Chapter Forty-Five
(y/n)'s POV
I climbed out of Heather's car with minimal grace as I got ready to walk into the hell that would be school today. I wanted to hold onto Heather's arm as we walked, but I refrained out of fear.
I could see how tense she was too, but you wouldn't know it when just glancing at her. Her shoulders were stiffer than normal and her face had the slightest show of fear, but it wasn't too different from her typical expression that she proudly wore every day.
People were still afraid of her, like a Heather Chandler that wasn't a bully was too good to be true. But it was true, because she was well aware that if she fell back into her old ways that I'd break up with her. And clearly, neither of us were very keen on the idea of breaking up.
She opened the door and held it open for me, and I walked in with a smile. Her face lit up and she smiled back. We were super scared, but we had each other. That was comforting enough for me.
Students were whispering around us when we got in, and I had no doubt in my mind that it was about us. About us being gay, about me running out, about how we were no different than Kurt and Ram.
Now all they'd do is make fun of us and make fun of the two dead kids. Granted, they most definitely deserved some not at all friendly teasing, but it shouldn't be about them being gay. It should be about how they were bad people who were predatory and endangered the people they were near.
Though, in the twisted minds of these teenagers I had to spend my school days with, those two things were one and the same.
I gulped awkwardly, crossing my arms across my chest. I was afraid. The whispers got to me, and I could practically hear cackling of the murderer and the screams of the two boys behind me, just phantom noises that filled my ears nonetheless.
"Heather, (y/n)! Over here!" I heard a familiar sunny voice call out, and saw Mac standing by my locker. Heather took my wrist and dragged me over, easily ignoring the uproar of whispering and almost concealed giggles.
"Hey, Mac. How're you?" I asked, and I could hear my tiredness in my voice.
"I'm alright. You look upset, do you have something you wanna tell me? Is everything alright?" She asked gently. I shook my head.
"I can't say it in school. We'll tell you after school, right Heather?" I nudged the girl in red, who nodded.
"I'm curious! What about the four of us grab ice cream at that one cute parlor after school, hm?" Mac offered, desperately trying to keep the conversation light and not stray the the darkness around us. She was our own adorable human torch.
"Hey ladies! (y/n), you ran off yesterday, is everything okay?" Little Miss Bitch came up to us with a fake smile.
"What do you want, Duke?" Heather sighed, very outwardly annoyed.
"I just wanna know if the rumors are true. Are you just like Kurt and Ram, ladies? Gay and pathetic, I mean,"
"Obviously not, and if we were it would be none of your business. Please hurry along and leave us alone," I gave her a smile that was nearly as fake as her own.
"Oh, (y/n), I never expected you to stand up for yourself. Did the queen bitch teach you something after a make out sesh?" She teased me humorlessly.
"If anyone's the queen bitch, it's you. So if you would please leave that would be so very," I responded flatly.
"You heard her, move," Heather said, stepping in front of me a bit, probably as a buffer between the two of us. I nudged the back of her heel with my toe gently as a "Thank you".
"Fine, but only because you people are a total snooze-fest. Tata losers!" She cackled as she walked away. I always knew she was a witch. Wait no, that would be offensive to witches. I always knew she was a fuck-face little shit that I disliked.
"Who made her such a bitch?" I muttered as some sort of humorous comic relief. I know, I was like, really funny.
"Maybe she made a deal with the devil. A soul for the ability to be a complete and utter megabitch and enjoy it," Heather answered with a small, humorless smile.
"Well she clearly is enjoying it, that's for sure," Mac pointed out her sashaying to her new friend group, who all glanced over and giggled. It's like they were robots and she was their commander. It's kind of like the old-school Heathers, but weirder.
"They're like a bunch of zombies under the witch's command," Heather commented.
"Hey hey! That's an insult to witches AND zombies!" I joked, pointing an accusing finger at her. She put her hands up in surrender with a smile.
"Hey bitches, what's up?" Veronica greeted with a smile.
"Oh, you know. The ceiling, the sky, the sun and its intense, burning heat that could burn you alive if you come too close, clouds," I told her with a cheesy smile. They all looked at me like I grew three heads.
"I'm just gonna ignore that answer and move on. Why're we all standing around? Are we actually gonna go to class right now?" Veronica asked.
"None of us have first period together, so nope. You know the plan." Heather stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"What about we quit standing around the locker and motor, then?" Mac suggested lightly. I nodded and started on the way, Heather quickly taking a place next to me to walk.
We pranced down to the cafeteria like the badasses we were, as if nothing happened. It was hard, of course, but we'd pull through. I knew this would all blow over soon enough.
(1014 words)
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