Chapter 8
RECAP-Allison's POV
"Then that settles it. Oh, my work phone is going off. You guys wanna listen?"
They all shook their heads in anticipation. These guys are too much trouble.
"Too bad. I don't need you intruding into my one safe place. Hello?" I said as I picked up the phone
The man on the phone wanted a business man dead. That was easy enough.
"Okay people, go to bed or do whatever you want but do not wake me up."
With that said, I walked out to get some peace and quiet.
I was walking out of the cellar to a place where I know I would be alone but before I could get far I felt my legs go numb from blood loss. When I fell, the annoying people just had to be there to see. Jessy ran over to me and tried to touch me but I smacked his hand away.
"Don't touch me." I said
"But I was only trying to help you get up." He said
"Did I ask for your help!? No, I didn't so don't touch me!"
After I yelled at him I forced myself I stand up. When I looked around I saw James smirking at me.
"What do you want, pup?" I asked
"I'm just staring at a girl who is weak."
"I may be unstable from blood loss but I can still kick your sorry ass."
"I'd like to see you try."
He then lunged at me trying to hit me but I dodged and hit him in the back of the neck. It wasn't a hard hit but it was hard enough to knock him out. When he fell to the ground, I picked him up and literally threw him to Shawn and Jessy.
"Here. Go dump him somewhere. Let" I said as I collapsed.
'Rose, I can't hang on anymore. Will you take over?'
'Of course I'll take over. I know your limits.'
'Thanks. I'm tired.'
'I know you are. Just go ahead and rest.'
Rose's POV
When I finished my talk with Ally, I opened my eyes and saw that everybody was staring at me. After a few more minutes of them staring at me, Eric decided to break the silence.
"Ally, you're awake! Thank god! We were so worried." He said
"I'm not Ally. I'm her wolf Red Rose. But just call me Rose."
"Really? Well how can we tell the difference?"
"When I'm in control, our eyes are red."
"So, why are you in control right now?"
"Let's go inside and I'll explain."
We walked to my house and everyone sat around me so they could hear what I had to say.
"So, why are you in control?" Asked Eric
"I'm in control because Ally is tired. Today, not only did we get shot but we also had to fight you guys. Though the injuries caused by you were not the cause, it was the stamina and will she used to stay conscious and do what she did today."
"So you're saying that she was walking around like she didn't feel the pain when in reality she did feel it?" Asked Ariel
"Yep. Thanks to all the abuse we have endured we have a pretty high pain tolerance."
"Why is she so strongly against anyone touching her and worrying about her?" Asked Jessy
"It's simple really. As you from the Crimson Moon pack already know, we were kidnapped as a baby so we didn't know who our mother was. We found that out when we were 2 years old. However, we thought Derrick cared for us so we gave no hint that we knew about it. But then he betrayed us. He put us through an experiment that was supposed to make us heartless and emotionless when we were 3 years old. It didn't work but they didn't know that."
"Wait, if it didn't work, then doesn't that mean that you aren't heartless and emotionless?"
"Not exactly. See, after the experiment, Derrick took us to a room, chained us to a wall and started whipping us. After that day, not only Derrick abused us but everyone in the pack including the women and people not even from our pack. We had to keep fighting to keep our sanity so we did the only thing we could do. We got rid of all our emotions. Happiness, sadness, love, all the emotions that would make us weak. We replaced those emotions with the intent to kill."
"But where are your scars? You say that you were abused but i dont see any scars. I say she's lying to us." Stated James
"You may not see the scars but that is because we keep them well hidden. Me and Ally don't have anything to prove to you people. As a matter of fact, we don't even want you here."
"Then why keep us here if you don't want us to be here?"
"Because the Moon Goddess told us that we would need help. She told us to seek out our real parents and the people with them, plus a vampire, would makeup our group."
"Is the moon goddess the only person you two listen to willingly?" Asked Ariel
"Yes. She was only one who showed genuine concern for us. We never knew the love of a mother but she loved us. She told us to trust you guys but trust is not what we do."
Everyone was silent. They didn't know what to say. They were all in deep thought until Jase spoke up.
"Is there anything else we need to know?" He said
"You'll know more at a later...time." I paused for a second
"What's wrong?"
"Um, if you want to live then go outside. RIGHT NOW!"
"Because sometimes when she's asleep she has flashbacks of past beatings which make both me and her go over the edge. Basically, we go on a rampage and the result is not pretty. Go! We're about to lose control!"
"But-" Jase said but was cut off by me shifting
"Alphas, stay. Everyone else, leave!" He shouted.
Jessy's POV
When Ally shifted, she started snarling at everybody. I instinctively pushed everyone of lower rank out the door and locked it. Once I turned around I saw Ally in her wolf form pounce on Jase. She was trying to get to his neck but becxaus w he is an alpha he was able to hold his ground. Me and Eric went over to Ally and pulled her off of Jase. She was struggling in our grip. Biting, scratching, snarling, she did anything to get out of our grip.
After an hour, she suddenly stopped struggling. Once we thought it was safe to let her go, we released her. However, she shifted back into her human form and lunged at me. She had one hand around my throat and the other was clawing at my face.
"You'll pay for what you've done to me, Cain!" She screamed at me.
Eric and Jase came over and pulled her off of me. They each held an arm and I held her legs.
"Let go of me now! Let go! I'll get you all for this! Do you hear me!? You can't keep me here forever!"
After her ranting for another hour she finally calmed down and went to sleep. We carried her to the couch and covered her in a blanket. Once that was done I let everyone else back in the house. When they saw what a mess it was they all stopped and asked the same question.
"What happened in here?"
"Um, Ally and Rose went out of control, trashed the place and also tried to kill me and Jase. As you can see from our wounds." I said
"Why do your wounds look more severe than Jase's?" Asked James
"I don't know. I would like to know that as well. Anyway, TIC's can go ahead and head back to the pack houses. The rest of you will go ahead and sleep. We'll get an explanatipn in the morning."
With that said everyone went their separate ways. I stayed by Ally's side just staring at her, but I was also wondering what exactly happened to her to make her rampage like that. I fell asleep right beside her content that I finally had my mate in my arms.
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