Chapter: Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Six: My Girls
"Alright Pinky, come on back now." I said with a little Alpha authority leaking into my words.
I watched as she went behind the trees, I knew she'd shift back now.
"Don't get use to bossing me around." She said smiling before she came over wearing a pretty dress.
I took her into my arms and kissed her.
"That's one mistake I wouldn't dream of making...but I've gotta admit I don't think you need me to shift with you anymore."
A few months had gone by and it was a long road to recovery for Jessa.
Despite not wanting to admit it, I noticed her shifting didn't come as seemless At first and I had to sort of nudge her back into her human form every time. But today, I knew I really didn't have to order her to come back, it was more out of habit.
Also, miraculously these past few months had passed without anything big really happening. And as Fall approached I grew anxious.
"Relax Monkey." Jessa said as we walked into my office and I closed the door behind her.
I grabbed her hand and lead her to my seat behind the desk, I took a seat and gently pulled her onto my lap, she smiled and I brushed her lovely red hair behing her shoulder so that I could kiss her.
In the past few months I was glad to say that Jessa had fully healed and had sort of been staying here at the house with me. More so, just about everyone was guessing we were a couple, but neither of us had come out and confirmed anything yet.
"The dinner will go off without a hitch." She assured me.
And I one hundred percent believe her.
Over the past few months Jessa had been putting together a dinner for our families, you see we were finally going to be able to bring Joy home and we figured we would let our families know that we've been in a relationship.
But to be honest, since I had everyone here, I was actually planning on asking Jessa to marry me.
This was something I had given a lot of thought, and as strongly as I feel for Jessa...mixed in with the fact that I nearly lost her. I knew I could never live without her by my side.
I looked at my drawer that housed the engagement ring.
I had even went so far as to ask Mrs Reeves for her permission to marry her daughter.
Of course I had slightly doubts, mainly...I wondered if I was moving too quickly?
But I don't think it's possible to ever find any other woman who could hold my whole heart the way Jessa does.
"We'll bring our girl home in about an hour and then all of our families will start arriving."
I nodded, "Just hope everything works out fine." I said nervously. What if I ask her and she says no?
"It will...I'm sure of it." She said before she kissed me and got up still holding my hand and pulling me along with her.
After that we rode over to the hospital in Jessa's new small SUV, the baby's car seat securely fastened in, on the back seat. We pulled up to the front of the hospital knowing we'd be in and out.
We saw all the familiar nurses on our way to Joy's room, and once we reached her room we saw the Doctor already doing his final examination.
I held onto Jessa's hand for support. What if they didn't let us take her today, what if something was wrong?
But the doctor smiled at us, "You two ready to take this little one home?"
I smiled and nodded, but my smile widened as I watched the nurse place Joy into Jessa's arms.
Of course this wasn't the first time she's held her, but every single time I saw my girls together I couldn't help but smile with pride.
I signed all of the papers and shook the hands of all the nurses and the doctor before a nurse joined us out with all of Joy's collected belongings.
Once outside I grew extremely nervous.
"Vale..." Jessa smiled as we reached the car.
"What's wrong gorgeous?"
She continued to smile, "Could you get the door please and then hold her while I get in first?"
"Oh...oh of course." I said as I moved to open the back door, Jessa handed me the baby before she got in. Now the car seat was right behind the drivers seat, so Jessa was sitting right in the middle but wanted to be able to help me get the baby buckled up properly, as I had struggled a little with the doll we practiced on beforehand.
"Am I doing this right?" I asked unsure of everyting right now.
She nodded, "'re doing great Monkey." Jessa offered encouragingly with a warm smile.
Once I got all of the little straps buckled in securely I closed the door as gently as I could so as not to make too much noise, but also had to make sure it was closed properly so it wouldn't fly open.
Jessa buckled in as well and I carefully drove off back to the house.
Of course as I pulled up to the house, my Sister and Brother in law would already be pulling in as well.
"Shit they're early." I said a little annoyed.
"Don't worry, they'll be too distracted with Joy to notice the rooms aren't quite ready yet." Jessa sounded sweetly.
The whole ride home, I don't think she took her eyes off of Joy once.
I got off the car and waved at Titus who seemed to be opening the passenger door for my sister. I opened the back seat door and Jessa unbuckled and got up, grabbing my attention.
"Hey, Everything is going to be fine..." She said before kissing me. "I'm in love with you Vale Kirkshaw." She smiled.
I kissed her back, "Im in love with you Jessa Reeves."
It's what we always said to eachother now, but mostly when we could tell the other was worried or unsure.
Jessa unbuckled the baby and I picked her up carefully before I held my hand out for Jessa, to help her out of the car too.
Titus and Evie walked over to us and Jessa closed the door before my sister hugged her and then hugged me.
"Oh I can't wait to see her." Evie said excitedly.
I handed Joy to My sister and She and Jessa looked at the baby while Titus hugged me, "Hey a minute real quick?" He asked.
I noticed he had his laptop bag with him now.
I knew he wanted to talk business.
I nodded, "Of course."
Jessa looked at me and understood immediately. "Would you like to see her nursery?" She asked my sister, Jessa understood my brother in law wanted to speak to me privately. No doubt she wanted to know why, but I had no clue what was going on myself.
I showed my brother in law into my office and closed the door behind us.
"Can I get you a drink or anything?" I asked.
"I'm good, thanks." Titus said as he took a seat, I took my seat behind the desk and awaited his reason for a sudden meeting.
"I'm sorry to catch you off guard Vale, and on such a joyus pun intended." He smiled.
I smiled as well and nodded, "It's all good, so what's up?"
"Well I know the timing isn't the best man...but it's been a full six month's since we sat down and drew up the contracts for your bridal candidacy..."
I heard his words but they didn't quite register.
"So again, I know given Shelby only passed away a few months back...but you've signed off on taking a bride , So i've come to present you with your Union Ceremony package which includes the bridal candidates to choose from."
Now I was speechless.
"Now your sister and I have put together the best candidates for you to choose from, all Alpha's daughters, well respected, strong family lines, all willing to enter a union.
I looked on as he took a folder and pushed it towards me now.
"Take your time looking through them, and once you've made your selection just let me know and I'll get back with my dad about moving forward with a proper Union Ceremony. "
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