Burbank at 3 for wedding planning? The text sent my heart leaping into my throat and a grin across my face.
See you then! Drive safe :)
I breathed out, flopping onto the couch. The papers rustled around me. Colour schemes, potential vendors, and locations. The various names swirled through my head. Numbers here and there. Different prices... did I even have a budget? I couldn't remember.
And there was probably protocol as well! Security details that I had to follow, certain people that I was only allowed to invite. Did it have to be in a church? Did a priest have to officiate? A migraine was forming. I needed help.
A little past two, I decided to ride in. Mostly to get a head start, and see if I could setup before Cas arrived. What would the planning entail? I couldn't be sure.
Burbank was a little busier than normal. As a result, I had to wait for my favourite spot a little longer. The seats still warm when I sat down. I set up my laptop and placed my phone nearby. I'd digitised my notes so that they could remain relatively confidential.
Budgets, vendors, timelines. There were large, open spreadsheets with long, empty columns.
Wedding planning is painful, I concluded, especially when you have no idea what's going on.
So I consoled myself by watching out the window. Only a few, mere months ago, I was returning Cas his phone and as a result, had my bike stolen. Cas, with his shining blue eyes and cheeky grin. The one he'd throw around every so often. Cas, the serious or stumped, with that barely visible dimple and lip slightly tugged to the side. Cas, the worker, with his shoulders hunched, oblivious to the outside world. Cas, the thoughtful, always giving the most perfect of gifts and the most thoughtful.
Oh Cas. I sighed. This is going to be a very interesting world a head of us.
I briefly wondered what he would be like as a husband. Would he push me away like he did in the hospital? Would I only see him for days at a time before he was pulled away into more work across the country? What would be the struggles and trials that we would go through?
I stopped.
Do I even really know Cas? I wondered to myself. Did I really know the man that I was going to spend the rest of my life with?
It'd been an intimate few months, but how well did we know one another? Past relationships? Struggles and vices? Were there skeletons in the closet that we still left unspoken about?
I clenched my eyes shut, thinking about Alek.
Yes, yes there were still things that needed to be addressed. I mulled over that. When though? When would really be the right time to tell someone something as crazy as that?
I remember Cas holding me. The way he did so firmly, like he was never going to let me go.
I hope that I would be a good wife.
I hoped that we'd love one another, far longer than our time on Earth.
Oh Lord, I thought to myself, I'm going to need your help on a lot of things here.
So I spent the next few minutes of my mulling, scrolling through Bible verses about keeping secrets.
When Cas arrived, he did so with the brightest beam upon his face. Almost hopping up the step of the door to the cafe. He surveyed the place, his eyes quickly finding me. I couldn't help let out a grin that matched his.
In no time at all, we were wrapped in one another's embrace. His sent was a little more cleaner this time, like a fresh shave and station chips.
"You're here," I whispered, smiling into his jacket.
"You're here," He chuckled back, his chuckles rumbling throughout his chest.
I pulled back slightly, looking up at him, "I missed you," My words were a whisper.
"I'm here now," He briefly pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose, I beamed.
"I wish you would stay a little longer," I whispered.
"Maybe until tonight," He smirked. I gasped with excitement. Until tonight?! "But first, planning,"
"Of course," I cleared my throat, stepping away. Vlad, who was hanging closer to the door, drifted nearby. The two of us sat down, holding out a hand. While we both thrived in the long talks that we had with one another almost nightly, there was nothing compared to being in person. Sure, there were more awkward moments, and it wasn't as easy to sneak away, if needed be.
But that's what made relationships. Not the epic moments of lust and Hollywood soundtracks, anyone could have that, provided they found the right person. But the small, awkward moments. In the silence, in the sickness, in the pain, and the fear. In the moments where we are being tested at every limit and on every side, that's when we choose to love our soulmate.
Your view of love has matured a little, I thought to myself, playing footsies with Cas as he tried to order.
"I've called in backup," Cas turned to me, his voice low.
Almost, as if on direction, a very familiar figure appeared.
"Patrycja," I bounced up, embracing her in a hug. She returned it.
"Sofia, how are you after everything?"
"Good. I heard you're helping?"
"Yes. Sof, I just wanted to say I'm so-,"
"Please," I shook my head, "don't worry about that,"
Patrycja looked like she wanted to say more, but decided not to. Instead, she opted to sit down.
"Well, we have a long list ahead of us," She murmured. Vlad took a seat behind Cas at the bar, within arm's reach, "first off the list, His Royal Highness has given his official permission for the ceremony and for the marriage of a commoner,"
I looked to Cas, eyes raised in shock. I was completely expecting for that not to happen.
"Apparently it came easily but with the additional blessing of your mother," Patrycja smiled. She showed off a signed copy of the note of consent. The Royal Marriages Act. I managed to read at the top before she swiped to the next issue at hand. Cas gave my palm a squeeze, slowly massaging each finger, absentmindedly.
"It'll need to be soon," Cas spoke softly, looking to me.
"How soon?" I breathed out.
"Within the next few weeks," Vlad interjected. I blinked in surprise. Sure, a small engagement period was best but that was fast.
"Why?" My brow narrowed ever so slightly. Cas looked up to Vlad, then around the coffee shop.
"I'll tell you later, okay?"
"Sure," I gave a little smile, I decided to change the topic, "what would be waiting for?"
"Processing from the marriage registry and a bit of other fancy paperwork here and there," Patrycja smiled, "since you're not planning to take on a title or any royal duties, the only people who need to see it, are the archives,"
"Wonderful," I smiled, looking up at Cas, he smiled back.
"What's stopping us?" Cas suddenly breathed out, "why not have it in say, two weeks?"
"Two weeks?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah," He grinned even wider, "on Friday, at the observatory,"
A smile worked it's way across my face, "Sounds perfect,"
"Patrycja can you call in with them to see if they're available?"
"On it," She said as a number flashed up upon her phone, immediately on call.
"Just our family and friends?" I asked, a small grin on my lips.
"Sound wonderful," Cas nodded, "no more than thirty people,"
"Awesome," I hummed, writing down my list of people I wanted there. Who could I trust with the secret that I was married to a prince with?
Mum, dad, Feodor, Klara, Justek, Patrycja, Vlad, Marek...
I sighed at the last name. She would not like this. Although, I wanted her there. A small plan in the back of my head began forming. As Cas was writing down his list, I sent a quick text.
"I'm done," I grinned, sitting back in my chair, "oh! One more, I know who can do the ceremony,"
I wrote in Pastor Palmer.
"We'll probably need to get a specially approved celebrant to do the legals," Pat jumped in.
"He can do the other parts, right?" Cas raised a brow.
"He was my childhood pastor," I smiled gently, "I can get him to do it,"
A multitude of text messages later, we were on our way there. The venue had decided to close for the day, a timeline set. We'd arranged the decor; a relatively simple setup which would transform into a nighttime celebration arrangement. Pastor Palmer was more than willing, at the request of a few high-speed martial counselling sessions. I'd vouched to keep the colour scheme in the flavour of Apolian national schemes.
Of course, there was dress shopping and designs. Cas had already booked a time for a fitting, letting his friends know fo the big event coming up. Our final listing of family members was rather wild, Cas outnumbered me by over two to one.
"Are you sure you don't want to invite more people?" Cas' brows furrowed, eying my list.
"Everyone I want to be there, is there," I smiled. I had no grandparents that made it past my teenager years and everyone I knew in Ardeena was either on the list, or too distant to justify inviting.
It was just a part of the process of cutting down a wedding list.
"Mum's making Shepard's pie tonight," I spoke aloud, watching the light slowly ebb away from the street outside. The street was relatively empty, aside from a single passerby who was standing alone on the other side of the street. They turned, walking away.
Today's planning session had been fairly productive and I was rather satisfied. Everything felt manageable now. "You're more than welcome. She's made some for you,"
Cas looked up from his list writing, "That'd be wonderful,"
"Awesome," I paused, letting silence fill the air, "also, I have a favour to ask,"
She was there when I arrived home. Judging from their casual nature, she'd been in a long chat with Mum before I'd arrived.
"Sofia!" Hanna beamed, "mum was telling me about some of the crazy adventures you got up to while on tour!" She gave me a slight glare. You were being incredibly dangerous, you liar!
I distantly recalled the many hours at research bases, the occasional close call, and the hours of sitting on the plane.
"Nothing that exciting," I shrugged nonchalantly, "simply exploring Apolia's beauty,"
"Uh huh," She sniffed.
I guess there was still some bad blood lingering, I thought to myself.
"Talking about exciting things," I beamed, internally congratulating myself of the easy switch of topic, "I have someone for you to meet!"
Cas appeared around the corner, looking rather adorable with his hair swept over his eyes and his jacket.
"Hello Mrs O'Zbrojaski," He gave a grin and a small wave.
"Hello there Casmir-Stefan," Mum grinned back, splitting the portion sizes into different bowls, "good day?"
"Wonderful day back here," He looked to me, "got lots done!"
"Fantastic to hear!"
"And for everyone else," I mumbled once silence began edging out into the open, "Hanna meet Casmir, Cas meet Hanna,"
"Wonderful to meet you," Cas give a small nod. Against protocol, Hanna gave a small nod back.
"Pleasure's all mine," Hanna remained aloof, she looked to me, "do we want to eat outside?"
It was when Cas took the remaining bowls inside, did Hanna give anything away.
"You brought him here?" She hissed, turning on me.
"You seemed to disapprove, so I figured you should meet him yourself," I chuckled, shrugging.
"Yeah, but I wasn't expecting like, here?" She rolled her eyes in frustration, "anyway, why is he in Ardeena? Isn't the main palace like, ages away from here?"
"We were... doing some planning," I suddenly gained an interest in the detailing of the outside table, not that there was much.
"Like, what kind of planning?" Hanna asked slowly.
"Wedding planning," I breathed out quickly, "we're getting married,"
"You're what?" Hanna blinked.
"Yeah, he asked me to marry him," I pulled out the ring from around my neck as proof. It glittered in the low light. Hanna narrowed her eyes, looking at me, then the ring. The she sighed, sitting back.
A few tense moments, I waited for her to work through it all.
"Sofia... are you sure that this is the best idea?" Her words were softer than I expected.
"I like him," I nodded, "like... a lot. He's my best friend. Why wouldn't I want to marry someone like that?"
"Sofia, Alek used to be your best friend! Look at how that turned out!"
"Alek never asked me to marry him!" I scowled, "he went off, in a pursuit of military things, leaving me all alone!"
"He needed to mature!" Hanna countered, her voice slowly rising.
"He did!" I cried back, glad that the doors were glass and firmly shut, "but it's too late for Alek. I've found someone who actually loves me,"
"Sofia this is dangerous," Hanna breathed out, "a relationship with a royal... It's deadly,"
"Every relationship is deadly! I countered.
"You don't understand!" Hanna cried, "y-you'll be torn a part at the seams! Criticised for every move you make! You'll never have enough time for one another, because you'll be too busy fending off attacks!"
"It won't be like that!" I cried back.
"Yes it will!" Hanna hissed, "have you seen how they've treated Prince Ivan's wife?"
"She's Russian," I scowled, a lump forming in my throat, "Queen Olena was very against that marriage,"
"You're not getting my point," Hanna stopped, huffing out quickly. She clasped her hands, "they will tear you to shreds,"
"It's not going to be like that," I promised, "it's going to be in secret,"
"What?" Hanna gasped.
"In secret," I nodded, "only his closest family and friends will know. No press,"
Hanna sat back, thinking about it carefully. She thought about it, relatively silently. The distant sound of suburban cars echoed in the background. A town, slowly falling to sleep.
"You know it won't be like that forever right?" Her words were quiet, "I mean, someone will eventually find out. What if you have a son?"
My chest seized, I'd always wanted a son. But if none of Cas' siblings had sons, then we'd be thrown into the spotlight. our lives scrutinised in every way that I hated.
"We'll just have to have a girl," I muttered to myself, "or just not step into the spotlight at all. Preferably both,"
Hanna was silent, slowly smiling to herself, "I'm happy for you guys,"
The sliding door behind us opened up, "Glad to hear that because we're going to get married and Sof insisted that you would be there,"
"Cas," I groaned, to the tune of him chuckling in the background.
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