Chapter One
ugh, it's 7 am alreadyyyyy???? I really don't want to wake uuuupppppp....
With a groan I stood up. Today was the first day of sophomore year, so I had to get up EVEN EARLIER! Seriously, how does the school expects us to be fully awake at 8 in the morning! Guess I will have to use my secret weapon.
Not coffee, tea. 1 liter a day. Don't ask me why. It works.
After I drank my tea I went to eat breakfast with my mother, Sienna, and my father, Kai. They are soulmates, so their pendant was already visible. Their pendant was a red flame wich symbolised their general passion for everything. Now, guess why they named me Ruby... It's the stone of passion. Yes, I was named after a gemstone. But I don't mind, I like my name.
"Hey Mom, hi Dad."
"Hi sweetie, how did you sleep?", asked Mom." You have a big day ahead, so give it your best shot!"
"Thanks Mom, I will. But, before I go out, please don't take pictures like last year. It's kinda embarrassing..."
"But my ember," dad answered with a frown, "we do that every year. And what about the picture book?"
"Honey, I think she is old enough to make such a decision. Besides, isn't she a bit old for that, hm?", Mom fired back. And so, a new debate has begun in our household. Don't get me wrong, they love each other, sometimes they just get really passionate over an argument. Surprise right?
To be honest, I was kinda jealous. Sure, my parents argue a lot, but at least they were soulmates. I haven't been able to find mine just yet. I looked at my pendant, a garnet split in half (the cover in this book is the pendant, just pretend it is split in half). Someday soon, I will find my soulmate. I can feel it! I mean, I have no future vision (yet), but I do know that there is someone out there for me.
I looked on my phone and saw that it read 7:45 am. Wich means that I have 15 minutes to dress and to get to school.
I sprinted to my room and quickly put on the following outfit:
(Just ignore the hair, phone case and earrings. She does wear the sunglasses)
I quickly grabbed my schoolbag, baseball bag and phone and went to the door to put my shoes on.
"Bye Mom, bye dad", was the only thing I got out before I closed the front door. Then, it was time to run. Like, hardcore sprint run.
This day is already going awesome.
~ le time skip ~
"I'm sorry miss Zircon, it won't happen again", I said.
"Sure, just like the last 10 times?" her homeroom teacher asked with a smirk. Through the whole classroom you could hear the giggles of various students. "I'm letting you off the hook this time, because I have an announcement to make. You may sit down, Ruby."
I quickly sat down next to my best friend amethyst, who had a big smirk on her face. "Eleven times in a row. You're really trying to piss of the teachers around here," she said trying to contain laughs. "Shut up amethyst," I told her, lightly shoving her with my elbow.
"That brings me to my actual announcement." Our teacher cleared her throat. "Everyone, we have two new students who are joining us at our school. The will be in this class for the rest of this year. Please welcome our new students, Pearl Valentine and Sapphire Snowflake"
The door of the classroom opened to reveal a tall, skinny girl with short peach-blonde hair and small girl with light blonde hair. The tall girl was 5'9" and had very pale skin. She looked like she was very nerdy. The other girl was about 5'2" and she had slightly tanned skin. Her hair came to her waist. She also had bangs, so you couldn't see her eyes. The tall girl introduced herself first.
"Hello everyone, I am Pearl Valentine and I really like science and engineering. I hope to learn even more at this school"
Amethyst leaned over. "A goody-two-shoes, huh. Interesting" she whispered in my ear. Not really awesome, but who knows, maybe we'll become really good friends. Out of the corner of my eye I could see amethyst blushing a little when she was looking at pearl. I smirked. Very Interesting indeed.
Then the other girl introduced herself. She shyly came forward. "Hello, I'm Sapphire Snowflake. I like the colour blue and i like music."
Woah. She has a beautiful voice. Maybe she sings? I slowly felt a little blush forming on my cheeks. Why am I blushing? I barely even know her.
The teacher then assigned her to the two open seats right in front of me and Amethyst. Pearl went to sit in front of amethyst while Sapphire sat in front of me.
"Hey," I wispered to sapphire, "I like music too."
Sapphire didn't say anything, instead she turned around to face the teacher.
Guess she is really shy. Doesn't matter. I really hope to learn more about her.
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