38) Of More Kisses and Even More Confusion
Date: December 4th
Time: 6:12pm
Location: outside?
Mood: I'm so Lovely, You so Lovely, We so Lovely. lovely Lovely Lovely
The man in question winced at the anger fueled voice of his eldest hyung, evidently furious at him for some unseen reason. Y/n, who had relented to a hug/cuddle session (they had hidden themselves in a quiet alley behind her home) blinked up at him in curiosity, her arms still enveloped around his waist.
Palms tightened and loosened again in order to calm himself. It was a vain attempt. The pack member who scared him more than the alpha, was the omega of the group. Backwards it was, yet true.
"Hyung? What's wrong?" He dared to venture, knowing he was about to be on the end of one of his infamous, rap-speed scoldings, though he had yet to figure out why.
That question was soon answered.
"First-you-go-and-do-something-as-reckless-as losing-your-temper-and-hurting-yourself-in-the-process-but-then!!! You-act-even-more-like-a-child-than-the-grown-man-that-you-supposedly-are-and-let-your-condition-worsen-by-allowing-your-wound-to-fester-and-giving-yourself-an-infection!! Then-as-if-that-wasn't-enough-to-deal-with-you-MISS-YOUR-FOLLOW-UP-APPOINTMENT?!? WHAT-do-think-you're-doing? Are-you-trying-to-kill-yourself? Or-my-nerves?"
"No, hyung, I-"
"I wasn't-"
Usually, he would be quick to agree when this hyung. Up until this point in his life not once did he think to defy him. But...Y/n. All snuggly and warm and clinging onto him. She'd turned her head to rest her cheek on his chest, apparently content to be in his arms. For a moment, an intense and irrational urge to growl and threaten Jin for trying to separate them took over. In most cases his wolf was the sensible one, but he was still an animal. An animal that didn't care for violence or hunting. Yet, on the flip side, one that did not take being ripped away from his mate lightly.
Then there was Jimin, the man. A gentle, compassionate man. Mostly all he wanted in life was to be with Y/n, to make her smile and watch her get bashful over simple things and from whom he would beg for kisses. But family was also important and that's exactly what Seokjin was to him. He couldn't be mad at him when he knew his big brother was only looking out for him.
"Sorry." He murmured, dropping his nose to nudge at Y/n's ear. Her scent calmed him down immediately but also reminded him that soon they would have to separate. "I'll go right now."
With a slight pout Y/n blinked up at him, giving him the extreme urge to toss the phone and all familial ties away. Would it be worth it just to get an extra cuddle?
Probably, but he was still too afraid of Jin's reaction to test that theory.
The older man didn't seem to trust him and issued his next order. "Are you with your mate?"
"Hand her the phone."
"Hand it to her right now."
Confused but compliant, he motioned the phone in her direction. She hesitated to take it from him, sharing his puzzlement. At his shrug she unwound her arms from his waist and brought the phone to her ear.
"Hello Y/n-ssi, I'm Kim Seokjin. Unfortunately for you this isn't a FaceTime call but I'm sure you will have the pleasure of seeing my face at some point in the future."
Y/n looked to Jimin to find him face-palming.
"Uh, it-it's nice to m-meet you, I'm Yoon Y/n." her head bumped against Jimin's chest as she bowed in greeting. Unable to help himself, he grinned and pinched her cheeks and she lightly slapped his hands away.
"Yes, you are the red marshmallow I've heard so much about." He commented, bringing Y/n to send Jimin an appalled look. Sheepishly he shrugged and tried to grab her face again but she shrugged him off. "Listen, Yoon-ssi, we don't know each other very well but I need a favor from you, if you'd be willing."
Wiggling to be let out of the new hug Jimin had trapped her in, she replied. "Yes I'm willing if I-if I'm able to help." The end of her sentence came out in a small squeak when his teeth clasped onto the sensitive skin of her earlobe. That was going too far. Her timid nature already held her back but to do something like this while she was talking to his friend on the phone was out of line. She struggled to remember that self defense move Seo-Joon had taught her to get out of a hold as an oblivious Jin continued.
"As you know, Jimin hurt his arm some weeks back. Then he was careless enough to let it get infected-" Y/n halted mid struggle to listen closer. She had no idea things had gotten that bad. "-I took him back to get that taken care of but he had one more appointment afterward that he skipped-"
Jimin flinched and backed away in fear at the anger in his tiny mate's voice. One hand clenched the phone to her ear while her ordinarily bashful and flushing face had hardened into a fierce expression that didn't match her.
Gulping, he dropped his gaze to his feet, scared and thrown off by this change. His wolf ignored his cry for help, choosing instead to hide beneath his paws.
"Yes, very good." Jin went on, no doubt approving of this reaction. "I've scheduled him another appointment for today and he needs to be there. Would you mind ensuring that he gets there?"
"Yes, I-I'm sorry Jin-ssi," she apologized as if Jimin were an errant child. "I'll see to it th-that it gets taken care of."
"Excellent." Jin approved of her already. "You should come round for supper one night soon. We're all dying to meet you but Jimin doesn't want to share."
"Oh, ok." She agreed distractedly, still upset with Jimin for not taking care of himself. "That sounds nice."
It sounded terrifying, and if she had been less preoccupied she would have declined or maybe tried to have scheduled it for next year.
"That's great! Next week it is, then."
Having been hung up on, Y/n handed the phone back to Jimin, features still etched into disapproving glare. Nervously he took it from her hand and slipped it back into his pocket, his eyes staying trained on his mate. He was surprised when she grabbed his arm and peeled the sleeve of his sweater back, the worry lines between her brows increasing when she caught sight of the jagged scar that ran down his inner forearm.
How it had happened was what she wanted to ask and what he was most afraid of. But she remained silent as one finger traced the length of the healed over wound tenderly.
"I, um," he began carefully, "skipped the last appointment because I didn't need it. I-AH!" He jumped when her angry face reappeared to glare fiercely at him. "That's scary! Stop looking at me like that."
After she hastily shoved the sleeved back down she crossed her arms over her chest.
"You're going to that appointment."
"But I don't need to! Look, that was weeks ago! Since then I've been perfectly healthy. No pus, no pain, no nausea or fever. I'm fine, I promise."
"Ok." she relented and he relaxed, before her next sentence put the fear of god into him.
"But no more kisses."
Paling dramatically, his words left in a wheeze. "But that—that's not fair! Don't say that; it's not funny."
His face showed clear distress, expression begging. A part of her wanted to give in, but that part was small. His health was important to her, even if it wasn't important to him.
"I didn't say it to be funny."
"Y/n," he whined her real name for once, an obvious sign of his displeasure. "Why are you taking his side, huh? I'm your man, not him."
Ah, emotional blackmail. Y/n had experienced that enough with Hyuna to recognize the signs. Although 'I'm your man' threatened to do her in, she would remain strong.
"Stop, Jimin. Or-or," she tried to think of additional punishment. "No more hugs either."
"Ok!" He screamed in panic. "Ok, ok, fine!" Muttering under his breath he returned her glare. "You meany!"
Y/n gasped. She wasn't mean! He was the one being childish. Well, two could play at that game. "Am not, you bootyhole!" The fact that she ended that insult in laughter made it completely lose it's meaning.
His face started to soften at the sound but when she snapped back into a stern expression he bowed his head, clasping his hands in front of him.
"I'll go right away, promise."
"I want you to text when you're there."
"And take a selfie in the waiting room and send it to me."
"And I want to see your receipt with today's date on it."
"FIIINE," he moaned in defeat and leaned forward, tilting over so far that she had to back up a step, lest their heads knocked together. That was what he wanted and his winning grin boasted it, as each hand came up to rest on the wall behind her.
"I'll go but I want a kiss as incentive."
"Why do you keep asking?" She blurted out randomly, failing to notice the bit of surprise before it turned to a smirk.
"I thought I had to." He moved forward until their noses bumped together. "I guess you want me to kiss you whenever I want."
"N-no! I didn't mean it like that."
Sparks danced across her skin as his fingers came to skim along a reddened cheek. "Admit it, baby. You like it just as much as I do. Isn't that right?"
"N-n-no! I mean, yes. I," blushing tomato red she weakly slapped at his shoulder. "Stop it."
Before she could stop him, he swooped in and began to pepper her face in kisses.
"Jimin!" She squirmed around as he continued but he paid no mind to that. "St-stop! I'm still mad at you."
"No you're not." He nipped at her nose as she giggled, realized her mistake, and attempted to force her expression back to a serious one.
"Yes I am!"
It was very hard to remain stoic when he started kissing her lips. Pressing a few pecks as they both giggled and she tried to escape, the sounds of their laughter echoing down into the street.
A yelp ran across the across the alleyway when he picked her up around the waist until her toes were barely touching the ground.
But protest soon gave way to another feeling—of sparks and tingles and longing as their mouths melded together. He set the pace and she did her best to keep up, still a novice at this type of thing. Not that it mattered. There was still a sliver of insecurity within her when it came to this, but she knew that Jimin would never make her feel anything less than perfect. He treated her like a queen.
If only she was as perfect as he saw her, maybe she could have made him feel like a king. Trying her best didn't cut it, (not in her opinion) and not with her limitations holding her back. Even now she couldn't keep up with him. Had to pull back to take a breath.
He silenced her with another kiss, gentle and smooth. Until his teeth delivered a love bite, a bit harder than usual. Insulted but flustered at the same time, she drew back to look at him questioningly.
"I'm really starting to hate that word." He groused. "Next time I hear it I don't care where we are, I'll bite that lip."
Her heart thundered at that threat and she couldn't decide if she wanted him to keep that promise or not. Probably not. But the close proximity and overall intimacy of the moment blurred her common sense and brain functions. As she'd feared, Jimin was really bad for her health.
Fist softly colliding with his shoulder she whispered, "stop attacking me."
In lieu of a reply, his kissed her once more. Taking his time with it, his lips gently persuaded hers to give in. Unable to figure out what to do with all the immense feeling in her chest this gave, her fist tightened into the neckline of his shirt, knuckles brushing against his collarbone.
"What does that mean?" He pulled away to ask, but went back to her lips before she could answer.
Her feet wiggled in the air, the tips of her sneakers touching the toes of his own. The moon and the orange glow of the street lamp a short ways away penetrated the shadowed alcove they found themselves in was enough to for them to see one another, but positioned in a place that was not easily seen from the outside. It was perfect and Jimin made a mental note to bring her here everyday, mainly for the purpose of getting her hard to attain kisses.
Parting was hard, and that much was clear when he tried to draw back but couldn't help going in for another kiss when hers looked so inviting and lonely.
"Your appointment." She tried, but honestly at the moment she struggled as much as he did to separate. This was made more evident when he successfully detached and was taking a breaths to steady himself and this time around it was her hand tugging on his shirt to bring him back. If she were to be really honest with herself, he was right. She loved this as much as he did and if the situation were reversed, he the shy one and she the outgoing, it would be her begging for more of these moments.
"You didn't tell me." He said instead between kisses. Sometimes short and tender touches of their lips and other times frenzied and passionate.
"Tell you what?" she gasped and tangled her hands into his hair as he went for her neck.
"What it means." A hot tongue swirled behind an ear, bringing forth a whimper from her mouth.
"What...what?" Where even was up? North, east, south, west. It was all the same direction at this moment.
Another whimper, accompanied by a short moan when he nibbled on her earlobe was paired with an in-human growl from his throat. It would have caught her attention if they were doing anything other than what they were at the moment. Rather than alerting her, it slipped into the back of her mind, lost behind a haze of pink lust.
"What does it mean?" He asked between kisses to her forehead.
"It's when you-when you make my heart do...the thing."
Pulling away, he studied her in confusion.
"What thing?"
"Um," face flushing anew she brought one hand to his chest and drew circular patterns. "This thing."
His eyes widened in realization. "But you said that forever ago! You liked me since then?!?"
Feeling pouty and somewhat disappointed for the time he'd missed out on, Jimin set to 'attacking' her one last time before setting off for his appointment.
Said appointment was as useless as he had anticipated for it to be. The doctor didn't bother to come by, it was a nurse who asked some questions, looked at it, then told him that he was free to leave.
If only leaving had been so easy. The hospital was a maze. A sign pointing him towards the right direction must have been missed somewhere along the way because now he roamed the halls, confused and disoriented. How did the hospital staff navigate through here everyday?
Taking note of two people in front of him, he decided to follow because they seemed to know where they were going. Maybe eventually he could catch sight of an elevator or any sign to point him on the right path.
Rather than finding his way out, he seemed to have stumbled into another wing, one that felt like he didn't belong in. It was very quiet here, apart from the slight humming of machines his eyes couldn't see.
While trying to find a way out, his attention wasn't on where he was going.
The sound of sneakers squeaking on the floor and a intake of air from someone else alerted him just in time to stop himself from crashing into the person that had just exited from behind a curtain.
A familiar scent hit his nose, giving away who this was before his eyes did.
Mouth gaping at his sudden appearance, no words came out as their eyes locked. Both were equally confused on why the other was there. For some reason, Jimin felt his eyes drawn to her left arm, but before he saw anything she jerked her sleeve down and an unprecedented rage rolled over her face like an incoming storm.
The sudden animosity directed towards him should have been a warning to back off, but the curiosity was too overwhelming.
"Why are you here?"
Two nurses walked by, giving birth to a wind that fluttered the curtain from which she had just exited. For a second he caught sight of a strange looking machine that he couldn't identify.
In the next moment, Hyuna had gripped a fistful of his collar and was shoving him behind the curtain. Her face was indescribably angry but there was an underlying and fleeting look of fear and desperation there too.
With fire in her eyes and through clenched teeth she hissed at him, "listen here wolf. You don't tell anyone about this, and I don't tell anyone about your secret. Ya got it?"
Perplexed and astounded, he didn't reply but stared at her. Why was she so upset? And more importantly, how did she know? Hyuna was not a wolf. She was human. He knew that to be true by her scent.
Speaking of her scent, that part of it that always eluded him finally clicked into place and his stomach dropped to his toes. Hyuna smelled like his mom. Not his healthy mom. But his very sick mom.
He watched as the normally vibrant and strong woman in front of him shoved him away, a telling wetness coating her eyes.
"Not one word." She warned one last time before leaving him there, more lost than he had been initially.
Edited 8/2/22
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