In Lucas’s Office.
“You’re here, CEO Jade!” Lucas walked to Jade for a handshake, but he ignored and jerked off.
They took their seats at an executive table to discuss whatever it was.
“Awwwwn... I’m not your friend right now. I’m BB Company’s legal consultant.” Lucas explained.
“What is this about? You even used the red call to contact me?”
Lucas mimicked Jade’s voice, which was hilarious. This time, Jade couldn’t help but to fall for his trick. An half smile rippled from his symmetrical lips.
“Exactly.” Jade replied him. “How dare some lawyers tell me, the CEO, to come and go as he pleases?”
“The chairman changed his will.” Lucas explained. He brought out a file from a brown envelope, handling Jade with the documents to read.
A frown appeared on Jade’s face as he collected it from him, going through the will, word for word.
It was a confidential document, signed and stamped by the chairman, Stephen Dixon Alejandro. Going through it was heartbreaking.
‘Why would the chairman ever change his will?’ the question stroke Jade’s head like thunder, making his heart shatter.
He threw the will away out of frustration, tired of all the melodrama happening around him of late.
“How I wish there was a better way to live life! Fuck!” He annoyingly cursed.
“Jade! This isn’t a joke.” Lucas explained.
“This is grandpa’s fortune, so he should be free to do so with it the way he wants. This has nothing to do with me.” Jade whooshed to Lucas.
“Fine, but first, take a seat.” Lucas persuaded while Jade sat down.
“Don’t you understand what this means? If you get the chairman’s shares on top of the ones you already have, you can completely take over BB Company!”
“But in exchange, I have to marry the woman he wants me to marry?” Jade’s thick eyebrows knotted in disgust.
“That’s fucking crazy, dude! What kind of condition is that? I have no intention of getting married!” Jade hissed. “Not now, not soon, never!”
“Aren’t you curious about whom this woman is, at least?!” Lucas begged.
“No... I don’t know, and I don’t want to know!” Jade spat. “Because I know who it is even before asking. It’s not like this is the first time it has happened. Even when he wrote his will the very first time, three years ago...”
“It’s not Chloe Charles.” Lucas explained. “Which is so very odd for your grandpa.”
Hearing this, Jade couldn’t help but to imagine who this new lady is.
“What? You mean it’s not Koko?” his thick eyebrows frowned.
“No... She’s not the one. This lady is a different person entirely.”
“Well, regardless of who it is, I have no interest in any of this. This has nothing to do with me, even if he said he’d hand over his entire fortune. I’m perfectly satisfied with what I have now... It’s not as if I’m complaining, anyway. And even if he disowns me today, I can get back on my feet with my power. If grandpa built these by himself, so can I.” Jade explained to his friend.
“This woman is someone that neither of us knows, dude. And I’m sure that others don’t know who she is. You may not want to be forced into a relationship, but that may not be the case with this woman!”
“So what? What are you insinuating?” He hissed. Thinking about getting into a relationship was just unimaginable for him.
“All relationships are hell! All ladies are devils!! I wouldn’t marry her, okay?! When I said this has nothing to do with me, I mean it!”
“Ugh! I’m speechless right now, but let me advise you as a friend. You’re not taking the right decision. I don’t think this is the right choice. Meet the lady and get to know her first.” Lucas advised.
Jade turned to his friend, dumbfounded.
Later that night, Jade couldn’t go home, he couldn’t eat, or sleep or even think properly. All on his mind was grandpa’s new will about him marrying a stranger. Going through it page after page for the hundredth time as he read again;
Official Will
The one to marry this woman will inherit the fortune. The chairman doesn’t care which guy she marries. With Ace Damien included, whoever marries this woman first would become the owner of BB Company.
Reading it made him think of Lucas and his encouraging words to accept the will. Jade closed his eyes and let out an heavy sigh.
“Damn it all!” He hissed, turning to the transparent window. Staring at other skyscrapers with neon lights highlighting how beautiful the city of Los Angeles was... He felt like breaking through. Not through the window, of course, but through these. Sometimes, he feels the weight placed upon his shoulders is just too much... He wished things were better.
“Alright grandpa, let’s do this. I don’t enjoy losing in games, either.”
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