Chapter 2
ESCAPING something that was expected from you was a harder task than actually staying. As Meridith stood beside Alexandra stood in their backyard the next day of officially moving in, both wearing plaid button up shirts - Alexandras blue and Meridiths red - and both wore black skinny jeans. Giving each other a more 'sisterly' vibe. And they were having an open house warming party, nearly every neighbor and their kids were there. Meridiths Mother wore a long floral summer dress and her hair out in waves - thick and black to match Alexandras and wavey to match Meridiths. Boys and girls of all ages - even Meridiths and Alexandras continued to file into their house, wearing clean and proper clothing. Meridiths vibrant wavy red hair was out, one side pinned back with bobby pins and the other nearly covering her eye. Her Mum thinking her wearing it 'normal' would make her blend in more.
"You two must be the newbies - Hi I'm Vicki." A short girl with extremely long, dark blonde hair and blue braces. One of two freckles littered her nose and her eyes were a mix between grey and green.
Instantly, faking the smile came to the both of them. "Hey - I'm Meridith and this is my big sister Alexandra." Meridith introduced, smile taking over her features as she stared at the shorter girl.
"Hi." Alexandra pretended to greet nicely - but Meridith detected the slight distaste in her friends voice.
"What school are you two going to?" Vicki asked, swaying her washed out blue dress that looked ugly and gave her no shape.
"Lupine High." Meridith kept her voice void of emotion - no hate or love for the obvious naming of the school.
"No way - I go there." Vicki laughed excitedly, her long hair glowed softly in the afternoon rays. "What a small world - Oh my, they're here." Vicki gasped, looking behind Meridith and Alexandra with wide eyes. At the same time, the two highly trained girls turned around together, slowly to make it not look suspicious.
"It's just a bunch of boys." Alexandra voiced Meridiths thoughts, the darker haired girl frowning as a small group of well dressed teenagers around their age followed a few adults, obviously their parents. But Meridith was lost - one of the boys seemed to stand out. Their eyes locked and she had to stop herself from frowning - confused. Her heart beated faster, involuntarily, in her chest as she stared at him. His eyes were a dark brown - so dark - and his hair messy and a mix between black and brown. And his jaw was so sharp it could slice cheese. She had obviously met boys, usually after seducing them into a room before beating them to a pulp on her Mothers orders. She noticed the boy across the room and he noticed her. Not letting his eyes leave hers he even stopped walking entirely. "Meri." Alexandra shoved her friend, her sister, to gain her attention. Breaking her gaze from the alluring stranger, she shifted it to Alexandra quickly, snapping her neck quickly - eyes wide she tried to regain herself. "What is it?"
"I don't know." She admitted. "Vicki who is that - "
"That's Ryland Sparrow - literally one of the hottest guys - well, his brother is hotter, the one on the right - he's the one you want to go for - gorgeous." Vicki ranted, licking her lips before her entire face erupted into a dark red - nearly out doing Meridiths hair. "I am so sorry that was really in proper of me - oh if my parents heard me." Vicki wrung her hands, shaking and searching for any sign of her parents. Meridith and Alexandra merely exchanged glances before Meridith threw a glance behind her, searching for Ryland. She caught his gaze again and he was approaching her, by himself as the people he came in with watched from a distance.
"He's coming over here." Meridith whispered lowly to Alexandra, Vicki not taking any knowledge or respect for personal space and eavesdropped, standing between the two 'sisters'. Alexandra glared at the approaching boy, but he was to caught up in Meridith - and Meridith, confused, was caught up in him.
"Do you want me to tell him to piss off?" Alexandra asked, ignoring Vicki who made a noise of protest - going to continue her pathetic, unimportant rant, that the two were not interested in hearing - before being cut off by Meridiths swift No. She wanted to indulge this.
"We'll leave you two alone - Alexandra I want you to meet this cute guy I know - you're so his type." Vicki missed the silent snarl Alexandra sent her way as she begrudgingly followed after her, sending her friend a look before whispering so only she could hear.
"Henley's inside, if you're going to flirt - take it somewhere else before she sees." Alexandra muttered darkly, eyeing the man who was getting closer. Meridith only rolled her eyes at her friend, turning around as Ryland stood infront of her.
"Hello - I'm Meridith." She greeted, smiling widely up at him. Something was wrong - her body was unresponsive and her heart seemed to be taking her further into cardiac arrest.
"I'm Ryland." He greeted, his voice made her internally shiver, letting a unexplored and unidentified heat grow in her core. "So you're one of the new girls who've moved in." He smooth talked, folding his arms and leaning against the wall she had once propped herself and Alexandra against to greet people.
"You seem to know more than me - tell me, Ryland, who are you?" She bit her lip, easily finding herself flirting with him. His muscles were gorgeously shaped, a dimple in his cheek when he smiled down at her - what else was she supposed to do, other than keep up her social facade.
"Well - I like candle lit dinners, my dog, long walks on the beach - and now on that list is talking to you." He flirted, placing a hand on her forearm - a physical advancement. Unlike the other ones Meridith had experienced - this one was different. Her skin rose goosebumps and her mouth watered, her strong knees became weak and her whole body shivered. Was she getting a cold? "Sorry - " he laughed, not removing his hand, fingertips gliding across her skin. "- I sound like a cheesy dating website."
"I would swipe right." She grinned, only just noticing how he now loomed above her.
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