Chapter: One
Chapter One: Alpha Role
{ Vale }
"Vale...It's you're turn." My sister said before she placed my niece into my arms and pulled out a camera.
I awkwardly shuffled my niece in my too big hands as I tried to hold her in a more comfortable position.
"Gosh Vale don't look so weirded out about hold her." Evie laughed as she snapped the damn picture.
"Please take her before I drop her." I sounded.
Thankfully Titus came up and took his daughter from me. He gave me a small smile, "You get use to it." He said as he smoothly shifted her little form and carfeully cradled her in his arms.
"Well...hate to cut it short, but I gotta get back, my Beta informs me That we have two families trying to return to the pack, got meetings for the festival, as well as new Pack guard training that I need to over see...or atleast familiarize myself with the guys." I smiled.
Everyone knows i'm no fighter...I'm faster than most and got a hell of a natural tracking ability, but my lack of brute strength means I rely on my packguard more than most Alpha's.
Titus pat my shoulder, "we'll be down in a couple of months for the festival...can't wait to see what you've done to the pack by then."
I gave him a hug before my sister walked over and pulled me into her own rib crushing hug.
"Call me know I miss you Vale."
I sighed, "I'm fine Evie." She always smothered me. "But I'll make an attempt to call more."
She smiled, "That's all I ask...well that and settle down already, you can't keep jumping from girlfriend to girlfriend...the pack needs a Luna."
I shook my head, I knew my sister cared about me and (as a Luna herself) the good of the pack. But I couldn't imagine having a Luna who wasn't my mate. "Bye Evie."
As I was the last of the guests I didn't have to tell everyone bye and simply left.
The whole plane ride home Evie's words stuck out to 28 the likelihood of me finding my mate by now seems unrealistic...maybe I should finally take up Titus on his assistance with an inevitable Bridal candidacy.
I sighed heavily.
As an Alpha I understand my duty to govern the pack as best as I can and I know the pack needs a Luna...I just wish I could be as Lucky as Ash and Evie...they get to live their lives with their mate, and run their packs smoothly.
When I finally got home I was greated by George.
The years hadn't been too kind to him but he was an excellent Beta.
And thankfully he was already grooming his son to take his place when he retired, and I was all for it. Wex and I had known each other most of our lives, him being one year older than me we weren't exactly best friends or anything but he knew the pack well and with his dad's guidance these past few years I knew he'd be as good a Beta as anyone.
"Your Sister dropped by, left you some stuff." George had filled me.
I nodded, making a mental note to call Briar and thank her for whatever she brought me, "What about the families that were trying to come back?"
"The council approved them, They are the Reeves' and the Gunthry's...the former has already moved back...-"
"I think I remember the Reeves Family... They had two kids?"
"Yeah, Twins...a boy and a girl, the son's married, and the Reeves daughter came with her mother...Mr Reeves past last year, apparently that's what's brought them troubles."
I nodded my understanding, I hated to know anyone in my pack is struggling with anything, new or not. "Mr Reeves was a nice man." I recalled. "...I remember he use to run the Pharmacy back in the day."
"Yep, sold it off the the Carlyle's before he moved his family out East...the second family should be arriving within the week a young family, around your sister's ages, I don't know if you remember Anna Mills, anyways she met her mate but she recently got pregnant and now she wants to set down her family roots back home here."
"Yeah I think she might have hung out with Brooke and Briar in highschool...the name sounds really familiar."
"Regardless both families will be coming by to extend their gratitude for being allowed into the pack, with your permission I'd like to have Wexler in attendance for that, It doesn't really require Beta assistance but I'd like to start incorporating him more so the pack gets use to him."
"Yeah I think that's a really good idea, and you just say the word and we can have the presentation party fully announcing him as the new Beta."
He clapped my back and chuckled, "You trying to run me off already?"
I smiled and shook my head. From there he filled me in on the patrol runs, the most recent shifts in the pack (new members), and finally the offical full list of the new pack guard.
"Some of them are still your previous guard, in reality most of them are...theres only three or four new guys." He smiled, "You had a lot of candidates...speaks volumes when your pack members are willing to put themselves on the line for you and the pack."
I smiled a little, I always tried to stay humble but even I knew the quality of life here in the pack after my dad was removed had improved vastly. I credited it all to George, Ash, and Victor...of course they said it was all me and my compassion for the people.
"Well we'll have to find a way to thank everyone who tried out for the guard despite them not making it as well as congratulate those that did make it."
"A banquet perhaps?"
"Seems too formal, maybe a banquet for those that made it, but a pack party for everyone we can probably even incorporate it with the Fall festival?"
"I don't see why not...and i'm sure the pack members who tried out will be honored to even have you acknowledge their attempts...but speaking of the Fall Festival, You will have to have a meeting with the town commitee about Proper licenses for the stands and zoning clearances for the rides, finances and so on."
I rolled my eyes, "We do this four times a year literally for the past seven'd think they'd just let us get it done."
When I took the role of Alpha I wanted to give back to my pack, and as a form of thanks we would have a carnival for each season. At first it started off as a fun thing for everyone to enjoy then it grew as our local businesses began setting up stands and booths to sell their various goods (food, trinkets, jewlery, toys...) the best thing was that even though we used pack funds to put the festival together we tend to make money with tickets sales as some of our alliance pack's members also join us for that weekend.
"Now I don't mean to pry or overstep...but this would go a lot smoother if you had a...-"
I sighed, "a Luna...I know."
"I was going to say assistant, but yes... a Luna would typically run these sort of things."
"Sorry, I had Evie in my ear about a Luna this whole weekend." I admitted, "I'm starting to think i'm gonna have to go through with a Union after all...but an assistant would help out a ton to be honest."
"Yeah especially since you'll be going out of town in two months for The Pruitt wedding." He pointed out. "While the pack Guard and I can handle the main stuff for the pack, you will need someone for the subtle nuances and logistics."
"I'll look into it."
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