Chapter Fifteen
Heather Chandler's POV
I laid on my horn to get (y/n) to get out. I didn't get to very long because she ran out, looking disheveled and not ready. She was wearing a skinny black tie that wasn't tied, her shoes were in her hands, not on her feet, her shirt was buttoned crooked, and her blazer was hanging off one arm. I sighed when she came up.
"Wake up late?"
"Yeah- I- didn't- hear- my- alarm-" she panted breathlessly. I reached over and opened the door for her since her hands were on her knees and she was looking down, panting. She gratefully clambered in and I gave a half-smile as I started driving.
"So, you actually slept last night?"
"I wouldn't have nearly been so late if I didn't, Heather."
"I'm just worried, babe. You've been so sleep deprived lately. I'm happy you got some sleep last night." She grunted in response, pulling together her outfit by tying the tie and pulling on her shoes.
"Why'd you call me babe?" I panicked at her question.
"Oh I just- just platonic! Nothing implied!" I stammered. She giggled at me.
"Are we going to address the thing yesterday? I'm not sure if I'm ready for a relationship..." she muttered and I felt my heart sink.
"That's perfectly cool with me. Take your time, I'm willing to wait however long you need." I stated, glancing away from the road.
"Thank you." She seemed happy, but what kind of lovesickck doofus would I be if I didn't genuinely care about her? I loved her too much to force to do something she wouldn't enjoy. I loved her smile and laugh too much for that.
And just then, we pulled up to the school and climbed out of the car (I was cool and graceful, (y/n) not so much). Students stared, some checked us out, some quivered in fear. Some judged (y/n)'s disheveled look, which made me glare in their direction. Fuck them, dumbass fucks who won't be anything after high school. Just some cocaine addicted, washed up nobodies.
"Skip today? I heard the caf got a new vending machine." I asked, just staring forward and walking.
"If they don't have Cool Ranch Doritos, I'm committing a homocide." She joked, and I could hear the smile in her voice.
The peaceful, sweet time we were having was rudely interrupted by a trench-coat-clad Jason Dean as he approached (y/n) and gave a small smile. She seemed to smile back but she kept walking with me, so that right there was a huge win in my book. Suck my dick, Dean. I was fully aware he liked her, and it was clear he liked her a lot. But I knew I was in love with her. I loved her so much, my love for her could give the sun another million years of fucking energy, if that made any sense. She was perfect, she was everything to me.
"You have drama fourth period right? You can't skip that one." I attempted at continuing the conversation, knowing full well that Dean was right behind us, listening in.
"Yeah, I do. If I missed drama class, I definitely might have died. What a tragic, tragic fate."
"Why do you love theatre so much?"
"I guess... I like the escapism aspect. I get to live in a different world as a person outside of myself with people who love to do the same. Plus casts for shows get super tight-knit, so you have a support network of 20 people who care about you a metric fuckton." She stared off into space. I fully understood where she was coming from, and I felt like knowing that let me know her so much better. And I was even more in love with her.
"I understand that. The world sucks, but escape for a while sounds great." I stated, glancing over at her. "And having such a strong support network would probably be lovely."
"It really is." She said fondly. I admired her pretty face as she aimlessly wandered forward. I knew I was so much more in love with her now than last night, and that scared me the most.
I smiled as I listened to (y/n) ramble about her love for theatre (that I didn't even know she had). She was such a lovely person. Her (h/c) hair bounced as she walked, and it was the cutest thing. They turned into the cafeteria and I followed behind, ready to go to my table from yesterday but I saw two boys in letterman jackets occupying it instead. I knew from yesterday that they saw me sitting there, and that they always sat elsewhere. I growled a bit but chose the next table over and threw down my bag and opened a book to fake read.
"Ronnie's totally into him. Do you think they're gonna start dating?" I heard (y/n) gossip a few tables away. I was startled, seeing as this Veronica seemed into me. Was (y/n) jealous or was she not into me? Why couldn't this problem just be a cocaine addiction? Girls were impossible.
"I wouldn't doubt it, but does he seem into her?" The answer is no.
"Well, remember yesterday after the confrontation thingy? I turned and saw him making heart eyes, so maybe he does and just likes to come off as a cool bad boy or something?" I felt shocked. So she saw me? I mean, she was walking right next to Veronica so she could have mistook my watching her for staring at Veronica. Now I really will have to flirt with this girl. But it could't have been a horrible thing. Maybe I could escape my crush on (y/n) by making myself like Veronica instead. That's possible, right?
"Possibly." Chandler's voice interrupted my thoughts.
"Hey, Chandler?" (y/n) sounded a bit nervous.
"Yeah, (y/n)?"
"So about yesterday... you like girls?"
"I-I do... I'm a... I'm a les-, a lesbi-... I'm gay." (y/n) gave her a comforting smile.
"Well, I'm bisexual so it's cool. You don't have to be nervous coming out to me." She said sweetly and Chandler relaxed. If she was bi, that meant she also liked guys, and could like me, potentially. But she could like any other kid at this school, some insufferable asshole who just looks pretty.
But that gave me hope that I could win her over. That I would. Because I had to.
(1078 words)
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