Chapter Three
The rest of the week flew by, and yet it seemed to never come to an end. Of course there was the constant bickering of amethyst and pearl that seemed to get worse, but eventually Sapphire and I worked through it. I hope they become a couple in the end! That would be ADORABLE!!!
After Monday, I would sometimes talk to sapphire about baseball. We talked about famous baseball players and strategies for the upcoming game. I would try to persuade her to join the team, but no luck so far. She said that she would join after this game because of the short period of time till then.
And then it was Friday, day of the sleepover at amethyst's. I'm exited for the games we'll play. Oh, I have to figure out sapphire's favorite kind of tea, 'cause I'm gonna bring a bunch. (If you get the reference to the episode I'm going to be so happy)
After school we each went our own ways to prepare for the chaos that was going to be the sleepover. I'm pretty sure amethyst has some games for us up her sleeve like truth or dare... I wonder if she'll make me ki- GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF RUBY AND STOP THE GAYYYY. (NEVER STOP THE GAY RUBY! ACCEPT YOURSELF! YOU'RE A BEAUTIFUL CINNAMON ROLL!)
First I went home to pack my supplies that I needed, such as PJs, a sleeping bag, snacks, tea, an airhorn and my own vault of memes and vines.
After that was done I decided that I would wait around for a couple minutes since it only was 16:30 pm. And what better to spend time then to catch up on the latest episodes of Voltron (have y'all seen season 8? I haven't, but i'm excited! And scared! Please send help). My parents weren't home, so I had a little bit of time to myself.
After one episode it was already time to go to amethysts house. She doesn't live too far from me, so I could easily walk. All I gotta do now I prepare 3 Thermostate bottles for the tea. I should probably bring multiple packages of tea bags in case they don't like specific kinds of tea. Probably best to at least bring 4 kinds. For everyone to choose from. "Looks like I'm ready to go!" I went to the door and put on my jacket and my shoes. I left a note for my parents saying where I was going and that I would text them when I would be coming back. They are very trusting parents, so that wasn't a problem. "On to the epic sleepover! To adventure! (She-ra fans, I see you)" I yelled while closing the door.
~ Le time skip brought to you by large baguette ~
When i finally arrived at amethysts house, Pearl and Sapphire were already there. Everyone was quiet and stared at me like Logan when Patton just made a dad joke. Great, they had to wait for me. Way to make a good impression. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I left the house a little bit too late," I said while awkwardly scratching my neck. "I did bring tea and different kinds of tea bags, so i hope you like that..." The whole room remained silent. Then out of nowhere, Sapphire, Pearl and Amethyst start laughing like there was no tomorrow. Wait, let me rephrase that, they were full on WHEEZING. Hold up, Sapphire is LAUGHING? She is really laughing! This is the best! Sheis really cute when she laughs tho.... And all this time I just stood in front of the door trying to figure out what the quiznack was going on.
"You should have seen your face, that was HILARIOUS! hahahahaah!"Amethyst said through laughs. Oh. OH. They were playing a joke on me this whole time??!!! "hahhahahhaHAHHAHA, yeah, I totally intended that from the start, hehehehh" Welp, there goes my dignity...
"Sorry Ruby, we were just fooling around with you. now come on,set out that tea you promised us and lET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!"
For the rest of the night we played the classics like truth or dare and never have I ever, without alcohol of course. Amethyst an Pearl got along suprisingly well, so that was a plusfor all of us. We even played a little karaoke, but Sapphire didn't want to sing. Such a shame, but as long as everyones comfortable. After a while amethysts morher told us to go to bed, since it was midnight, so we all went to our sleeping bags. I lay next to sapphire, she lay in between me and Pearl, and next to pearl lay amethyst.
After Amethysts mother went upstairs, Amethyst got a flashlight. "Alright everyone, time for the finale: spilling secrets. So,I thought, since we don't relly know eachother why don't we tell a secret about ourselves that no one else knows? Remember, what is told in this room, stays in this room. To spare you all, I shall go first." When i looked up, I saw deep down seriousness in her eyes, a look I rarely saw on her, and another emotion i didn't think she had in her.
"I....," Ametyst took a deep breath. "I am afraid of not being good enough. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, I always feel like I have to be the best, even though you mostly see mee as a goofball who doesn't care at all." At this point I saw thick tears running down her cheeks. "Cause when I'm not the best, I feel like I can be easily replaced by someone muh better than me." Then, she looked up and I saw relief in her eyes. How long has she been holding ths back from us?
"Amethyst, I'm sorry. We didn't know," I said. "I'm sorry you had to keep that in for so long." I stood up from my bag and walked over to her. I gave her probably one of the biggest hugs i have ever given. At this point, I knew I was crying too."
"Amethyst, we're sorry as well," Pearl said. "Even though we don't know eachother for long, i didn't have to lash out at you for that." Se and Sapphire walked over to us and embrased us in a warm hug. "And," Pearl said, "I think we share the same secret here." Pearl and Amethyst looked at eachother, and smiled. The whole room was quiet, but it was a peacefull quiet.
I decided I was going next. "Well, I would like to share my secret as well," I told them. I cleared my throat and prepared myself. It's okay Ruby. It's going to be fine. I took a deep breath. "I am afraid to lose the ones that I love. I am afraid that they will disappear and that I will be all alone." I looked up and saw them all smiling warmly at me. They as well proceeded to give me a hug. After a while they let go.
"I would also like to tell my secret." I looked up again, and said with a warm smile; "You don't have to ask Sapphire. Of course you can tell us. Go ahead"
We all waited in anticipation for what was to come. Then she took a large breath and said: "I'm afraid to sing ot talk in front of a large crowd. I think that all the people don't like my voice or think that I cannot sing well" Wow, I wasn't expecting that. No wonder that she doesn't like to talk. "Sapphire, just so you know, I really like your voice. I would love to hear you sing sometime, but if you don't want to that is also completely understandable," I said, a pretty noticeable blush spreading across my cheeks. "Thank you Ruby, that is very kind of you," Sapphire said while looking directly at me, a small blush in her cheeks as well. Then, we gave eachother the biggest group hug ever. It was awesome.
After that, we decided that we were too emotionally drained to continue conversation, so we each went to our sparate sleeping bags. Everyone went to sleep rather quickly, but i still lay awake replying the events of the day in my head. This was a really good sleepover. I think we really bonded over this night. HA, I am so gonna make a joke about the bondig moment in Voltron, Amethyst will love it. It was also really cool that we trusted eachother so well. Even Sapphire seems to open up more to us.Gosh, she was really pretty when she blushed, and strong too. I mean, I don't know if I woud tell such a secret to people I only know for a couple of days. I really admire that abou-
Then, it hit me.
I was in love with Sapphire.
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