about it, I probably could have spontaneously dropped dead on this porch.
"What were you two up to?" Veronica wiggled her brows at us and I looked down, face feeling warm and shaped into a smile, no matter how hard I tried to stop.
"Oh, nothing important," Chandler winked at me and I stifled a laugh. I rolled my eyes playfully and turned back to them.
"What took you so long, hm?" It was my turn to tease and Veronica turned red while JD's cheeks were dusted in pink.
"Oh! I uh- it's really- nothing happe- it's all cool... yo," She finger-gunned awkwardly. I giggled at her embarrassment.
"You're dating, aren't you? Whatever you did is perfectly natural," I teased, giving a huge wink.
"Why are you so extra?" Chandler punched my arm gently.
"I'm a theatre kid, it's in my blood!" I answered, giving a sideways smile. They all gave a chuckle before looking away.
"So Jason, how long have you been here?" Chandler asked, and I looked over to see them death glaring at one another like their lives depended on it.
"Came in last Friday," He answered curtly, intensifying his glare. Veronica and I looked at one another in confusion and shrugged. Whatever the fuck caused that was probably private.
"Do you like it here?" I asked after a beat of intensely awkward silence. His eyes snapped to mine and his expression softened immediately.
"Yeah, the people here are better than at most schools I end up at," He chuckled, giving a stupid smile. Heather grabbed my hand and my gaze snapped to her. She looked angry as fuck. To help calm her down, I leaned into her shoulder.
Heather Chandler's POV
I gave a self-satisfied smile to Dean. He scoffed angrily, so I kept my expression nice and smug. Our hands were still interlocked and I felt heat pulsing through the arm she was touching. A good heat, a comforting warmth that made my lips fade into a lovesick grin. She had soft hands, and looking closer the nails looked as if she bit her nails a lot. I assumed that was a nervous habit of hers. She really was interesting.
(1198 words)
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