2. Garrance
3rd of October 2016
One word. Well two actually... Or three...
Hell. Fucking. Yes.
Excuse my French...
Laurances. POV
"Laurance and Garroth sitting in a tree! K I S S I N G~!"
"Calm down baby brother, I admit that they are annoying but that's no reason to be rude" Garroth replied to his brother in that sickly voice he thinks makes him sound so sexy...
"SHUT UP GARROTH, I'm going to my room and if I hear anything from any of you for the rest of the night I swear I'll take over the world!"
The sound of Zane's footsteps marching up the stairs and up the hallway kept us silent until we heard the door slam and we all burst into laughter.
"I do think it's time we leave though... I have work tomorrow" Travis mumbled
"Yeah... it was fun hanging out tonight! We should do it again next weekend, minus you two fantasising about Garroth and I hooking up..." I chuckled
"Alright alright! But no kissy kissy without us being able to see! I would need to film it and use it as potential blackmail" Dante joked
"Of course you would" Garroth replied rolling his eyes
"Whew, can relax now" I said plopping down on the couch
"Yeah those two can be a handful at times!" Garroth said plopping down next to me
"TV?" He asked picking up the remote
I nodded quietly thinking to myself as Garroth looked through the channels.
"There's nothing good on..." he groaned
"Oh!" He said stopping on channel 256
"I love Titanic!" He almost squealed
"Really? I always found it too Lovey Dovey, it always made me throw up during all the "romantic" scenes. Although that might have something to do with me being 11 when I first watched it..."
"It's supposed to be Lovey Dovey! Have you never had dreams about making love to your one true love in the back of a car? Or painting a portrait of them--
"You can stop there" I said chuckling "I'll watch it with you but don't blame me if I do throw up"
I rolled my eyes at Garroth as his became glued to the screen.
"I hate this scene"
"Wait for it... Wait for it..."
"For what exactly?"
"There's her hand!" Garroth squealed, almost jumping up and down on the couch
"I worry about you sometimes..." I muttered
"It is true love! And that is pure romance right there! The best there is!"
"And what would you know about romance Garroth?" I ask turning my head to look at him with a smirk.
"I know a lot of things." He replied glaring at me
I chuckled at him before standing up and walking around the couch to head upstairs.
"I can show you!" He said standing up as well
"Garroth face it, you and I know nothing about romance. We've both only ever kissed one girl once and that was when we were in High School!"
"I still know things!"
"I am very good at kissing" he said, folding is arms
I looked at him questioningly, he noticed that I wasn't sure and still glaring at me walked around the couch and came and stood right in front of me. Only a few inches apart.
"Well, the best way to do it, is to start off by putting your hands on your lovers waist"
My face reddened as I realised what he was doing but I didn't dare stop him.
"Then you erm... you put your arms around me... like so..." he said placing my arms around him and bringing his back down onto my waist.
"G-Garroth...?" I stuttered, getting redder by the second
I wasn't the only one who was red, Garroth was just as red as I was but neither of us stopped what we were doing...
"Now... we're supposed to get closer..." He said gently pulling me closer
I held on tighter, not knowing what to do. We both stood like that for a few minutes just staring at each other. I saw Garroths gaze flicker to my lips a few times which made my blush deepen, although I couldn't blame him because I was doing the same thing.
Before I knew what I was doing, I crashed my lips down on his. We both stood stiff until we eventually started getting into a rhythm, his lips slid so easily against mine,I rubbed my hands on his back feeling his hard muscles through the fin cloth of his shirt, I'm not sure what he was thinking but I found him leave my lips and start trailing kisses along my jaw, I let out a little moan that was not ment to escape but did all the same.
I lifted my hand up and held his head, bringing it back to my lips. I gently bit his bottom lip asking for entrance which he soon granted. We both fought for dominance which I'm glad to say I won...
We eventually seperated to breathe, I looked at Garroth to see he had very swollen lips and was as red as a tomato, even though I was probably the same.
"I wonder how much I can sell this video for?"
And that is when we turned to see Zane, sitting on the stairs waving his phone in the air as it replayed a video of Garroth and I cought in the act...
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