MERIDITH stared on, pained, as her mother brought her sword down on an advancing, shifted werewolf - his head being hefted off and bouncing to the ground. Blood spraying from the arteries being sliced, and spine snapped. She bit her tongue from wanting to scream, to cry. Even if she didn't want to live as a killer at seventeen, she couldn't go and disobey her family. Her family who tortured and murdered, hunted and killed - innocent or not - in their eyes all Werewolves were evil. Sure, Meridith had encountered some horrible werewolves - but still murdering innocent and compliant shifters - in her mind it was bad.
The head rolled by her feet, her mothers black shirt, dark with blood from the dead werewolf had the nerve to grin. Her flowing, straight black hair clung with dried blood as she swung her broad sword behind her, cutting into another mass of red fur.
Meridith made no noise, instead, she let her own clean sword fall to the ground beside her as tears blurred her vision. She hadn't cried in years - but she also hadn't actually been forced to kill anyone before. This was her first mission, her Mum dragged her from her room after lunch and stayed silent, before she ran her sword through someones back, she turned to her wide-eyed daughter and had said "It's about time you stopped being weak" before ramming her sword into her daughters hand, forcing her to kill someone. It wasn't her sword, but blood coated her hands, fingers shaking the only trace of blood on her sword was on the hilt, from where she had held it. Taking in shaking breaths, her brown hair tickled her nose, escaping from the pony tail she had put it in moments ago.
Meridith froze as a growl came from behind her, slowly she turned on the spot, infront of her stood a large Werewolf, standing tall above her his lips pulled back in a snarl, sharp canines bared. Her pouty pink lips quivered as she met the dark eyes of the very thing her mother was killing - which she had just killed. Upon meeting her eyes, his teeth dissappeared from sight and hid growling stop - his ears perked up in a non threatening manner. It was slightly cute as he nuzzled her face, wiping away her tears. She could see it in his eyes - he was a father - it was his maternal instinct to see if something was wrong.
"Y-you need to run." She sobbed quietly, making sure her mother didn't hear. Taking a deep breath she stared again into the mans dark brown eyes. "She-She'll hurt you." The wolf before her nudged her once again, fur oak brown, before he turned and walked away - quickly breaking into a gallop into the forest. Meridith wish her mother could see them like that - caring, sweet, harmless, innocent - human. Meridith bit her lip, taking a sturdy few breaths, she needed to regain herself before her mum saw. Because torture didn't just limit itself to the Wolves.
"We can go now Meridith." Her mother stated, causing her daughter to tense in surprise, as her voice was sudden and void of emotion.
"Yes Mother." She said coldly back. Meridith may have been spooked at the idea of killing, considering she hadn't done that until moments ago, but that didn't completely ruin her years training as a killer.
"We can go home and tell Grandfather how you became a real Hunter today." She said in the same voice, brushing past her broken daughter and getting blood on her arm. Meridith followed her mother silently, eyes trained on the ground as she imagined the werewolf before her, his eyes. His humanity and compassion. Sliding into the passenger seat of the car, Meridith let her sword drop to the floor of the car. Her mother had forced her to take someones life. She had grabbed her hands, trapping them with the blade, and shoved her forward with strength strong enough to peirce the under belly of the wolf. She couldn't get that thought out of her head - so she decided to focus on the Werewolf she had saved, who survived. "I know I didn't tell you before - the reason you made your first kill today is because we're going on our first family mission." Meridith didn't reply, keeping her surprise to herself. "We're going to kill the entire New Moon Pack before the peace treaty is signed." The words struck her deep, but she kept silent, kept still as her mother went on about why she was going to demolish one of the large packs before the Hunters would be locked in the contract of not being able to kill Werewolves unless they disobeyed the law. Letting them live in the same world as them freely.
"I thought the treaty was supposed to make them do what we say, stop being monsters." Even Meridiths own words burned in her throat.
"A good Hunter knows when a filthy mutt won't heel - they will only disobey orders, they'll use them to plea - to lie." She snarles, tightening her grip on the steering wheel as she drove back up the driveway to her Grandfathers remote Mansion - where centuries of Meridith and her mothers Hunter ancestors had lived. "Get out." She snapped, opening her door and leaping from the car.
Her mother always got like this after being around the wolves - as if they had wronged her in such horrible ways.
"My wildflower." Meridiths head snapped up at the sound of her Grandmothers voice, allowing herself to smile slightly, she quickened her pace towards the elderly woman who wore gardening gloves and dangerous pins in her silvery hair.
"Grandmama." She smiled, stopping infront of her, another thing Hunters didn't do was hug their family. Her Grandmother smiled fondly, her eyes trailing down her Granddaughters body until they reached her hands - a sadness took over the usual glint in her eyes.
"You killed one." She sighed. Any smile or happiness that had dwindled inside of her vanished at the mention of that - she even contemplated telling her favored family member how she had saved one. "I told her - you're to young." Her Grandmother frown only deepened in despair. "Did your mother tell you that you're leaving tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow?" Meridith flinched, scolding herself inwardly at letting her surprise show, that she was able to be surprised at the mention of leaving her family home to kill people. Slightly angered, Meridith bid a polite goodbye to her Grandmother and crossed the threshold to see her Grandfather, who her mother probably bragged to about her daughters first kill. The thoughts of the next day left a sour taste in the girls mouth - she knew the fact she was leaving on such short notice was practice, another step to getting rid of her weaknesses.
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