Chapter: Twenty Seven
Apologizes in advance for the constant POV shifts, kinda integral to get the feel that this is all happened at the same time in different places.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Same Day
"Sorry about that." Alpha Ash Kirkshaw said as he reentered the living room his Luna and I were currently sitting and catching up in.
"Everything alright?" She asked with worry, he's left to answer a private call in his office. He bent down and placed a gentle hand on her small belly and kissed her sweetly.
"Better than ever, that was Vale's Beta George...apparently Sapphire Junction Pack caught the band of rogues plauging our surrounding packs."
I was glad to hear it, "Well I guess it's good news all around." I said and smiled, "Your Luna was just telling me the moon goddess has blessed you both with another pregnancy."
They both nodded, "A great blessing indeed." The Luna said before standing up and we joined her, "I'll leave you both to it...the kids will be back from my parents any minute and they're going to be needing dinner to come down from the sugar high i'm sure my mom is putting them in."
I laughed at her little quip and Alpha Ash and I watched her go. "After you," he said as he gestured toward his office."How's your mother doing?" He asked as he closed the door behind him and took his seat at his desk. "Vale has explained you were coming here from your sister in Laws pack due to your mother's health?"
I nodded, "Yes, she had a fall while visiting with my brother, but she's much better, her elbow's one hundred percent and her hip is still pretty tender but she's a tough old Were so she'll be dancing in no time." I smiled. "Honestly I know she'll be glad to be back home...we both will."
A knowing smile filled his face, "I'm sure you were missed, no doubt your absence was most notable."
I shook my head, "Vale's done an amazing job as Alpha long before I ever arrived..."
"Even you have to admit how reliant he is upon you." He sounded.
I tried to hold my composure as much as possible, "It's true he counts on me for a great deal, however we at the Reed River pack have a great team leading the pack, each leader is not only essential but proficient in keeping the pack going strong."
He actually laughed this time, "Spoken like a true're good Jessa, anyways lets get down to these damn finances."
{ Vale }
After we had lunch I knew Shelby had to be going stir crazy from being cooped up in the house these past couple of weeks so I took the time to let her stretch her legs by showing her the heart of our town. We went to various stores and even stopped into a small baby store.
"Should we start shopping for the nursery?" I asked a little excited by seeing the baby items.
She shrugged, "How about we do that another day...I have a feeling this little girls room is going to be an all day sort of task."I nodded my agreement, I didn't want her to feel rushed when we did decide to shop for everything and grow overwhelmed.
"By the way..." I said getting her attention once more. "Have you thought of any names yet?"
"A few...but I keep coming back to one in particular." She admitted, coyly.
"Then maybe that one should be her name."
"Joy." She sounded.
I looked at her, I couldn't tell if she said it sarcastically as she was smiling. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." She laughed a little, "That's the name...Joy."
I understood now, we left shortly after.
As we walked along the sidewalks and looked at the various shop windows, I had to be honest. I noticed people looking at us and as much as I may have had this internal urge to hold her hand, But I knew better than to just grab her hand..I knew we had pretenses to keep up. For now the pack needed to think she was just any ordinary new pack member.
Instead I tucked my hands in my pockets to quell the growing urge.
A teenage couple passed us holding hands and I heard the small sigh fall from Shelby.
"Is it messed up that I just want to blow our cover and just have you hold my hand or hug me or the night of the wedding."
She was right, on the night of Nico's wedding Shelby and I could be open with our touching because for one the focus wasn't on us, and also you kind of have to touch if you're dancing.
"How about we go dancing?" I asked.
"What...we can't just go dancing." She shook her head but a smile on full display.
"Why not, I covered patrols for Wex last night so he's got me tonight...and I remember how much you loved it that night."
She smiled even bigger now, "I've always loved dancing...ugh but i'm huge."
"You are not." I said smiling as I look at her, and in fact she wasn't...she was one of those girl who was all baby belly and it looked absoultely adorable on her.
"You're really taking me dancing?" She asked excitedly now.
I shrugged, "If you want to...I understand if you don't or it's too much."
She shook her head, "No...of course I want to go."
"Well...we've still got a few hours to kill before any of the clubs will be open." I noted as it was barely going on 2 in the after noon and while we have many night clubs, they usually don't open until 9ish.
"Well I guess we could just go back to the house." She said.
I could pick up her tone and knew that she really wasn't ready to go back to the house. "How about we go back to your house, I can finally get all of your stuff into the house and together we can set up, then I'll leave you to relax for a while and get ready and pick you back up around 5 or 6 and we can do whatever you want."
"How about dinner and a movie before we go dancing?" She asked, her face was practically glowing with giddiness.
"Like I said, we'll do whatever you want...but if we burn through all of that tonight you're going to get bored with me before long."
"I'd never grow bored of you." she said cutely.
I forgot myself in the moment and simply moved so that I kissed her.
It was a quick playful peck on the lips but when I pulled away I saw her shocked face and suddenly remembered that we were not suppose to be affectionate in public.
I looked around and didn't see anyone."I think the coast is clear." I teased to make light of the situation.
She shook her head, " Even still, we should be more careful." She said seriously. I knew she had a lot riding on our just friends act.
I nodded, I knew she was right. "My carried away."
She shrugged, "Maybe we can get carried away a little later when we're alone."
I smirked. "Don't tempt me Shelby Hawthorne."
{ Jessa }
"All in all financially everything looks in order and I'd say the businesses you've taken on are all on an upswing at the moment so it's only a matter of time before you start seeing your gain, and liquid asset will follow." I put in as I closed my laptop and put it away properly.
"You sound like my brother now." He commented.
I shrugged, "I may or may not be taking some online financial courses."
"Wow, I'm impressed...I mean that shit personally gives me a headache...but more power to you...These are Vale's copies." He said as he collected the various articles of paper we had essentially reviewed together and then paper clipped them together before finally handing them over.
I carefully put them away alongside the laptop in my bag, knowing Vale needed them. We knew our business was done and we both got up to leave the office.
"I forgot to ask, did you need to go back and pick your mother up from your brother's house or did you drop her off at your pack?" He asked.
I shook my head, "I didn't want to risk her reinjuring her hip from riding in the car that long so she flew back this morning."
"I'm glad to hear it."
I smiled, "And she's glad to be back...already had plans last I talked to her, but I should be going."
"You kidding me?" He sounded amused. "Flora will have a heartattack if she knew you were trying to leave without having dinner first."
I smiled once again, "You're too kind."
He shrugged, "We like you Jessa... and My mate genuinely wouldn't let anyone leave this house without eating something's just who she is."
I understood I was wasn't going anywhere for a while so I set my bag down on the side table near the front door and went to see if Luna Flora needed some help in the kitchen.
But while Alpha Ash and I had been in our meeting it seemed his children had arrived and they ambushed me before I could reach their mother.
They dragged me outside to the familiar play set from last time.
A wave of sadness filled me but I masked it so the children wouldn't see.
Truth was I was sorta of dreading returning to the pack...while I miss everyone and do want to see Vale (more than I should to be honest), I knew His mate was there now...and I knew I'd need to see her and meet her eventually...but I was just hoping it wouldn't be for a while more.
I looked up at the kids to see one of the boys cradling his arm, then I saw blood.
"Oh lets get you inside." I sounded as calmly as possible.
"What happened?" Luna Flora asked worriedly as we entered the kitchen.
The injured boy blamed his younger brothers for pushing him and apparently he cut himself on a piece of metal sticking out of the play set.
I apologized to the Alpha and Luna for not paying better attention.
"Don't worry...they hurt themselves all the time, even when we're watching them." Alpha Ash said kindly before turning to his son now. "You're gonna get a good scar there."
Luna Flora sighed, "Too bad you aren't a full Were'd already be healing if you were and you wouldn't get a scar."
After that we all sat down for dinner while the injured son went upstairs with his father to get cleaned up.
The kids were a rambunctious crowd but Luna Flora calmed them down with food.
I watched as the kids began tearing into the food and Luna Flora smiled, "Go Ahead Jessa." The meal was delicious of course, Luna Flora is an amazing cook.
When the Alpha rejoined us most of the kids were already finished and leaving the table.
Some asked for seconds and by the end of the meal I was genuinely full and exhausted. "Alright then...I really should get going...thank you so much for always showing me so much hospitality." I said as Flora hugged me.
"You should probably just stay the evening...It's pretty late." Alpha Ash suggested with concern.
I brushed his words away, "I'll be I don't want my mom to worry."
I grabbed my bag and thanked them once again before taking truth I was acting a little selfishly even though I knew I shouldn't.
I was really excited to see Vale again, and I knew if it was this late I'd more than likely catch him by himself when I drop off these papers.
I smiled and took off thinking about seeing Vale again soon.
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