It was everywhere.
I'd been restless throughout the night. Cas had been immediately called back to the city. They'd been forced to drive all throughout the night. We'd swapped between texting and calling. Cas and Vlad both apologising profusely.
It wasn't their fault, I'd insisted. Deep down I knew it was inevitable. It was coming eventually; the time where we would have to drop a few hints to the world. There would eventually be inquiring, interested people. There would eventually be photographers to chase us. Cas was the Shadow Prince for a reason. Almost his entire life had been lived in relatively secrecy. People would be naturally curious.
But I didn't expect it to be to this extent.
I was still in my pjs, watching the tv in horror. Occasionally, I'd flick back and forth. One couldn't watch the news for more than half an hour before it was mentioned. It was national news.
Mum had been slowly collecting newspapers throughout the day.
" The town was suddenly a lot more busier," she'd commented. People were getting pulled aside and interviewed on the street. Burbank had declined an interview but a passerby had given a stellar one in their place.
"I think it's wonderful that Prince Casmir-Stafan has come to our little community," A middle-aged woman beamed, "it's all very exciting. I think His Royal Highness is a fantastic role model,"
Then it switched back to a news anchor.
"His Royal Highness is now back at the capitol city. There's expectation from the palace for a response later today,"
The palace is going to respond? Media is going crazy. I texted Cas, biting my lip in worry. He was probably still sleeping, trying to make up for last night's travels. Although, he had replied a little earlier in the day.
Mum was taking every excuse to go into town; one to pick up the dress, another to go and see a friend, another trip to pick up supplies. Normally she would be calm and a little resigned but now she seemed to be getting mixed up in the excitement of it all.
I knew that Cas would be currently petitioning to send security support out immediately. He'd dropped a few hints about it earlier in the day. There'd be a mix of security and other business meetings between his parents and the various chiefs of security. There'd be talk of costs and other expenditures.
Cas had always dropped hints about my own personal security but I could never imagine someone actually following me around. Sure, Cas and Vlad had a close relationship. Like brothers. But for me? I don't know.
Instead, for now, my best security was anonymity. There were only so many houses that the press could go door knocking on. Plus, in their minds, I could've easily fled to the capitol city with Cas.
So I stayed inside. Dad had taken the day off to make sure there was extra support around the house.
"Do they not have anything better to do?" I hissed angrily as I watched another montage of Ardeena. Justek shrugged.
"Nothing's happening right now, they're bored,"
"Thanks Justek," I scowled, trying not to sound too salty.
A knock at the door and we all shot up. Justek ran to the front to see if it was anyone.
"Hey Just," Hanna's voice could be heard from the doorway.
"Let her in!" I called to him. I could hear the door close and Hanna make her way to the living room. She flopped onto the couch.
"Someone's famous," She snorted.
"Don't get me started," I scowled, flipping to a British channel. Fantastic. They were focusing on arbitrary celebrity gossip. No mention of Casmir or I.
"You've even made it to America!" She grinned, flipping around her phone and showing me a TMZ article.
Secretive Prince makes dash from Paps with new girlfriend?
"I'm more than his girlfriend," I sniffed.
"They don't need to know that," Hanna chuckled.
The article was paired with a video and several photos. One of Cas and I dashing out the door of Burbank, another one of us rushing to the car, and one final one; I'd slid into the car, and was looking to Cas, my jaw slightly ajar. He had a fierce look on his face and his arm was poised to close the door. His face was alight in the flash, teeth slightly bared. The whole thing looked close to a renaissance painting.
Woah, I thought to myself, no wonder there's so many questions arising from this.
"... To Apolian news," I jerked up, squinting.
"What are they saying?" I tapped Hanna. She was better and faster at speaking other languages than I was. The British news reporters babbled on with a little excitement in their voices. Hanna looked to me, and then to the remote that she'd obtained, flicking on the subtitles.
"Apolia's last royal bachelor could be potentially off of the cards," The subtitles beamed, "His Royal Highness, Prince Casmir-Stefan is notorious for keeping a secretive life. He was recently spotted with an unknown woman in the small town of Ardeena. Aside from his military service, he is well regarded for his charitable efforts and it would be a disappointing day for many young women across the country,"
I huffed at that, rolling my eyes.
"Watching the news isn't doing you any good," Hanna concluded, switching the tv off.
"What else can I do?" I scowled, throwing my hands up in the air, "I'm the source of national gossip!"
"Sofia O'Zbrojaski," Hanna spoke pointedly, "there's nothing you can do about it now. Your Prince will give a speech. You might get a security guard. Check with your vendors to see that they're watertight, it'll be fine!"
I breathed out through my teeth. I didn't want to start crying again, I'd cried enough last night. Every time I thought of the flashes, I felt like I'd been laid bare. Like there was nothing to do except run. I wasn't even wearing a nice dress! My first appearance to the nation and I was wearing a secondhand sundress.
You're worried over minor things, a part of me clicked their tongue in disappointment. Think about your fiancee, struggling to keep together two impossibilities.
I bit my lip in shame. It was true. Cas had the more difficult job. Would he fold to public pressure? Or would he uphold my wishes?
"#WhoIstheShadowPrincess is trending in Apolia on Twitter," Hanna chuckled, scrolling through her phone.
"Shadow Princess sounds cool," I murmured, "I probably won't get a title though, unless something really bad happens,"
"Hush you're taking away my fun," Hanna rolled her eyes.
A notification lit up my screen, I practically dived for it.
No announcements today, palace is going to see if it'll pass over.
Stay low for now. Security is currently being discussed.
I pursed my lips, my fingers pausing above the keyboard.
Let me know how it goes :)
Of course <3
Then I placed my phone away from me. Perhaps having security would be good. I'd have someone to be able to look out for me when I couldn't. A companion in the quietness. A watchful guardian. Of course, what happened yesterday was an unexpected breach, and all things considering, nothing too bad happened.
But then...
Last night was fitful and restless. Tossing and turning. They weren't so much as nightmares as flashes of visions. They were broken by long hours of looking up at the ceiling. The blinding, white light of the camera flashes. I wasn't so much as naked, rather, exposed. They'd found every part of me and laid it bare for the whole nation to see. I may as well not have a single scrap of clothing on.
Then sometimes Cas and I were running. Running fast, but not fast enough. Sometimes the car was there, sometimes it wasn't. Sometimes we'd be sprinting down an endless road and they were doing well to gain on us. A few times Cas had told me to continue running while he took the brunt of the chaos. But then that meant that I was alone, exposed with no one to help and without a car to run to.
Even in my dreams Cas was protecting me, I thought to myself quietly, I'd have to tell him when I get the chance.
He'd like that. The idea that even in my dreams, he was the one sacrificing himself. There was a little part of Cas that was willing to die. Although, truth be told, there was a little part of us all willing to die. For the right person, in the right situation, at the right timing. It made death bearable, a little more justifiable. But us? A little more mortal.
Cas was slightly different though. He was a bit quicker to jump into action, a little more well-equipped. Where some faltered, he forged ahead. Where some would fail in impossibility, he would pass. Where some would sob, he would fight. This put him ahead in what often could be life or death situations.
"You're thinking too hard," Hanna tsked, shaking her head, "you need to make some banana bread,"
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