"Well the ring is nice," My Dad admits gruffly.
My face slightly falls along with my hand, I give him a dead look.
He chuckles.
"At this rate, nothing would please you," I scoffed.
"He's lucky he snatched you up," Dad nods to himself, hitting the accelerate as the light flashes green.
"He's lucky? He's a prince!"
"I stand by my word," Dad shrugs.
"I'm sure every father tells their daughter that to make them feel better," I chuckle.
Dad was silent at that.
"So how's planning moving forwards?" The question is arbitrary. At this rate, no one knows anything. Sure, Cas had the relative approval of his family but now I have to win them over. Plus the planning. For the entire royal family to arrive? It would be a chaotic mess!
"I have no idea," I sighed, "all I can do now are the little details that I can control."
We didn't even know where it would be! All I could plan for would be my dress at best.
"So... what about Alek?" A sharp pain crosses my chest at the thought of Alek. Still something that I hadn't addressed with almost anyone. Alek, an active member of a hostile terrorism group. My childhood friend.
Friend didn't feel like the right word.
My chosen childhood soulmate. A little closer.
When would I tell Cas? Would it cause a rift? Would this be something that he would leave me over? My chest tightened again, breathing felt hard. I can't let someone I love so much just go. A part of me wailed.
But then again; truth, honesty, I can't begin my marriage by lying to my husband about a deadly issue.
I'll tell Cas as soon as possible, I decide. This is rather important.
And I could almost imagine him, standing before me. I would hold his hands; calloused at the tips. I would let the words rush out. They would be hashed at moments and too much in other areas. I would look to him and see the crushing realisation in his eyes.
He'd realise that he can't marry a terrorist's crush.
A lump in my throat made it hard to breathe.
It's the right thing to do, I steeled myself, slowly letting out a very controlled breath.
"That bad huh?" Dad asked, raising a brow.
The next day came with an unexpected guest.
"So-fi-yah!" Justek called from the front door. It was a little on the earlier side but I'd taken the excuse to make up some buttermilk cookies, "someone here for ya!"
My heart leapt. Had Cas decided to drop by as a gift? There was so much to talk with him about! So much to talk through from planning to family dramas. I breathed out. It was overdue to tell him about Alek.
But there was someone different than Vlad standing at the door. I stilled. The man was a lot taller, and a lot older-looking. He was completely bald and sunglasses covered his eyes. I stilled. Was this an abduction?
Justek takes a few steps back from the door to let the burly man in. Run to another room! I wanted to yell at him, a million horrifying scenarios running through my mind.
The man steps inside, surveying the scene. He seems satisfied when a strongly petite woman steps from around him. She holds her head high, balancing the invisible crown of the country.
"Queen Olena," I gasped, automatically summoning those courtesy lessons that Patrycja had taught me so long ago, "I wasn't expecting such a surprise," Justek summons a hastily-executed bow. The Queen spends a quick moment looking over the room around us before looking to me.
Her eyes are a little softer this time. There's a guarded caution to them but a softened welcome. perhaps she'd warned up to the idea of a such a fiery character accompanying her son over the months? I couldn't be sure.
"Sofia," Her words handle my name the same way that her eyes did, "I apologise for the intrusion but I had no other moment, I was wondering if you were free this day for a possible outing?"
I was going to be on call with Hannah to tell her about the wedding. Then midday was for shopping and window dress shopping. Then the afternoon I was going to make Japanese loaf.
But I guess my plans had now changed when the queen of the country had arrived at my door.
"Nothing of great importance," I gave my best generous smile.
"Wonderful, does this moment suit?" She had a breezy composure to her. Soft leather riding boots work their way up to her knees, she wears form-fitting denim jeans and a white blouse. Her hair is swept into a bun. My stomach lurches, I hope she doesn't mean that we'll be going horse riding.
I look to Justek who appears to be a bit starry-eyed.
"Justek," He looks to me, "let Mum know that I'll be gone for the next little while,"
"Where are you going?" He asks, his curiosity rising.
"On a small trip," Queen Olena smiles gently.
That sounds like an assassination in the making, I briefly think to myself. Don't say it aloud.
"Cool," Justek grins, "you're Queen Olena right?"
"Yes dear," Now around children her composure entirely shifts to one of a gentle fairy godmother.
Justek, unfazed by the gravity of that, beams, "Cool!"
"It is," Queen Olena nods, "though, if you don't mind, I'd like to take your sister on an outing. I promise to have her back in no time,"
"Oh-kay," Justek shrugs, "bring her back unhurt. That doesn't seem to happen a lot lately,"
Oh Lord help me.
"Anything you'd like me to bring?" I ask, attempting to keep my words without hitch.
"Just some enclosed shoes," Queen Olena smiles gently.
"Would you like anything to drink?" I remembered as a last minute.
"I'm fed, no thank you," Her words are light and rather civil. I give a nod, doubling as a partial bow before disappearing to my room.
Between pulling up grey leggings and texting my mother, I manage to find some of my more nicer-looking boots. They were a little dusty from storage during last season but were a very nice pair. The leggings turned the sundress to slightly more of a formal wear.
In almost no time at all, we were in the car.
Like all of the other royal cars I'd had the honour of riding in, this one was sleek and fancy. There were slightly nicer finishings and furnishings to it. Slight additions of gold here and there, a pull down screen, a cleaner floor. There were also two agency cars; one ahead and one behind us in a subtle convoy.
"Did you fly here, your highness?" I did my best to keep my voice light and conversational.
A long moment.
"We were lucky to take the family jet, yes," She looks out, across the rather quaint town. These are her subjects after all.
"I hope the ride was easy," I recalled at how turbulent getting in and out of Ardeena could be sometimes.
"I rather enjoy turbulence," Queen Olena smiles, almost to herself.
"Have you had any times where it's gotten really bad?" I asked out of curiosity.
"A few times we've dropped almost a hundred meters,"
"Really?" I did my best to suppress a gasp.
"It's like a rollercoaster without tracks sometimes," She nods to herself, tapping an elegant finger to her chin.
"Is there a common place that you find is particularly bad?" I asked, in pure interest.
"Always around this area," Queen Olena hums, "the excitement is added with the danger of the mountains below,"
The more you know, I wonder to myself. This conversation is too interesting to let go.
"Do you find much time for theme parks?" I asked out of pure interest.
"Not much," Queen Olena spoke softly, "not much time anymore. One needs to find their thrills in the moments in between and in life itself,"
"That makes sense," I nodded to myself, noting that we were no on the outskirts of Ardeena. The cars made a sharp right onto a gravel road. Through the dust I could see 'Ardeena Shooting Club'.
Oh boy, I thought to myself. She's definitely brought me out here to kill me.
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