Chapter 6
Allison's POV
Right now I am on my way to my house with 8 people following me. They were pretty quiet at the start of the trip but then they started getting talkative.
"Are you okay?" Asked Jase
"You know you are hurt pretty badly." Said James
"Why don't you let one of us carry you?" Asked Jessy
"Why area you still in your wolf form?" Asked the third in command Shawn
"Why so we have to go to your house?" Asked the beta Mike
"Why did you order that big amount of food?" Asked Ben
"You know, you really should let us tend to your wounds before we keep moving." Said Eric
"You should at least let the boys carry your bags sweetheart." Said Ariel
Okay, that is it. They have been asking the sane questions for an hour now and being called sweetheart is where I draw the line.
'SHUT UP!!!!!!!!! We are almost at the house now so any questions you have will be answered there. And if any one of you call me sweetheart, you better watch out. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?'
"Crystal." Answered the boys
So, we went on walking in silence for 30 minutes. By then my house was already in sight. We walked in and they made themselves at home on my couches.
'Wait here. I'll be back in a moment. Do not touch anything.' I told them.
I went upstairs and shifted. I put on a sports bra and some really short shorts so I can treat my wounds. Then I grabbed my first aid kit and went downstairs. I tossed a roll of bandages to everyone so that they can treat their wounds.
"Why are you giving bandages to us?" Asked Shawn as he pointed to himself then to Mike, Ben and Ariel.
"Because Ariel hurt her foot, Mike and Ben scratched their legs and Shawn dislocated his wrist."
"How did you know?" Asked Ariel
"Less talking more bandaging. After our wounds are treated, I'm gonna fix something to eat and we can talk over dinner."
"But who's gonna treat your wounds?" Asked Jessy
"I am. Simple as that."
As soon as I said that I started taking out the bullets that were in my arms and legs and cleaning the scratch and bite marks. When I was finished, they were all staring at me.
"What? Have you never seen someone treat their own wounds? And why have you been staring at me Jessy? Ever since we left you have been staring at me."
"I'm staring because you are my mate." He said
"What!?" Yelled everybody in the room
"What's a mate?"
"A mate is the person you are made for. Don't you feel anything when you look at me?"
"Other than the urge to kill you? Nope."
He then walked over to me and hugged me.
"So you are saying that you don't feel sparks when we touch?"
I pushed his arms apart, twisted it and threw him on the ground.
"Listen buster. I didn't bring you here to talk about some romance crap. I brought you here so you can know what is going. Oh, and just so you know, I really want to kill you and James so don't even think that you can walk up to me and act friendly."
"How dare you talk to me like that! I'm an alpha you are suppose to show me respect."
"OK, here's the deal. I don't give two shits about you being an alpha. I only give respect to those who earn it. And another thing, you are in my house so don't you dare disrespect me. I can have you leave right now and not tell you anything. If you think you can get the kind of information that I have, you are very mistaken. So I suggest you sit down and wait for dinner like a good little boy. Okay?"
With that I left for the kitchen just barely resisting the urge to kill him.
'Hey Rose, do you think we should trust those people?'
'I think we should give them a chance. They are involved now anyway.'
'As long as you think so I guess I could try.'
After I finished talking to Rose, I started cooking some stew.
Jessy's POV
"Dude, you just got told off by a girl." Said Shawn
"Shut up. I don't understand. Why am I the only one who can feel the mat bond?" I said
"I don't know but we can find out later." Said Eric
"I don't want to know what made our daughter like that. I mean, she's very intimidating." Said Ariel
"Your right. And another thing, why did she take Derrick's bones? It's not like you can use bones anyway." Said James
"That shows how much you people know." Said Ally as she walked in from the kitchen
"What are you implying?" Asked James
"I'm saying that you don't know how to make use of the things you have. Follow me and I'll show you."
We followed her upstairs to this door that had a lock on it. Once she unlocked the lock we walked in. I could not believe what I saw. It was a whole room stock full of weapons.
"Cool stuff. Where did you by this collection?" I asked
"I didn't buy it. It is all handmade by me."
"What are they made of?"
"Bones of course."
I just looked at her in surprise. The others did the same.
"So you are saying that you keep the bones of your kill and remake them into weapons? Is that why you ripped off John's legs when you killed him?" Asked Jase
"Yep. Come on, it's time for dinner."
"What's on the menu?" I asked
"Deer stew."
We went downstairs and started eating. Let me say this, the beef stew that Ally cooked was divine. It tasted so good. Everybody ate five bowls of the stuff. Once we finished eating, we went back into the living room and started the long awaited conversation.
Allison's POV
"Before I answer your questions, I have a question for Eric, Ariel and Jase. Who are my family?"
"Um, we are your family. I'm your father, Ariel's your mother and Jase is your older brother."
"Really? So what's my real name?"
"Your real name is Ally." Said Ariel
"So how does it feel to be afraid of your little sis, Jase?"
"How can you tell that I'm afraid?"
"Remember when I held that broken bone to your throat? I smelled your fear then. Anyway, now I'll answer your questions."
"How long have you been an assassin?" Asked Eric
"Do you remember the first time you heard about Bloody Rose on the news?"
"Yeah. It was about 12 years ago."
"Since then."
"So you started killing people since you were 4?"
"Yep. Next question."
"What kind of training did you undergo?" Asked Jase
"Combat, technology, poisons, weapons, you name it."
"Why do you live out here?" Asked Ariel
"Because it is quiet. Also it is close to my hunting grounds. Plus, I built this house myself."
"I needed a place to store my possessions. Those weapons that you saw are not the only things in this house. There are many tools stored in this house that I use to kill. Next question."
"I can understand why you want to kill James but why do you want to kill me too?" Asked Jessy
"Hmmmm, maybe its because you shot me with a tranquilizer gun!"
"Oh yeah. Sorry about that."
"Sorry my ass. Next question."
"When you kill people, why do you draw a rose on the dead person's body with their own blood?" Asked Mike
"Because my favorite flower is the red rose. The color of the rose closely resembles blood hence making it my favorite. Next question."
"How is it that even though you fought three alphas, a third in command and got shot six times that you are still conscious?" Asked Ben
"I have been tortured for 13 years by that bastard Derrick and his pack. Speaking about his pack, they can't be trusted. Mind link someone from your pack to put some chloroform and peroxide in their food. It'll knock them out for awhile." (Do not try this at home!)
"I'll do it." Said Jase
After a little while Jase looked up at me with fury in his eyes.
"You lied to me! You said it would only knock them out! They choked and died on the spot!"
"I said it would knock them out. I just didn't say for hokw long." I said as I started laughing. "Oh, I wish I could've been there to see the looks on their faces. It would have been priceless. Anyway, next question."
"So right now your eyes are purple with gold flecks right? So what does it mean when your eyes turn red?" Asked Shawn
"It can mean two things. One, I have a huge lust for blood or two, you are talking to Rose, my wolf. Why?"
"Because your wolf's eyes are red."
"OK, next question."
"What was so important that you had to bring us here and tell us?" Asked James
"Good question. Looks like you have some brain in there after all. Follow me. Oh, and I still expect my payment."
"Fine." Grumbled James
I walked outside to a door that looks like a wine cellar door. However, it is not made of wood, its made of steel. I opened the door and walked inside. When you do walk in, at first glance everything looks like wine but it's actually poisons that I'm storing.
"I didn't know that you had Sherry in here. Let's drink up." Said James as he passed the bottle to Shawn then to mike then to Ben.
"Wait. Don't drink it!" I said all but too late. They all dropped like a rock. The four idiots.
"What did you do to them?" Asked Jase. Or yelled. Whichever one fits.
"First of all, I told you people not to touch anything so I didn't do it. Second of all, it's their fault since they didn't read the tag on the bottom of the bottle and the cork. Third of all, this is a house built by a well trained heartless assassin and I already told you that I store more than those weapons in my house. Lastly, they just drank a paralyzing potion. Lucky for them they only drunk a small dose or else it would've paralyzed their heart as well. It'll wear off in an hour so just drag them into the room. They can still hear."
They did what I told them to do and dragged into the room with a retinal scan lock on it. When it scanned my eye it opened up into a large lab.
"Welcome to my research lab. This is where all your questions will be answered."
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